Probably no answer to this from the left...

But Many White Eyes are known to Ask Silly Questions!!! (And Really Hyper-White, and lethal about it!)
Opposition To The Trump White House: Is not just the Democrats anymore. Two Republican Senators--so far--are finding the Presidential Discussion tape questionable. The so-called Trump Nobel Peace Price degenerated into a North Korean missile launch, apparently from a submarine. Another Bully is about to be unleashed on the planet instead--and one in Turkey allowed to kill off Kurds.

So Democrats and Republicans alike are taken aback by the White House "Quid Pro Quo" disasters. The headline is for the request of the Ukraine President to initiate some nature of worldwide investigation in the Vice President Biden, apparently with backing from China(?). Then making no headlines are the apparently bald-faced lies to North Korea for the reduction of sanctions, and opening up economic material assistance. So now they park a sub in the nearby Gulf of Alaska: Making any nukes then ICBM. Then there are the bald-face lies to Europe. Then there are the bald-faced lies to the Kurds. In all that there is even a White House claim to a Nobel Peace Prize.

Back come the Democrats: Even with a concept of "Financial Inclusion" then likely in the works. Unemployment rates are down, but financial inclusion has not been up since the First Adjustable Mortgages appeared in the Second Bush White House. New Testament Matthew 25:14-30 was applied even then, by the Republicans, and is still in play. Successively lower incomes got "Cast into Outer Darkness," from the usury outcome. The various Democratic Party presidential candidates: Are addressing another form of inequality: Financial Well-Being Disparity.

That has been able to resonate since 1932.

Democrat President Barack Obama--Arab names are often associated with arithmetic and numbers--Created the Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit--$400 per adult filer: In the Stimulus package. The Bush White House had been unable to notice that the old Keynesian formulas were no longer. Famous expert, John Kenneth Galbraith had even noted that the Reagan-deficits were not Keynesian.

The Republicans had leaned by the time of Reagan: How to send federal deficit bucks to the already prosperous: The Defense Contractors.

Then the Bush White Houses failed to notice that lower income tax filers had no federal income tax liabilities. Tax Cuts couldn't work anymore

Obama made them "Refundable," and so the "Financial Inclusion" of the Make Work Pay credit worked. The Republicans took it away as soon as they could.

The Trump Republicans are back already sending deficit bucks to the already prosperous.

At the same time: Foreign Policy disasters are mounting into even economic contractions

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes known to ask silly questions(?)!)
But WTF do the DemonRATS have to offer America....besides HIGHER TAXES, millions more illegals that AMERICANS are going to pay for...a GREEN NEW DEAL, that will greatly ruin our economy....definitely higher UNEMPLOYMENT as they try to get people BACK on the government welfare rolls....well you get the come on left wing, let's hear what you and the ABNORMALS got...beside a bullshit impeachment!
What do Republicans have to offer other than gas chambers, dictatorship, and inbreeding?

See how that works?

Poisoning the well
When you have to lie, you lose.
Probably no answer to this from the left...

prolly no f'n link from the op either -

When posting an original thread. Asshole leftist doesn't realize no link necessary....common stupidity from the low IQ brigade!

dozens of ot's have been closed because of no link to support the opening comment -

maybe that doesnt count if you're an idiot .... and you are.

But WTF do the DemonRATS have to offer America....besides HIGHER TAXES, millions more illegals that AMERICANS are going to pay for...a GREEN NEW DEAL, that will greatly ruin our economy....definitely higher UNEMPLOYMENT as they try to get people BACK on the government welfare rolls....well you get the come on left wing, let's hear what you and the ABNORMALS got...beside a bullshit impeachment!
A balanced budgets, lower deficits, better economies, better economic growth, fewer wars, a cleaner environment, a better future for our youth and a much improved DNA pool.
If we just got rid OF YOUR DNA, everything would follow automatically....Another truism!
But WTF do the DemonRATS have to offer America....besides HIGHER TAXES, millions more illegals that AMERICANS are going to pay for...a GREEN NEW DEAL, that will greatly ruin our economy....definitely higher UNEMPLOYMENT as they try to get people BACK on the government welfare rolls....well you get the come on left wing, let's hear what you and the ABNORMALS got...beside a bullshit impeachment!
What do Republicans have to offer other than gas chambers, dictatorship, and inbreeding?

See how that works?

Poisoning the well
When you have to lie, you lose.
So loser what is new?
But WTF do the DemonRATS have to offer America....besides HIGHER TAXES, millions more illegals that AMERICANS are going to pay for...a GREEN NEW DEAL, that will greatly ruin our economy....definitely higher UNEMPLOYMENT as they try to get people BACK on the government welfare rolls....well you get the come on left wing, let's hear what you and the ABNORMALS got...beside a bullshit impeachment!
What do Republicans have to offer other than gas chambers, dictatorship, and inbreeding?

See how that works?

Poisoning the well
When you have to lie, you lose.
So loser what is new?
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Probably no answer to this from the left...

prolly no f'n link from the op either -

When posting an original thread. Asshole leftist doesn't realize no link necessary....common stupidity from the low IQ brigade!

dozens of ot's have been closed because of no link to support the opening comment -

maybe that doesnt count if you're an idiot .... and you are.

What don't you understand ABNORMAL
When posting an original thread. Asshole leftist doesn't realize no link necessary....common stupidity from the low IQ brigade

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