Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

And the point when a baby can survive outside its "host" (you know, the person most people call mother) is subject to change based on the technology of the day. What will you say when someone invents an artificial womb that will allow a baby to survive separate from its mother from conception?

Only the ghouls refer to a mother as a "host." They do so to dehumanize their prey.
So if the biological mother of a child dies, the child dies as a direct result?

It depends at what point in gestation, past 5 months - no, the child lives, if Abortionist ghouls can be kept away from it.

Listen to what you are saying. Fetuses require their biological mother's survival for their immediate survival and as a result they require their biological mother's consent for their survival as well.

Not true, what you term "fetus" live every single day outside the womb. While 5 months gestation is considered "generally survival," there are cases nearing 4 month where the infant has survived outside the womb.

So is a breast feeding infant. You desperately seek to dehumanize your victim, but succeed only in dehumanizing yourself.

Peer reviewed what? Journal of ghouls?

A DNA test of cancer cells would show human DNA, should there be laws against their removal?

Ah yes, the moroinc ghoul straw man. Does a cancer growth have an independent heartbeat and brain waves, Herr Mengele?

No I make most of my money from investments.

Investments in abortion mills? Sucking up all those tax payer dollars that fund PP and the other abortion rackets?

You still don't get it. A infant is living independent of it's biological mother regardless if it is being breastfed or not. Woman die in childbirth and the infant still survives because it is now biologically independent. It isn't a difficult concept.
Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

"Hail satan"? Is the pro abortion group really going this route?

They ARE NOT CHANTING "Hail Satan", that's simply a lie that someone told you to say Avatar...

Did you hear chanting by the group saying "hail Satan"?

You couldnt have, because that is NOT what they are chanting in this video....had to put earphones on but....

They are chanting,

Not the Church,
Not the State,
Women must
Decide our Fate!

only the girl with the tongue, at the very end, played to the camera and... said hail satan
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They ARE NOT CHANTING "Hail Satan",

They are chanting,

Not the Church,
Not the State,
Women must
Decide our Fate!

You're a fucking idiot. Everyone plain as day can hear them chanting HAIL SATAN
no, I'm not the crazy one at all....

you can clearly hear the rhythm of the chant

not the church,

not the state,

women must

decide our FATE

THERE IS NO HAIL SATAN in their chants


hail satan

hail satan

put some headphones on and listen....there absolutely is NO HAIL SATAN being chanted by the group in this video, NONE, NADA, NIENTE, ZIP, ZILCH hail satan.....being chanted

sorry, you lose on this one.
you can clearly hear the rhythm of the chant

not the church,

not the state,

women must

decide our FATE

THERE IS NO HAIL SATAN in their chants
Ok, I'm listening to this video, at TIME = 0:28, the only chant that can be heard in the entire video is HAIL SATAN. List the TIME in the video that you hear any other chant.

Provide the TIME when you hear this chant.
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They ARE NOT CHANTING "Hail Satan",

They are chanting,

Not the Church,
Not the State,
Women must
Decide our Fate!

You're a fucking idiot. Everyone plain as day can hear them chanting HAIL SATAN
no, I'm not the crazy one at all....

you can clearly hear the rhythm of the chant

not the church,

not the state,

women must

decide our FATE

THERE IS NO HAIL SATAN in their chants


hail satan

hail satan

put some headphones on and listen....there absolutely is NO HAIL SATAN being chanted by the group in this video, NONE, NADA, NIENTE, ZIP, ZILCH hail satan.....being chanted

sorry, you lose on this one.

It happened here in Austin----our local news played several versions of the event.
Hail Satan---loud and clear.
you can clearly hear the rhythm of the chant

not the church,

not the state,

women must

decide our FATE

THERE IS NO HAIL SATAN in their chants
Ok, I'm listening to this video, at TIME = 0:28, the only chant that can be heard in the entire video is HAIL SATAN. List the TIME in the video that you hear any other chant.

Provide the TIME when you hear this chant.

I SAID, that the girl with the tongue is the ONLY ONE that played in to the camera with Hail Satan at the very end.

but listen from 00:01 onward and listen to the rhythm of the chant being chanted,

not the church

not the State,

women must decide our fate

you can't even put hail satan in there to try to fake this group is chanting hail Satan...the rhythm of the chant fits exactly what I am saying they are can't even fit a hail satan chant.
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Actually it's fucking history, and it's been beaten to death here by you Revisionistas.

It's history that Hitler nationalized heavy industry. It's history that Hitler stuffed the board of directors of all major corporations with Nazi stooges. It is history that Berlin dictated manufacturing quotas to all industry in Germany is history.

Hmm, control of the means of production by the state is "conservative?"

I think a different term is used, save by those seeking to promote the big lie.

But yes, the hypernationalism and obsession with military, and religion, the constant wistful state longing for the glorious past and the hero figure, the top-down hierarchy, the whole "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" song and dance (expressed by SoCons in English as "family values") -- these are all conservative principles. Not to mention the stratification of classes and demonization of groups deemed subversive to the state, including Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, intellectuals and, all together now... communists, who were in fact the first prisoners at Dachau...

Yet again, who in this age supports a cult of personalty to the little tin god Obama? Who is it that hates JOOOOOZZZZZ and declares Israel an "Apartheid State?"

Why, the Khmer Rouge democrats, of course.

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state with a centrally planned and managed economy. Those who claim that spells "conservative" are dishonest hacks.
I SAID, that the girl with the tongue is the ONLY ONE that played in to the camera with Hail Satan at the very end.

but listen from 00:01 onward and listen to the rhythm of the chant being chanted,

Liar, there is no girl at the end of the video I posted. Tell us the exact time this fictional girl enters. The crowd isn't chanting at all until 0:28, it's just the woman speaking.

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you can clearly hear the rhythm of the chant

not the church,

not the state,

women must

decide our FATE

THERE IS NO HAIL SATAN in their chants
Ok, I'm listening to this video, at TIME = 0:28, the only chant that can be heard in the entire video is HAIL SATAN. List the TIME in the video that you hear any other chant.

Provide the TIME when you hear this chant.

I SAID, that the girl with the tongue is the ONLY ONE that played in to the camera with Hail Satan at the very end.

but listen from 00:01 onward and listen to the rhythm of the chant being chanted,

not the church

not the State,

women must decide our fate

you can't even put hail satan in there to try to fake this group is chanting hail Satan...the rhythm of the chant fits exactly what I am saying they are can't even fit a hail satan chant.

You're wrong. At 30 seconds, someone says "Hail Satan", and then you hear some women laugh. And then you hear the women singsong over and over, "Haaaaail Satan. Haaaaail Satan."

It is obvious you have not even watched the video.
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I SAID, that the girl with the tongue is the ONLY ONE that played in to the camera with Hail Satan at the very end.

but listen from 00:01 onward and listen to the rhythm of the chant being chanted,

Liar, there is no girl at the end of the video I posted. Tell us the exact time this fictional girl enters. The crowd isn't chanting at all until 0:28, it's just the woman speaking.

at 0:28, right where you pointed out hail satan being said in the link that Avatar provided in his first post

Cahnman's Musings: Texas Capital Abortion Supporters chant "Hail Satan"

I haven't listened to your video, I am going off of what was posted in the Op's first post for this thread....

at 0:28 the girl with the tongue faced the camera and said hail Satan...then the clip ends a second or two afterwards.
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okay, I have watched your tape and yes, there are a few people singing, Hail Satan in the back ground....

BUT on the chanting tape that this op began with was NOT CHANTING of hail Satan, period.

While the Christians are singing Amazing Grace, the other group is chanting,

not the church, not the State, women must, decide our fate.
I thought you were defining "Progressive". Now you're on to "the democratic [sic] party" (proper name is capitalized in English). Wtf? Are you abandoning definition then?

I'm not familiar with Hobby Lobby. :dunno:

As you know, in 1968 the shameful democratic party was taken over by the Bolshevik wing of radicals. The disaster that was Hubert Humphrey allowed the Bolsheviks, led by George McGovern, to wrest control of the party away from the remaining Jacksonian democrats. Somewhere along the line, the party decided to co-opt the term used for Teddy Roosevelt's old Bull Moose party, and glommed on to "progressive," though it is highly inappropriate.

democrats are a little dog on a leash held by the greater Bolshevik movement.

Sometimes a post just writes its own rebuttal. :thup:

Pretty funny too. "Somewhere along the line" huh...
okay, I have watched your tape and yes, there are a few people singing, Hail Satan in the back ground....

BUT on the chanting tape that this op began with was NOT CHANTING of hail Satan, period.

While the Christians are singing Amazing Grace, the other group is chanting,

not the church, not the State, women must, decide our fate.

The uploader of the video posted the 2 parts in the wrong order.

The video you watched actually comes first chronologically. The crowd around them keeps chanting Hail Satan, the Pro-Lifers then start singing Amazing Grace to drown them out. The Pro-Satan crowd then encircles them and SHOUTS "HAIL SATAN."

It ends when they're done singing amazing grace, the Pro-Satan crowd stops and the girl sticks her tongue out and jeers "Hail Satan" one last time.

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