Problems With Socialized Medicine & Government Healthcare

You think a deficit is a debt, so it's obvious you don't need much proof. In fact, you don't need any :lol:

What was that? You don't want to try to run your household like the government runs itself? Why is that? I thought the way the treasury department did it was sustainable.
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You think a deficit is a debt, so it's obvious you don't need much proof. In fact, you don't need any :lol:

And think something is sustainable by the mere fact that it exists.

I should have known that existence is proof that something is unsustainable :lol:

It isn't. You're not very bright are you? Something can exist that is not sustainable. That being true, does it mean that something is UNsustainable if it exists? Of course not. But then again your intellectualy dishonesty is pretty much unaparalleled.
And think something is sustainable by the mere fact that it exists.

I should have known that existence is proof that something is unsustainable :lol:

It isn't. You're not very bright are you? Something can exist that is not sustainable. That being true, does it mean that something is UNsustainable if it exists? Of course not. But then again your intellectualy dishonesty is pretty much unaparalleled.

Of course. I should have said that 200 years of existence is proof that something is unsustainable :lol:
I should have known that existence is proof that something is unsustainable :lol:

It isn't. You're not very bright are you? Something can exist that is not sustainable. That being true, does it mean that something is UNsustainable if it exists? Of course not. But then again your intellectualy dishonesty is pretty much unaparalleled.

Of course. I should have said that 200 years of existence is proof that something is unsustainable :lol:

The DoD is sustained through the treasury to cover it's deficits.....the treasury borrows money to do so, which is shown to be unsustainable by the fact that our 14 trillion dollar debt is increasing. Clear enough for you?
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It isn't. You're not very bright are you? Something can exist that is not sustainable. That being true, does it mean that something is UNsustainable if it exists? Of course not. But then again your intellectualy dishonesty is pretty much unaparalleled.

Of course. I should have said that 200 years of existence is proof that something is unsustainable :lol:

The DoD is sustained through the treasury to cover it's deficits.....the treasury borrows money to do so, which is shown to be unsustainable by the fact that our 14 trillion dollar debt is increasing. Clear enough for you?

I should have known!! The 200+ years of the treasurys' existence proves that it is unsustainable :lol:
Of course. I should have said that 200 years of existence is proof that something is unsustainable :lol:

The DoD is sustained through the treasury to cover it's deficits.....the treasury borrows money to do so, which is shown to be unsustainable by the fact that our 14 trillion dollar debt is increasing. Clear enough for you?

I should have known!! The 200+ years of the treasurys' existence proves that it is unsustainable :lol:

Now you're just turning into a skipping record. You contending that the DoD is sustainable is basically like a kid saying his allowance must be sustainable because he keeps getting it and ignoring the fact that his mommy is borrowing money to give him said allowance.
The DoD is sustained through the treasury to cover it's deficits.....the treasury borrows money to do so, which is shown to be unsustainable by the fact that our 14 trillion dollar debt is increasing. Clear enough for you?

I should have known!! The 200+ years of the treasurys' existence proves that it is unsustainable :lol:

Now you're just turning into a skipping record. You contending that the DoD is sustainable is basically like a kid saying his allowance is sustainable and ignoring the fact that his mommy is borrowing money to give him said allowance.

I should have realized that someday, the treasurys' mommy is going to stop giving an allowance to the treasury :lol:
I should have known!! The 200+ years of the treasurys' existence proves that it is unsustainable :lol:

Now you're just turning into a skipping record. You contending that the DoD is sustainable is basically like a kid saying his allowance is sustainable and ignoring the fact that his mommy is borrowing money to give him said allowance.

I should have realized that someday, the treasurys' mommy is going to stop giving an allowance to the treasury :lol:

The 'treasury's mommy' (John Q Taxpayer) will always give it money. That doesn't change the fact that our various governmental agencies are demanding more from it than what it takes in, forcing it to borrow the difference.
Now you're just turning into a skipping record. You contending that the DoD is sustainable is basically like a kid saying his allowance is sustainable and ignoring the fact that his mommy is borrowing money to give him said allowance.

I should have realized that someday, the treasurys' mommy is going to stop giving an allowance to the treasury :lol:

The 'treasury's mommy' (John Q Taxpayer) will always give it money. That doesn't change the fact that our various governmental agencies are demanding more from it than what it takes in, forcing it to borrow the difference.

I should have realized that the 200+ years of govt borrowing proves that our govt is unsustainable :lol:
I should have realized that someday, the treasurys' mommy is going to stop giving an allowance to the treasury :lol:

The 'treasury's mommy' (John Q Taxpayer) will always give it money. That doesn't change the fact that our various governmental agencies are demanding more from it than what it takes in, forcing it to borrow the difference.

I should have realized that the 200+ years of govt borrowing proves that our govt is unsustainable :lol:

Well if it is sustainable as you indeed contend why are so chicken shit to try it in your personal life?
The 'treasury's mommy' (John Q Taxpayer) will always give it money. That doesn't change the fact that our various governmental agencies are demanding more from it than what it takes in, forcing it to borrow the difference.

I should have realized that the 200+ years of govt borrowing proves that our govt is unsustainable :lol:

Well if it is sustainable as you indeed contend why are so chicken shit to try it in your personal life?

Who says I'm not?
I should have realized that the 200+ years of govt borrowing proves that our govt is unsustainable :lol:

Well if it is sustainable as you indeed contend why are so chicken shit to try it in your personal life?

Who says I'm not?

I guess I would hope you are not so far in debt that you're only paying a fraction of the interest on your debt, like government.
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Well if it is sustainable as you indeed contend why are so chicken shit to try it in your personal life?

Who says I'm not?

I guess I would hope you are not so far in debt that you're only paying a fraction of the interest on your debt, like government.

Both the US govt and I pay the interest on our loans when it's due. That's why we both have sterling credit ratings
Who says I'm not?

I guess I would hope you are not so far in debt that you're only paying a fraction of the interest on your debt, like government.

Both the US govt and I pay the interest on our loans when it's due. That's why we both have sterling credit ratings

Good for you. I hope that's some solace to both of you when you realize you owe so much money that it's going to be some time before you even get to start paying back the actual money you borrowed. But I'm sure you're smarter than government and haven't decided to unneccessarily continue adding to your debt right (debt you admit you're not actually paying)? I assume, unlike government, you are also smart enough to pay off your interest faster than it's compounding, right? (though I shouldn't assume much of anything where your financial intelligence is concerned).
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Problems with socialized medicine.

FRONTLINE: sick around the world | PBS

Now were we to adapt one of the systems in this presentation, consider the social implications. Note that no one goes bankrupt because of medical bills in these nations. Think of how this would ruin your day when you could not feel superior to the family being turned out into the street on your block because the daddy had the audacity to have his factory shut down and moved overseas, and he was stupid enough to let someone in the family get sick after that.

Think of the enjoyment you would miss watching an old couple trying to decide between food and the drugs that keep them alive.

Ah yes, the problems of socialized medicine.
Problems with socialized medicine.

FRONTLINE: sick around the world | PBS

Now were we to adapt one of the systems in this presentation, consider the social implications. Note that no one goes bankrupt because of medical bills in these nations. Think of how this would ruin your day when you could not feel superior to the family being turned out into the street on your block because the daddy had the audacity to have his factory shut down and moved overseas, and he was stupid enough to let someone in the family get sick after that.

Think of the enjoyment you would miss watching an old couple trying to decide between food and the drugs that keep them alive.

Ah yes, the problems of socialized medicine.

You lefties keep proving my point. There are all kinds of variables that determine whether a health care system is a quality system. You libs define a quality health care system by just one of those variables. Cost to the consumer. Low cost to the consumer = good health care system in the world of the lib. Nothing else matters.
Nope sure would not want to fix the real problems would they.
Like Torte reform,being able to keep your Insurance when you move or quit your job,
Anything is better than another Government run program. But that is the Libs world.Only Government can fix everything (must control the masses) nevermind the constitution.
Problems with socialized medicine.

FRONTLINE: sick around the world | PBS

Now were we to adapt one of the systems in this presentation, consider the social implications. Note that no one goes bankrupt because of medical bills in these nations. Think of how this would ruin your day when you could not feel superior to the family being turned out into the street on your block because the daddy had the audacity to have his factory shut down and moved overseas, and he was stupid enough to let someone in the family get sick after that.

Think of the enjoyment you would miss watching an old couple trying to decide between food and the drugs that keep them alive.

Ah yes, the problems of socialized medicine.

You lefties keep proving my point. There are all kinds of variables that determine whether a health care system is a quality system. You libs define a quality health care system by just one of those variables. Cost to the consumer. Low cost to the consumer = good health care system in the world of the lib. Nothing else matters.

There is only one 'variable' that determine whether a health care system is a quality system...the HUMAN outcome. If 45,000 people die every year because they don't have access to affordable health care, that system is a MASSIVE failure. Any nation that calls itself 'moral' would not allow that. It is equal to the moral bankruptcy of the Saddam Husseins' of the world.
There is only one 'variable' that determine whether a health care system is a quality system...the HUMAN outcome. If 45,000 people die every year because they don't have access to affordable health care, that system is a MASSIVE failure. Any nation that calls itself 'moral' would not allow that. It is equal to the moral bankruptcy of the Saddam Husseins' of the world.

I don't have a problem addressing that issue. But preventing 45,000 deaths does not require a new massive government beauracracy. Preventing 45,000 deaths does not require making 330 million Americans buy health insurance.

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