Professor calls or harassing Republicans at restaurants sticking fingers in their salads

You can still buy, online, massively strong (and sharp) 3-pronged forks.

It makes sense to bring your own with you when dining out.

Their penetrating ability is unsurpassed!


Medieval fork. Just sayin' . . .
Professor calls for harassing Republicans at restaurants, sticking ‘fingers in their salads’

The University of Mississippi has condemned a tweet by a faculty member that called on activists to abandon civility and harass Republican senators in public.

“Don’t just interrupt a Senator’s meal, y’all,” James Thomas, an assistant professor of sociology, tweeted from his @Insurgent_Prof account on Oct. 6, the day Justice Brett Kavanaugh was sworn into the Supreme Court.


Trendy pathetic leftist liberals paying thousands per year just so a Trump hating idiot can teach your kid how to act like they are 6 yrs old.


Maybe one solution would be harassing PROFESSORS we dont agree with on their lunch break, stick our fingers in their salads because we don't like their politics and feel they are leading our kids down the wrong path! Hell, we can even follow them to dinner and stick out fingers in their buffet, yell and scream, tell them they have to leave!
That way they can teach the dream and live the dream all at the same time.

One wonders what would happen if a group of conservatives decided to invade this professor's classes - always assume this leftist ivory-tower princess teaches any of his own classes - and behave the way leftists do at Ben Shapiro's speeches, for example. And then they could stage a big, disruptive sit-in in the halls of his office building and chase him all around campus, badgering him the way leftists did to Republican Senators during JUSTICE Kavanaugh's hearing. And when he goes to lunch, they could follow his instructions in this article.

How approving do you suppose he'd be of such behavior if HE was the target?
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.

try to be more specific. I have a hint for you------long ago I was a diagnostician-----the diagnosis could not be "sick" nor could it be "depraved"------it is true
that some psychiatrists tend to term psychosis "fruity" (I am not a psychiatrist---
I am a registered democrat) Lately, the donkey (the donkey represents the
democrat party-----and its members) has become pixilated. "Pixilated" is not
a technical term amongst psychiatrists as is "fruity", but I like it. It strikes
me as poetic. To return to topic----when you write "American people are not
allowed to fight back", to what are you referring?

There seems to be some idea among right-wingers that we are supposed to mollycoddle them, be sooo polite and respectful, and ignore their revolting behavior in office. Nobody is supposed to confront them or protest against them.

However, this trump group is more disgusting than any group I've ever seen. We have not experienced this low a bunch in office before in my lifetime.

The right-wingers try to curb speech that confronts their behavior. How does one express contempt for such people and let them know it? Right-wingers expect people like me to be pretty sheep, bowing to them. Don't bitch when these people are shunned and protested against. Shunning and pointing them out in public is the best way.
What about common decency and respect for a fellow human being having lunch with family or a loved one, quietly enjoying their meal, and NOT make it POLITICAL? WTF is wrong with you???

For and I had a nice convo about Anne Rice novels. Did I yell at you, or you at me, or name call, during that convo because we are opposite politically? No. We didn't. Because all that is you is NOT your political party. You are you. I am me. We differ, but we have common ground. So why the fuck would you say you would point at someone to show your displeasure over ONE aspect of them that you may not like? That is crude, rude and I really thought you had more class than that regardless of our differences.
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.

try to be more specific. I have a hint for you------long ago I was a diagnostician-----the diagnosis could not be "sick" nor could it be "depraved"------it is true
that some psychiatrists tend to term psychosis "fruity" (I am not a psychiatrist---
I am a registered democrat) Lately, the donkey (the donkey represents the
democrat party-----and its members) has become pixilated. "Pixilated" is not
a technical term amongst psychiatrists as is "fruity", but I like it. It strikes
me as poetic. To return to topic----when you write "American people are not
allowed to fight back", to what are you referring?

There seems to be some idea among right-wingers that we are supposed to mollycoddle them, be sooo polite and respectful, and ignore their revolting behavior in office. Nobody is supposed to confront them or protest against them.

However, this trump group is more disgusting than any group I've ever seen. We have not experienced this low a bunch in office before in my lifetime.

The right-wingers try to curb speech that confronts their behavior. How does one express contempt for such people and let them know it? Right-wingers expect people like me to be pretty sheep, bowing to them. Don't bitch when these people are shunned and protested against. Shunning and pointing them out in public is the best way.

There seems to be some idea among left-wingers that they are human beings, deserving of respect as such, and that their filthy, low-class behavior can magically be made acceptable if they just lie about it enough.

However, THIS ass pudding is more disgusting than any other leftist ass pudding I've ever seen. I have not experienced this low a lifeform since the last time I had strep throat. And sadly, I'm pretty sure antibiotics just won't work for this disease in humanoid form.
Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.

try to be more specific. I have a hint for you------long ago I was a diagnostician-----the diagnosis could not be "sick" nor could it be "depraved"------it is true
that some psychiatrists tend to term psychosis "fruity" (I am not a psychiatrist---
I am a registered democrat) Lately, the donkey (the donkey represents the
democrat party-----and its members) has become pixilated. "Pixilated" is not
a technical term amongst psychiatrists as is "fruity", but I like it. It strikes
me as poetic. To return to topic----when you write "American people are not
allowed to fight back", to what are you referring?

There seems to be some idea among right-wingers that we are supposed to mollycoddle them, be sooo polite and respectful, and ignore their revolting behavior in office. Nobody is supposed to confront them or protest against them.

However, this trump group is more disgusting than any group I've ever seen. We have not experienced this low a bunch in office before in my lifetime.

The right-wingers try to curb speech that confronts their behavior. How does one express contempt for such people and let them know it? Right-wingers expect people like me to be pretty sheep, bowing to them. Don't bitch when these people are shunned and protested against. Shunning and pointing them out in public is the best way.
What about common decency and respect for a fellow human being having lunch with family or a loved one, quietly enjoying their meal, and NOT make it POLITICAL? WTF is wrong with you???

For and I had a nice convo about Anne Rice novels. Did I yell at you, or you at me, or name call, during that convo because we are opposite politically? No. We didn't. Because all that is you is NOT your political party. You are you. I am me. We differ, but we have common ground. So why the fuck would you say you would point at someone to show your displeasure over ONE aspect of them that you may not like? That is crude, rude and I really thought you had more class than that regardless of our differences.

Gracie, the phrase "fellow human being" pre-supposes that Lysi is a human being. Just because a dog will cuddle nicely with you in front of the TV doesn't mean he won't chew up your favorite slippers and then piss on them the minute you turn your back. It's in the nature of ignorant animals.
republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.

try to be more specific. I have a hint for you------long ago I was a diagnostician-----the diagnosis could not be "sick" nor could it be "depraved"------it is true
that some psychiatrists tend to term psychosis "fruity" (I am not a psychiatrist---
I am a registered democrat) Lately, the donkey (the donkey represents the
democrat party-----and its members) has become pixilated. "Pixilated" is not
a technical term amongst psychiatrists as is "fruity", but I like it. It strikes
me as poetic. To return to topic----when you write "American people are not
allowed to fight back", to what are you referring?

There seems to be some idea among right-wingers that we are supposed to mollycoddle them, be sooo polite and respectful, and ignore their revolting behavior in office. Nobody is supposed to confront them or protest against them.

However, this trump group is more disgusting than any group I've ever seen. We have not experienced this low a bunch in office before in my lifetime.

The right-wingers try to curb speech that confronts their behavior. How does one express contempt for such people and let them know it? Right-wingers expect people like me to be pretty sheep, bowing to them. Don't bitch when these people are shunned and protested against. Shunning and pointing them out in public is the best way.
What about common decency and respect for a fellow human being having lunch with family or a loved one, quietly enjoying their meal, and NOT make it POLITICAL? WTF is wrong with you???

For and I had a nice convo about Anne Rice novels. Did I yell at you, or you at me, or name call, during that convo because we are opposite politically? No. We didn't. Because all that is you is NOT your political party. You are you. I am me. We differ, but we have common ground. So why the fuck would you say you would point at someone to show your displeasure over ONE aspect of them that you may not like? That is crude, rude and I really thought you had more class than that regardless of our differences.

Gracie, the phrase "fellow human being" pre-supposes that Lysi is a human being. Just because a dog will cuddle nicely with you in front of the TV doesn't mean he won't chew up your favorite slippers and then piss on them the minute you turn your back. It's in the nature of ignorant animals.
She sure fooled me. And its pretty fucking sad that people actually THINK like this. Sad. And very disturbing.
Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.

try to be more specific. I have a hint for you------long ago I was a diagnostician-----the diagnosis could not be "sick" nor could it be "depraved"------it is true
that some psychiatrists tend to term psychosis "fruity" (I am not a psychiatrist---
I am a registered democrat) Lately, the donkey (the donkey represents the
democrat party-----and its members) has become pixilated. "Pixilated" is not
a technical term amongst psychiatrists as is "fruity", but I like it. It strikes
me as poetic. To return to topic----when you write "American people are not
allowed to fight back", to what are you referring?

There seems to be some idea among right-wingers that we are supposed to mollycoddle them, be sooo polite and respectful, and ignore their revolting behavior in office. Nobody is supposed to confront them or protest against them.

However, this trump group is more disgusting than any group I've ever seen. We have not experienced this low a bunch in office before in my lifetime.

The right-wingers try to curb speech that confronts their behavior. How does one express contempt for such people and let them know it? Right-wingers expect people like me to be pretty sheep, bowing to them. Don't bitch when these people are shunned and protested against. Shunning and pointing them out in public is the best way.

There seems to be some idea among left-wingers that they are human beings, deserving of respect as such, and that their filthy, low-class behavior can magically be made acceptable if they just lie about it enough.

However, THIS ass pudding is more disgusting than any other leftist ass pudding I've ever seen. I have not experienced this low a lifeform since the last time I had strep throat. And sadly, I'm pretty sure antibiotics just won't work for this disease in humanoid form.

Get off the fence, Cec.....

....say how you really feel about the Left!!!!
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.

try to be more specific. I have a hint for you------long ago I was a diagnostician-----the diagnosis could not be "sick" nor could it be "depraved"------it is true
that some psychiatrists tend to term psychosis "fruity" (I am not a psychiatrist---
I am a registered democrat) Lately, the donkey (the donkey represents the
democrat party-----and its members) has become pixilated. "Pixilated" is not
a technical term amongst psychiatrists as is "fruity", but I like it. It strikes
me as poetic. To return to topic----when you write "American people are not
allowed to fight back", to what are you referring?

There seems to be some idea among right-wingers that we are supposed to mollycoddle them, be sooo polite and respectful, and ignore their revolting behavior in office. Nobody is supposed to confront them or protest against them.

However, this trump group is more disgusting than any group I've ever seen. We have not experienced this low a bunch in office before in my lifetime.

The right try to curb speech that confronts their behavior. How does one express contempt for such people and let them know it? Right-wingers expect people like me to be pretty sheep, bowing to them. Don't bitch when these people are shunned and protested against. Shunning and pointing them out in public is the best way.

"The right-wingers try to curb speech that confronts their behavior."

Link or lie.

If you ever learn to read,....


A book by a real Liberal.
republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.

try to be more specific. I have a hint for you------long ago I was a diagnostician-----the diagnosis could not be "sick" nor could it be "depraved"------it is true
that some psychiatrists tend to term psychosis "fruity" (I am not a psychiatrist---
I am a registered democrat) Lately, the donkey (the donkey represents the
democrat party-----and its members) has become pixilated. "Pixilated" is not
a technical term amongst psychiatrists as is "fruity", but I like it. It strikes
me as poetic. To return to topic----when you write "American people are not
allowed to fight back", to what are you referring?

There seems to be some idea among right-wingers that we are supposed to mollycoddle them, be sooo polite and respectful, and ignore their revolting behavior in office. Nobody is supposed to confront them or protest against them.

However, this trump group is more disgusting than any group I've ever seen. We have not experienced this low a bunch in office before in my lifetime.

The right-wingers try to curb speech that confronts their behavior. How does one express contempt for such people and let them know it? Right-wingers expect people like me to be pretty sheep, bowing to them. Don't bitch when these people are shunned and protested against. Shunning and pointing them out in public is the best way.

There seems to be some idea among left-wingers that they are human beings, deserving of respect as such, and that their filthy, low-class behavior can magically be made acceptable if they just lie about it enough.

However, THIS ass pudding is more disgusting than any other leftist ass pudding I've ever seen. I have not experienced this low a lifeform since the last time I had strep throat. And sadly, I'm pretty sure antibiotics just won't work for this disease in humanoid form.

Get off the fence, Cec.....

....say how you really feel about the Left!!!!

I know. People keep telling me I need to be more assertive and stop being so wishy-washy.

What can I say? I'm just a big cuddly teddy bear of "Piss the hell off, leftist".
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.

try to be more specific. I have a hint for you------long ago I was a diagnostician-----the diagnosis could not be "sick" nor could it be "depraved"------it is true
that some psychiatrists tend to term psychosis "fruity" (I am not a psychiatrist---
I am a registered democrat) Lately, the donkey (the donkey represents the
democrat party-----and its members) has become pixilated. "Pixilated" is not
a technical term amongst psychiatrists as is "fruity", but I like it. It strikes
me as poetic. To return to topic----when you write "American people are not
allowed to fight back", to what are you referring?

There seems to be some idea among right-wingers that we are supposed to mollycoddle them, be sooo polite and respectful, and ignore their revolting behavior in office. Nobody is supposed to confront them or protest against them.

However, this trump group is more disgusting than any group I've ever seen. We have not experienced this low a bunch in office before in my lifetime.

The right-wingers try to curb speech that confronts their behavior. How does one express contempt for such people and let them know it? Right-wingers expect people like me to be pretty sheep, bowing to them. Don't bitch when these people are shunned and protested against. Shunning and pointing them out in public is the best way.

There seems to be some idea among left-wingers that they are human beings, deserving of respect as such, and that their filthy, low-class behavior can magically be made acceptable if they just lie about it enough.

However, THIS ass pudding is more disgusting than any other leftist ass pudding I've ever seen. I have not experienced this low a lifeform since the last time I had strep throat. And sadly, I'm pretty sure antibiotics just won't work for this disease in humanoid form.

Get off the fence, Cec.....

....say how you really feel about the Left!!!!

I know. People keep telling me I need to be more assertive and stop being so wishy-washy.

What can I say? I'm just a big cuddly teddy bear of "Piss the hell off, leftist".

Now, me......I could offer assertiveness training to a bull in a bull fight!
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.

go for it Lyssie------show yourself for that which you are
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.

You walk into a restaurant and just assume they are Republicans and stick your finger in their face?

Lyssie Goebbels?

I found your photograph.


Should they wear one of these to make it easier to find them?

I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.

go for it Lyssie------show yourself for that which you are
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.

You walk into a restaurant and just assume they are Republicans and stick your finger in their face?

Lyssie Goebbels?

I found your photograph.

View attachment 223569

Should they wear one of these to make it easier to find them?

View attachment 223571

What an ignorant comment. I would not stick my fingers in these pigs' food. I might get their filth on my hands and have to go and wash.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.

go for it Lyssie------show yourself for that which you are
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.

You walk into a restaurant and just assume they are Republicans and stick your finger in their face?

Lyssie Goebbels?

I found your photograph.

View attachment 223569

Should they wear one of these to make it easier to find them?

View attachment 223571

What an ignorant comment. I would not stick my fingers in these pigs' food. I might get their filth on my hands and have to go and wash.
As the Republican cooks the food you eat....

And the Republican serves it...
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.

go for it Lyssie------show yourself for that which you are
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.

You walk into a restaurant and just assume they are Republicans and stick your finger in their face?

Lyssie Goebbels?

I found your photograph.

View attachment 223569

Should they wear one of these to make it easier to find them?

View attachment 223571

What an ignorant comment. I would not stick my fingers in these pigs' food. I might get their filth on my hands and have to go and wash.

you consider washing your hands to be a tragedy?.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.

go for it Lyssie------show yourself for that which you are
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.

You walk into a restaurant and just assume they are Republicans and stick your finger in their face?

Lyssie Goebbels?

I found your photograph.

View attachment 223569

Should they wear one of these to make it easier to find them?

View attachment 223571

What an ignorant comment. I would not stick my fingers in these pigs' food. I might get their filth on my hands and have to go and wash.

you consider washing your hands to be a tragedy?.

You are an asshole. Washing one's hands is not a tragedy, but necessary when one is in touch somehow with vermin. This requires a surgeon's scrub.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.

go for it Lyssie------show yourself for that which you are
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.

You walk into a restaurant and just assume they are Republicans and stick your finger in their face?

Lyssie Goebbels?

I found your photograph.

View attachment 223569

Should they wear one of these to make it easier to find them?

View attachment 223571

What an ignorant comment. I would not stick my fingers in these pigs' food. I might get their filth on my hands and have to go and wash.
Some day there is going to be a serious disagreement in this country.
go for it Lyssie------show yourself for that which you are
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.

You walk into a restaurant and just assume they are Republicans and stick your finger in their face?

Lyssie Goebbels?

I found your photograph.

View attachment 223569

Should they wear one of these to make it easier to find them?

View attachment 223571

What an ignorant comment. I would not stick my fingers in these pigs' food. I might get their filth on my hands and have to go and wash.

you consider washing your hands to be a tragedy?.

You are an asshole. Washing one's hands is not a tragedy, but necessary when one is in touch somehow with vermin. This requires a surgeon's scrub.

a surgeon's scrub is NOT for the purpose of "protecting the surgeon from 'CONTAMINATION' " It is for the purpose of protecting the patient. YOU
would not understand
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.

You walk into a restaurant and just assume they are Republicans and stick your finger in their face?

Lyssie Goebbels?

I found your photograph.

View attachment 223569

Should they wear one of these to make it easier to find them?

View attachment 223571

What an ignorant comment. I would not stick my fingers in these pigs' food. I might get their filth on my hands and have to go and wash.

you consider washing your hands to be a tragedy?.

You are an asshole. Washing one's hands is not a tragedy, but necessary when one is in touch somehow with vermin. This requires a surgeon's scrub.

a surgeon's scrub is NOT for the purpose of "protecting the surgeon from 'CONTAMINATION' " It is for the purpose of protecting the patient. YOU
would not understand

It's for the purpose of protecting the patient from whatever else the surgeon may have been in contact with. You should know this.

You walk into a restaurant and just assume they are Republicans and stick your finger in their face?

Lyssie Goebbels?

I found your photograph.

View attachment 223569

Should they wear one of these to make it easier to find them?

View attachment 223571

What an ignorant comment. I would not stick my fingers in these pigs' food. I might get their filth on my hands and have to go and wash.

you consider washing your hands to be a tragedy?.

You are an asshole. Washing one's hands is not a tragedy, but necessary when one is in touch somehow with vermin. This requires a surgeon's scrub.

a surgeon's scrub is NOT for the purpose of "protecting the surgeon from 'CONTAMINATION' " It is for the purpose of protecting the patient. YOU
would not understand

It's for the purpose of protecting the patient from whatever else the surgeon may have been in contact with. You should know this.

you seem to have problems in reading comprehension (besides a serious personality disorder)

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