Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Yes many might agree

But it does not support the accusation at all
Oh really?

If you're willing to get four different women pregnant and then abandon them and the aren't likely to pay for an abortion?

In fact the mother of one of those kids was the one he paid ther abortion money to and she claims he wanted THAT baby aborted as well

Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)​

So fucking what? You can be anti-murder, that doesn't mean that you still wouldn't kill an attacker to save your family's life! And just because you are pro-life and against abortion, doesn't mean that if your girlfriend wanted an abortion and couldn't be swayed that you still wouldn't pay for it for her if she couldn't, it just means that you are against it and don't want to do it and don't feel good about it.
Oh really?

If you're willing to get four different women pregnant and then abandon them and the aren't likely to pay for an abortion?

In fact the mother of one of those kids was the one he paid ther abortion money to and she claims he wanted THAT baby aborted as well
It does not make one more or less like to pay for an abortion. It is irrelevant.

If you want to attack the guy based on being a dead beat dad who knocks women up and leaves them , then fine I won't say a word.

That is not the issue however. The issue is the attempt to paint him as a hypocrite who opposes abortion yet pays for it. You have zero evidence of this making it a smear campaign based on lies.

SHE CLAIMS is not evidence.
IF it is true...........

Rich men have paid for their whores' abortions for DECADES and DECADES and DECADES, and DECADES!!!!!

Whats your point?
Yes, because you have the mind of a sick fuck who thinks it is okay to kill kids.
So you have no problem with Walker fathering and then abandoning FOUR kids by four women but would only have a problem if he paid for an abortion.

Maybe it's me but I have a problem with that thought process.

As noted often...Republicans "concern" for the unborn ENDS the minute they are born.
So you have no problem with Walker fathering and then abandoning FOUR kids by four women
I didn't say that, now did I, you dishonest trash who also happens to be a sick fuck?

but would only have a problem if he paid for an abortion
KILLING YOUR FUCKING KIDS is obviously worse than being a deadbeat you raging fucktard - and newsflash, genius, deadbeats are compelled to pay child support, and he's rich so he's compelled to pay a LOT.

Not being present in your kid's life (by choice) is bad. Who said otherwise? No one.

Lots of things are bad. Killing an innocent human being in cold blood isn't just bad, it's the worst. Specifically killing a helpless kid makes it somehow even worse. Specifically that being your own kid, who you are supposed to provide for and protect, makes it a unforgivable and inhuman betrayal.

You are a broken and vile excuse for a human being.

Maybe it's me.
Yeah, it's you. You're fucked in the head.

As noted often...Republicans "concern" for the unborn ENDS the minute they are born.
It's already illegal to attack and kill the born, you stark raving imbecile.

The only ones wanting to make it more legal / less criminalized / no cash mandatory bail / etc. are you leftoids.
I didn't say that, now did I, you dishonest trash who also happens to be a sick fuck?
Actually ya did. Your obsession with whether or not Walker paid for that abortion (we all know he did) and lack of concern about fathering and abandoning four kids from four different mothers illustrates that well
Actually ya did. Your obsession with whether or not Walker paid for that abortion (we all know he did) and lack of concern about fathering and abandoning four kids from four different mothers illustrates that well
We do not know that he paid for it.

Like everyone else he may have done many bad trhings and might be aa bad person but the specific accusation that he paid for it is an unsupported pile of shit

THAT is what burns your ass. The rest of his wrongdoings are common and not important. You WANT and NEED him to be a hypocrite on abortion but you do not have one fucking piece of evidence
Both show his character.

In my mind abandoning FOUR friggin kids from four different mothers is worse than paying for an abortion
Who said he abandoned them? He says he supports all of them. Are the women saying he's not?
No matter what Walker did or didn't do, democrats are so reprehensible that it's better to have a bad republican in office rather than a Democrat. It's not like Warnock has been a passable governor.
No matter what Walker did or didn't do, democrats are so reprehensible that it's better to have a bad republican in office rather than a Democrat. It's not like Warnock has been a passable governor.
Warnock isn’t Governor and you’re nuts
See. Warnock has been so ineffective who knows what office he was struggling with. Democrats have to go. All of them.
Yup as is his son Christian
So, I went to Google and typed In "herschel walker anandons children" and it didn't return anything about that. All the articles say that he has 4 children and he supports them all. One article says he has no active role in raising on of them, but he still financially supports them.

If you have a link that shows where he has abandoned his kids, please share.

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