Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Excuse me?

It's not complicated. Why did you lie about a zygote having brain activity? After all, your journal said no such thing. So why did you lie, and then double down on the lie by pretending a journal backed you up?

No, you don't need to answer. We all know. That big lie serves the interests of your liars' cult, so you define the big lie as good and holy.

That's why your side has earned the nickname of "pro-lie", by the way. It's more or less assumed anything your cult says is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.
Uncensored, your insistence on brain activity concerning person-hood is problematic for a pro-lifer since there are humans on this planet right now who have no organized brain waves.
Burden of proof rest on those making a claim. Show me peer reviewed evidence of organized brain activity in a fetus.

You posted a link to a journal that does not confirm your claim, and in fact refutes it. While the presence of a failed zygote presenting as a cyst will by definition contain cells that have markers to organs, your claim of "beating heart" was an absurd lie, a fabrication on your part.

So again I ask you, did you complete grade school?

Here is a tumor with a heart.
Sacrococcygeal heart: a very rare differe... [Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2002] - PubMed - NCBI

{ it was diagnosed as a mature teratoma and a rudimentary heart. To the best of our knowledge, the case presented in this report is only the second case of a cardiac development in a teratoma in the literature. }

Well, that is fascinating. One wonders why you didn't post it the first time. Even so, this is not a cancerous tumor, as you had claimed, but a result of failed reproduction, as your first link stated. I've heard that failed twins can be "absorbed" by the surviving twin; this appears related.
It's not complicated. Why did you lie about a zygote having brain activity?

Assumes facts not in reality.

After all, your journal said no such thing. So why did you lie, and then double down on the lie by pretending a journal backed you up?

The fact that you are ignorant and illiterate alters what the journal posted in no way.

No, you don't need to answer. We all know. That big lie serves the interests of your liars' cult, so you define the big lie as good and holy.

What "cult" is this you spew about?

That's why your side has earned the nickname of "pro-lie", by the way. It's more or less assumed anything your cult says is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

And your side has earned the name "ghoul."

Mamooth, you are an idiot. We have established this before. You are poorly educated and hyper-partisan, which is a bad combination.
People are seriously arguing about this? Who fucking cares?

Clearly the anti-choice crowd believes they've found something comparable to shooting abortion doctors and blowing up clinics.

I think we, both sides, need to get real and admit that abortion does in fact kill unborn humans. Now whether that should be illegal or not is another story. Personal I think we should abort all the genetic defects starting with the gays.
People are seriously arguing about this? Who fucking cares?

Clearly the anti-choice crowd believes they've found something comparable to shooting abortion doctors and blowing up clinics.

I think we, both sides, need to get real and admit that abortion does in fact kill unborn humans. Now whether that should be illegal or not is another story. Personal I think we should abort all the genetic defects starting with the gays.

There you go being reasonable....

There are insane nutjobs that believe a condom is murder, because it impedes the possibility of fertilization.

Then there are the ghouls, those like Mamooth and this Zyra clown, who view every live birth as a tragic missed opportunity to kill.

I see these as two sides of the same insane coin, the lunatic fringe. The overwhelming majority of Americans have nothing in common with either of these poles. The claim that the unborn are not human is the utterance of someone ignorant, insane, or both. But the position that abortion can never be used, even to save the live of the mother, is equally as absurd.

Support for abortion on demand is at an all time low, and continuing to decline. On the other hand, support for abortion in cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother is nearly universal. People are migrating away from the fringe, into the middle.

Despite the fact that I am rather outspoken on the fact that I am agnostic, Mamooth persists in spewing off about "my cult." This is because the script she reads from has only two position, the promoters of abortion who demand that a baby can be killed at will up to and during crowning. And all else are Christians whom she hates.

In fact, i am very moderate. I support all forms of contraception, plus Plan B and RU-486. Physical abortion up to 5 weeks gestation is fine by me as well. After the gestational age that the brain and heart develop, i support abortion only after judicial review. There are reasons to kill, but those must be presented in a venue that affords for the rights of the intended victim.

The lunatic fringe at both extremes become incensed by my position, so I figure I have it just about right.
Clearly the anti-choice crowd believes they've found something comparable to shooting abortion doctors and blowing up clinics.

I think we, both sides, need to get real and admit that abortion does in fact kill unborn humans. Now whether that should be illegal or not is another story. Personal I think we should abort all the genetic defects starting with the gays.

There you go being reasonable....

There are insane nutjobs that believe a condom is murder, because it impedes the possibility of fertilization.

Then there are the ghouls, those like Mamooth and this Zyra clown, who view every live birth as a tragic missed opportunity to kill.

I see these as two sides of the same insane coin, the lunatic fringe. The overwhelming majority of Americans have nothing in common with either of these poles. The claim that the unborn are not human is the utterance of someone ignorant, insane, or both. But the position that abortion can never be used, even to save the live of the mother, is equally as absurd.

Support for abortion on demand is at an all time low, and continuing to decline. On the other hand, support for abortion in cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother is nearly universal. People are migrating away from the fringe, into the middle.

Despite the fact that I am rather outspoken on the fact that I am agnostic, Mamooth persists in spewing off about "my cult." This is because the script she reads from has only two position, the promoters of abortion who demand that a baby can be killed at will up to and during crowning. And all else are Christians whom she hates.

In fact, i am very moderate. I support all forms of contraception, plus Plan B and RU-486. Physical abortion up to 5 weeks gestation is fine by me as well. After the gestational age that the brain and heart develop, i support abortion only after judicial review. There are reasons to kill, but those must be presented in a venue that affords for the rights of the intended victim.

The lunatic fringe at both extremes become incensed by my position, so I figure I have it just about right.

Zyra lol. I don't understand why you are getting so worked up over this issue when over 60% of abortions occur during this threshold you deem acceptable.
Want an abortion?

Cool. Have an abortion.

If there are consequences rooted in religion, be it on your head.

BUT - Don't ask me to pay for your abortion unless I am your baby's daddy and, at my age, t'ain't bloody likely.
Pro-Life vs Pro-Satan.

Who wins?

There is no Satan.

HEre's the real contest.

A parasitic fetus vs. the woman it is in, whose whole life will hinge on what she does next.

I have yet to hear one of you wingnuts tell me how you are going to prevent a woman from having an abortion if she really wants one.
Pro-Life vs Pro-Satan.

Who wins?

There is no Satan.

HEre's the real contest.

A parasitic fetus vs. the woman it is in, whose whole life will hinge on what she does next.

I have yet to hear one of you wingnuts tell me how you are going to prevent a woman from having an abortion if she really wants one.

We can't stop a person from robbing or killing if they really want to. But making a moral stand against such behavior just seems to be the civilized thing to do.
PJTV -- Get the Popcorn! I Filmed My Abortion!

[ame=]PJTV -- Get the Popcorn! I Filmed My Abortion! - YouTube[/ame]
Pro-Life vs Pro-Satan.

Who wins?

There is no Satan.

HEre's the real contest.

A parasitic fetus vs. the woman it is in, whose whole life will hinge on what she does next.

I have yet to hear one of you wingnuts tell me how you are going to prevent a woman from having an abortion if she really wants one.

We can't stop a person from robbing or killing if they really want to. But making a moral stand against such behavior just seems to be the civilized thing to do.

Uh, yeah, actually we can and do all the time.

Prisons are full of guys who thought they could get away with it.

So let's get down to brass tacks. Are you going to lock women up for having abortions?

Because even before Roe vs. Wade, they never did that. Abortion laws were kind of like prostitution laws. ON the books, not really enforced.

I would direct your attention to one Ruth Barrett, an abortion doctor active in Oregon from 1918 to 1968. By her own accounts, she performed 40,000 abortions. She didn't even get in trouble with the law until the 1950's. She spent very little time in prison, and mostly what they got her on was tangental charges like income tax evasion.

So I'm just curious, that if you guys ever got Roe overturned and somehow managed to survive the onslaught of angry women figuring out what you were up to, how you'd ever make your law stick.

Because you can say "Abortion is bad" all day, but what are you going to do about it?
There is no Satan.

HEre's the real contest.

A parasitic fetus vs. the woman it is in, whose whole life will hinge on what she does next.

I have yet to hear one of you wingnuts tell me how you are going to prevent a woman from having an abortion if she really wants one.

We can't stop a person from robbing or killing if they really want to. But making a moral stand against such behavior just seems to be the civilized thing to do.

Uh, yeah, actually we can and do all the time.

Prisons are full of guys who thought they could get away with it.

So let's get down to brass tacks. Are you going to lock women up for having abortions?

Because even before Roe vs. Wade, they never did that. Abortion laws were kind of like prostitution laws. ON the books, not really enforced.

I would direct your attention to one Ruth Barrett, an abortion doctor active in Oregon from 1918 to 1968. By her own accounts, she performed 40,000 abortions. She didn't even get in trouble with the law until the 1950's. She spent very little time in prison, and mostly what they got her on was tangental charges like income tax evasion.

So I'm just curious, that if you guys ever got Roe overturned and somehow managed to survive the onslaught of angry women figuring out what you were up to, how you'd ever make your law stick.

Because you can say "Abortion is bad" all day, but what are you going to do about it?

Seriously, I don't think we will ever pass laws that would put women in prison. But that does not mean that the moral implication of what they are doing should be swept under the rug. An honest dialogue is required, calling an unborn child anything else is just people fooling themselves to justify their decisions.

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