Professor calls or harassing Republicans at restaurants sticking fingers in their salads

I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
no civility?....and yet your professor buddy says what he said? that how intelligent people act?....
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.

go for it Lyssie------show yourself for that which you are
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.
you had better open your eyes than,because many of your fellow lefties are from that same gutter...
If you are going to the trouble to make a meme, how about come up with a sentence that makes grammatical sense.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
no civility?....and yet your professor buddy says what he said? that how intelligent people act?....
Note also that she is the one whose finger would be in people's faces, and she claims to be the civil one.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
no civility?....and yet your professor buddy says what he said? that how intelligent people act?....
Note also that she is the one whose finger would be in people's faces, and she claims to be the civil one.

No. I said that I would not approach the POS. It's enough to point out where they are and let them know we're looking at them and know what they are responsible for. Ever heard of shunning?
Joke's on them ... I NEVER order the salad.
The article also advises the taking of boxes and removing your food for their own take out.

The left believes that they can do anything they want and no one can stop them.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.

go for it Lyssie------show yourself for that which you are
Yup. I'm someone who does not enjoy seeing my country raped by people from the gutter.

some of your gutter friends are raping? Try staying out of the gutter.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
no civility?....and yet your professor buddy says what he said? that how intelligent people act?....
Note also that she is the one whose finger would be in people's faces, and she claims to be the civil one.

No. I said that I would not approach the POS. It's enough to point out where they are and let them know we're looking at them and know what they are responsible for. Ever heard of shunning?

I have heard of shunning. Shunning refers to avoiding both business and social contact with the persons "shunned". There is such a penalty in Judaism----the most serious issue is that one does not "pray" with a person sentenced to "herem" -----I never knew it involved public harassment. You want to throw rocks too?
How about -----confinement in "stocks"------sheeeeesh you seem to salivate over the thought. BTW who are "they" and what are "they" "responsible" for?
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
...and id say, "get the fuck out of my face you stupid bitch", at which point everyone will point at YOU and laugh. :laugh:
Fair warning. I will stab anyone in the hand with the appropriate utensil for sticking their fingers in my food. You just don't do that kind of shit.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Some libs gonna get their asses knocked out....although the professor might not know that men on the right rarely order salads! So they'd have to put a finger into a steak. How many libs out there in the whole country have the balls to do that? Maybe a dozen....maybe? :fingerscrossed:

And btw.....what college professor do you know that isnt a fruit salad talking about salads?:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Fair warning. I will stab anyone in the hand with the appropriate utensil for sticking their fingers in my food. You just don't do that kind of shit.

Would be a hoot to see the carnage in that video! This professor....dollar to a thousand stale bagels hes never taken a beating before.:gay: are all upset about what this person said. But, I also noticed that you guys missed the part where the university decided to take action against the professor......................

Without specifically naming Mr. Thomas, Ole Miss Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter issued a statement Sunday condemning a “recent social media post by a UM faculty member,” Campus Reform reported.

“A recent social media post by a UM faculty member did not reflect the values articulated by the university, such as respect for the dignity of each individual and civility and fairness,” Mr. Vitter wrote. “While I passionately support free speech, I condemn statements that encourage acts of aggression. I urge all members of the Ole Miss community to demonstrate civility and respect for others and to honor the ideal of diversity of thought that is a foundational element of the academy.”

U.S. Senate candidate and Mississippi state Sen. Chris McDaniel called for “disciplinary action” against Mr. Thomas for the “disgusting” tweet.

And yeah, I believe in the right to free speech, but I also believe that if you say something really stupid in public, you should be held to account for it. This professor said something stupid and is now paying the price.

Instead of bitching about what the person said, how about we all take a lesson from it and realize that yeah, this country's Constitution affords all of us the right to free speech. doesn't allow you to have free speech without consequences. Others can exercise their views as well, and if your organization doesn't support your views, they can let you go.

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