Pro-abortionists furious at Tim Tebow ad

Would you support a law regulating all semen emissions from males 18 years and older?

You think by asking the same asinine question you will get an answer? You fail!

Asking and answering questions will sometimes happen in a discussion. I hear it is not unusual. Your clear avoidance of answering indicates fear on some level. Maybe it's because you don't know how to debate or maybe you see the implications therefore avoiding a very simple question. In either case, dodging the question and calling me stupid screams insecurity.

The question has no bearing on the issue at hand. The debate is about abortion and I'm certain males do not undergo such precedures. You're stupidity has no bearing on my security. I'll remain secure in my convictions no matter how stupid you are.
Speaking of rewriting the Bible, why did you ignore what Jesus said by truncating the answer?

Answer? There was no question asked, so no answer was required. I simply made a comment and for those that know the Bible the entire verse isn't needed to get the idea.

Hmmm.....the statement you edited from Jesus was him answering a question. Hence, I asked why you did not provide an honest quote while you complain about people editing the bible. I'm also one hundred percent confident you have absolutely no idea what that narrative means. You just repeat what you hear without studying the scriptures for yourself.

This isn't Bible class, I made a point in the way I saw fit. If you wish to provide the quote in its entirety, then be my guest. I never once complained about anyone editing the Bible, perhaps you should seek lessons on reading comprehension.

As for as knowing scripture, I had plenty of time in a TDCJ unit to read so I do know what that narrative means.
The question has no bearing on the issue at hand. The debate is about abortion and I'm certain males do not undergo such precedures. You're stupidity has no bearing on my security. I'll remain secure in my convictions no matter how stupid you are.

Actually the debate re the Tebow ad isn't even about abortion. All this stuff about abortion and even poor Jesus who got dragged into it is just typical leftwing deflection.

The real issue is simply whether CBS is taking a political position on abortion by running an ad that presumably is one family's story of courage in the face of adversity that had a happy ending.

One would have to be naive to believe that FonF isn't advocating life in the ad. I'm not so naive to believe there is no intended message there. But, as it has been described, it doesn't take a side in the abortion debate but rather simply tells a story with a great outcome. I don't see that as a violation of CBS's policy against political ads.

What is threatening to the pro-abortion crowd is that they think celebrating life is somehow opposing a woman's right to choose. Which suggests that a 'right to choose' to them means choosing abortion and there should be no other emphasis than that.

It's nuts.
The question has no bearing on the issue at hand. The debate is about abortion and I'm certain males do not undergo such precedures. You're stupidity has no bearing on my security. I'll remain secure in my convictions no matter how stupid you are.

The real issue is simply whether CBS is taking a political position on abortion by running an ad that presumably is one family's story of courage in the face of adversity that had a happy ending.

Advertiser: Planned Parenthood - Election Guide 2008 - The New York Times

Good point... I wonder if they felt the same about TV stations taking sides when they ran these ads.

Planned Parenthood spent a total of $348,746 to broadcast four television ads, according to statistics compiled by Campaign Media Analysis Group, which tracks political advertising expenditures.

Answer? There was no question asked, so no answer was required. I simply made a comment and for those that know the Bible the entire verse isn't needed to get the idea.

Hmmm.....the statement you edited from Jesus was him answering a question. Hence, I asked why you did not provide an honest quote while you complain about people editing the bible. I'm also one hundred percent confident you have absolutely no idea what that narrative means. You just repeat what you hear without studying the scriptures for yourself.

This isn't Bible class, I made a point in the way I saw fit. If you wish to provide the quote in its entirety, then be my guest. I never once complained about anyone editing the Bible, perhaps you should seek lessons on reading comprehension.

As for as knowing scripture, I had plenty of time in a TDCJ unit to read so I do know what that narrative means.

Logical4u complained about people re-writing the bible and you responded by saying "Excellent point" then proceeded to rewrite the bible by quoting only half of Jesus' answer. I'm guessing you think Jesus was telling people to pay taxes to Caesar but you come to that conclusion by respecting only half of Jesus' reply. Try learning the narrative then draw a conclusion instead of trying to make your conclusion fit the narrative.
Hmmm.....the statement you edited from Jesus was him answering a question. Hence, I asked why you did not provide an honest quote while you complain about people editing the bible. I'm also one hundred percent confident you have absolutely no idea what that narrative means. You just repeat what you hear without studying the scriptures for yourself.

This isn't Bible class, I made a point in the way I saw fit. If you wish to provide the quote in its entirety, then be my guest. I never once complained about anyone editing the Bible, perhaps you should seek lessons on reading comprehension.

As for as knowing scripture, I had plenty of time in a TDCJ unit to read so I do know what that narrative means.

Logical4u complained about people re-writing the bible and you responded by saying "Excellent point" then proceeded to rewrite the bible by quoting only half of Jesus' answer. I'm guessing you think Jesus was telling people to pay taxes to Caesar but you come to that conclusion by respecting only half of Jesus' reply. Try learning the narrative then draw a conclusion instead of trying to make your conclusion fit the narrative.

You are truly stupid if you think using a partial quote is "re-writing". If you read the full quote you would find that the words I used are identical to those written in scripture, I re-wrote nothing. And Logical4u did make an excellent point, too bad your not intelligent enough to appreciate it. And now you're going to guess at what conclusion I came to. Then criticize it. Utter stupidity!
You think by asking the same asinine question you will get an answer? You fail!

Asking and answering questions will sometimes happen in a discussion. I hear it is not unusual. Your clear avoidance of answering indicates fear on some level. Maybe it's because you don't know how to debate or maybe you see the implications therefore avoiding a very simple question. In either case, dodging the question and calling me stupid screams insecurity.

The question has no bearing on the issue at hand. The debate is about abortion and I'm certain males do not undergo such precedures. You're stupidity has no bearing on my security. I'll remain secure in my convictions no matter how stupid you are.

My question is precisely centered on the subject but you obviously keep dodging. It's not a secret why either so you are only embarrassing yourself.
This isn't Bible class, I made a point in the way I saw fit. If you wish to provide the quote in its entirety, then be my guest. I never once complained about anyone editing the Bible, perhaps you should seek lessons on reading comprehension.

As for as knowing scripture, I had plenty of time in a TDCJ unit to read so I do know what that narrative means.

Logical4u complained about people re-writing the bible and you responded by saying "Excellent point" then proceeded to rewrite the bible by quoting only half of Jesus' answer. I'm guessing you think Jesus was telling people to pay taxes to Caesar but you come to that conclusion by respecting only half of Jesus' reply. Try learning the narrative then draw a conclusion instead of trying to make your conclusion fit the narrative.

You are truly stupid if you think using a partial quote is "re-writing". If you read the full quote you would find that the words I used are identical to those written in scripture, I re-wrote nothing. And Logical4u did make an excellent point, too bad your not intelligent enough to appreciate it. And now you're going to guess at what conclusion I came to. Then criticize it. Utter stupidity!

Some sentences can be edited without changing context or content but this case it changes both and presents a false conclusion by not respecting Jesus' full answer. By you cherry picking "render unto Caesar" you're trying to make it look like Jesus was saying yes, tribute should be paid to Caesar. The full answer he gave shows he said to not pay tribute to Caesar and the genius of his response is he said what the Pharisees were hoping he would, but he worded it in a way they could not bring charges of insurrection against him, and that is why they walked away frustrated. Your rewriting of his answer is a common abuse so you are just repeating what you have seen others do. The common misconception is claiming Jesus described separation of church and state. That concept did not exist in 1st century Judea nor the previous three thousand years of Jewish history. People assume Caesar represented the secular but that is no where close to historical accuracy. He was worshiped by the Roman Imperial Cult as a deity. Thus, the contesting question the Pharisees asked of Jesus was not in the frame of Religious versus Secular. It was between the true Lord and the false god known as Caesar.
Asking and answering questions will sometimes happen in a discussion. I hear it is not unusual. Your clear avoidance of answering indicates fear on some level. Maybe it's because you don't know how to debate or maybe you see the implications therefore avoiding a very simple question. In either case, dodging the question and calling me stupid screams insecurity.

The question has no bearing on the issue at hand. The debate is about abortion and I'm certain males do not undergo such precedures. You're stupidity has no bearing on my security. I'll remain secure in my convictions no matter how stupid you are.

My question is precisely centered on the subject but you obviously keep dodging. It's not a secret why either so you are only embarrassing yourself.

What does the emission of semen have to do with a woman killing her unborn child? It appears you're attempting to redirect the discussion, because I see no correlation between the two.
Logical4u complained about people re-writing the bible and you responded by saying "Excellent point" then proceeded to rewrite the bible by quoting only half of Jesus' answer. I'm guessing you think Jesus was telling people to pay taxes to Caesar but you come to that conclusion by respecting only half of Jesus' reply. Try learning the narrative then draw a conclusion instead of trying to make your conclusion fit the narrative.

You are truly stupid if you think using a partial quote is "re-writing". If you read the full quote you would find that the words I used are identical to those written in scripture, I re-wrote nothing. And Logical4u did make an excellent point, too bad your not intelligent enough to appreciate it. And now you're going to guess at what conclusion I came to. Then criticize it. Utter stupidity!

Some sentences can be edited without changing context or content but this case it changes both and presents a false conclusion by not respecting Jesus' full answer. By you cherry picking "render unto Caesar" you're trying to make it look like Jesus was saying yes, tribute should be paid to Caesar. The full answer he gave shows he said to not pay tribute to Caesar and the genius of his response is he said what the Pharisees were hoping he would, but he worded it in a way they could not bring charges of insurrection against him, and that is why they walked away frustrated. Your rewriting of his answer is a common abuse so you are just repeating what you have seen others do. The common misconception is claiming Jesus described separation of church and state. That concept did not exist in 1st century Judea nor the previous three thousand years of Jewish history. People assume Caesar represented the secular but that is no where close to historical accuracy. He was worshiped by the Roman Imperial Cult as a deity. Thus, the contesting question the Pharisees asked of Jesus was not in the frame of Religious versus Secular. It was between the true Lord and the false god known as Caesar.

You are an idiot and you have no idea what your talking about. Please don't attempt to think you know what I meant or what Biblical knowledge I possess. And if you want to preach or give us your intepretations, I suggest you take it to the religious section or go to church!
The question has no bearing on the issue at hand. The debate is about abortion and I'm certain males do not undergo such precedures. You're stupidity has no bearing on my security. I'll remain secure in my convictions no matter how stupid you are.

My question is precisely centered on the subject but you obviously keep dodging. It's not a secret why either so you are only embarrassing yourself.

What does the emission of semen have to do with a woman killing her unborn child? It appears you're attempting to redirect the discussion, because I see no correlation between the two.

I never tried to equate the two. That is an assumption you made when you dodged the first time.
You are truly stupid if you think using a partial quote is "re-writing". If you read the full quote you would find that the words I used are identical to those written in scripture, I re-wrote nothing. And Logical4u did make an excellent point, too bad your not intelligent enough to appreciate it. And now you're going to guess at what conclusion I came to. Then criticize it. Utter stupidity!

Some sentences can be edited without changing context or content but this case it changes both and presents a false conclusion by not respecting Jesus' full answer. By you cherry picking "render unto Caesar" you're trying to make it look like Jesus was saying yes, tribute should be paid to Caesar. The full answer he gave shows he said to not pay tribute to Caesar and the genius of his response is he said what the Pharisees were hoping he would, but he worded it in a way they could not bring charges of insurrection against him, and that is why they walked away frustrated. Your rewriting of his answer is a common abuse so you are just repeating what you have seen others do. The common misconception is claiming Jesus described separation of church and state. That concept did not exist in 1st century Judea nor the previous three thousand years of Jewish history. People assume Caesar represented the secular but that is no where close to historical accuracy. He was worshiped by the Roman Imperial Cult as a deity. Thus, the contesting question the Pharisees asked of Jesus was not in the frame of Religious versus Secular. It was between the true Lord and the false god known as Caesar.

You are an idiot and you have no idea what your talking about. Please don't attempt to think you know what I meant or what Biblical knowledge I possess. And if you want to preach or give us your intepretations, I suggest you take it to the religious section or go to church!

Then by all means, what did you mean when you misquoted Jesus? You do realize you're bitching about something you brought into the discussion, don't you? I have a feeling you will completely dodge the question because when frail people like you get pwned all you do is dodge and call names. I suspect you'll even try to say you aren't going to state what you meant because it is off topic.....thereby ignoring responsibility for your own actions.
The question has no bearing on the issue at hand. The debate is about abortion and I'm certain males do not undergo such precedures. You're stupidity has no bearing on my security. I'll remain secure in my convictions no matter how stupid you are.

Actually the debate re the Tebow ad isn't even about abortion. All this stuff about abortion and even poor Jesus who got dragged into it is just typical leftwing deflection.

The real issue is simply whether CBS is taking a political position on abortion by running an ad that presumably is one family's story of courage in the face of adversity that had a happy ending.

One would have to be naive to believe that FonF isn't advocating life in the ad. I'm not so naive to believe there is no intended message there. But, as it has been described, it doesn't take a side in the abortion debate but rather simply tells a story with a great outcome. I don't see that as a violation of CBS's policy against political ads.

What is threatening to the pro-abortion crowd is that they think celebrating life is somehow opposing a woman's right to choose. Which suggests that a 'right to choose' to them means choosing abortion and there should be no other emphasis than that.

It's nuts.

Do you people ever read anything before commenting?
What's the worst thing that would happen if the ad was aired?

Some people decided not to have an abortion afterall?

What's there to be angry about with that?
What's the worst thing that would happen if the ad was aired?

Some people decided not to have an abortion afterall?

What's there to be angry about with that?

You'd be amzaed how afraid the pro-abortionists are.

They are deathly afraid of the public becoming aware of whats going on in abortion clinics around the country.

They are afraid it will cause outrage, and will lead to action and new legislation to protect unborn babies and possibly outlaw abortion.

The American people have not had any voice, we've been told all our lives that it is a "right" for women yet it is no where to be found in the Constitution. We've never voted on it. We just need to accept what one Supreme Court decided decades ago. That's not how our government is supposed to work. We all have the right to change laws as we see fit. Isn't it funny how this is such a hot issue with voters, but they won't let the country vote on it nationally?
The question has no bearing on the issue at hand. The debate is about abortion and I'm certain males do not undergo such precedures. You're stupidity has no bearing on my security. I'll remain secure in my convictions no matter how stupid you are.

Actually the debate re the Tebow ad isn't even about abortion. All this stuff about abortion and even poor Jesus who got dragged into it is just typical leftwing deflection.

The real issue is simply whether CBS is taking a political position on abortion by running an ad that presumably is one family's story of courage in the face of adversity that had a happy ending.

One would have to be naive to believe that FonF isn't advocating life in the ad. I'm not so naive to believe there is no intended message there. But, as it has been described, it doesn't take a side in the abortion debate but rather simply tells a story with a great outcome. I don't see that as a violation of CBS's policy against political ads.

What is threatening to the pro-abortion crowd is that they think celebrating life is somehow opposing a woman's right to choose. Which suggests that a 'right to choose' to them means choosing abortion and there should be no other emphasis than that.

It's nuts.

Do you people ever read anything before commenting?

Yeah a lot of us do. That really bothers you doesn't it? Maybe it wouldn't so much if more on your side tried it.
The question has no bearing on the issue at hand. The debate is about abortion and I'm certain males do not undergo such precedures. You're stupidity has no bearing on my security. I'll remain secure in my convictions no matter how stupid you are.

The real issue is simply whether CBS is taking a political position on abortion by running an ad that presumably is one family's story of courage in the face of adversity that had a happy ending.

Advertiser: Planned Parenthood - Election Guide 2008 - The New York Times

Good point... I wonder if they felt the same about TV stations taking sides when they ran these ads.

Planned Parenthood spent a total of $348,746 to broadcast four television ads, according to statistics compiled by Campaign Media Analysis Group, which tracks political advertising expenditures.


Well in Planned Parenthood's defense--and it GALLS me to defend them--they have a right to advertise their perspective and agenda just as FonF does. But for the ads to be non-political, they would have to tell a story about somebody choosing to abort a baby without any comment on anybody's 'right to choose' just as the Tebow ad simply tells a story without specifically commenting on 'right to life'.

In this particular case, the argument is based on a CBS policy to allow no political ads as Super Bowl advertising. So the debate is on whether the Tebow ad is political or just a feel good ad.
What's the worst thing that would happen if the ad was aired?

Some people decided not to have an abortion afterall?

What's there to be angry about with that?

You'd be amzaed how afraid the pro-abortionists are.

They are deathly afraid of the public becoming aware of whats going on in abortion clinics around the country.

They are afraid it will cause outrage, and will lead to action and new legislation to protect unborn babies and possibly outlaw abortion.

The American people have not had any voice, we've been told all our lives that it is a "right" for women yet it is no where to be found in the Constitution. We've never voted on it. We just need to accept what one Supreme Court decided decades ago. That's not how our government is supposed to work. We all have the right to change laws as we see fit. Isn't it funny how this is such a hot issue with voters, but they won't let the country vote on it nationally?

You need to pass out free beer and chronic with this shit.
What's the worst thing that would happen if the ad was aired?

Some people decided not to have an abortion afterall?

What's there to be angry about with that?

You'd be amzaed how afraid the pro-abortionists are.

They are deathly afraid of the public becoming aware of whats going on in abortion clinics around the country.

They are afraid it will cause outrage, and will lead to action and new legislation to protect unborn babies and possibly outlaw abortion.

The American people have not had any voice, we've been told all our lives that it is a "right" for women yet it is no where to be found in the Constitution. We've never voted on it. We just need to accept what one Supreme Court decided decades ago. That's not how our government is supposed to work. We all have the right to change laws as we see fit. Isn't it funny how this is such a hot issue with voters, but they won't let the country vote on it nationally?

You need to pass out free beer and chronic with this shit.

Welp, must of hit it pretty close to the mark if all you have left are personal insults.
The real issue is simply whether CBS is taking a political position on abortion by running an ad that presumably is one family's story of courage in the face of adversity that had a happy ending.

Advertiser: Planned Parenthood - Election Guide 2008 - The New York Times

Good point... I wonder if they felt the same about TV stations taking sides when they ran these ads.

Planned Parenthood spent a total of $348,746 to broadcast four television ads, according to statistics compiled by Campaign Media Analysis Group, which tracks political advertising expenditures.


Well in Planned Parenthood's defense--and it GALLS me to defend them--they have a right to advertise their perspective and agenda just as FonF does. But for the ads to be non-political, they would have to tell a story about somebody choosing to abort a baby without any comment on anybody's 'right to choose' just as the Tebow ad simply tells a story without specifically commenting on 'right to life'.

In this particular case, the argument is based on a CBS policy to allow no political ads as Super Bowl advertising. So the debate is on whether the Tebow ad is political or just a feel good ad.

My point was though that they choose to advertise on TV and do not seem to have a problem with it, yet they have a problem when FoF makes that same choice?

PP definitely does have a right to advertise, but why would they deny that right to someone else?


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