Professor calls or harassing Republicans at restaurants sticking fingers in their salads

I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

Some libs gonna get their asses knocked out....although the professor might not know that men on the right rarely order salads! So they'd have to put a finger into a steak. How many libs out there in the whole country have the balls to do that? Maybe a dozen....maybe? :fingerscrossed:

And btw.....what college professor do you know that isnt a fruit salad talking about salads?:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You think that "men on the right" are actually men??? These people should stop trying to think with their dicks and start serving up wise policies and laws. All they are is a bunch of scum trying to sell identity politics.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.
So you're a card carrying member of the ANGRY DEMOCRAT MOB, aye... figures... well don't cry when it's your turn to get harassed, because you people are pushing your luck... big time...

Left-Wing Hate ‘Rap Sheet’ Reaches 600 Incidents of Violence, Harassment | Breitbart
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

republicans are "like hitler" ----get help, lyssie
They certainly are fascists. There is no excuse for them. Remember that they are involving hundreds of thousands of decent people in their depravity. If they had kept to themselves, it would have been another matter. Since when the American People not allowed to fight back? Treat trash like trash.

try to be more specific. I have a hint for you------long ago I was a diagnostician-----the diagnosis could not be "sick" nor could it be "depraved"------it is true
that some psychiatrists tend to term psychosis "fruity" (I am not a psychiatrist---
I am a registered democrat) Lately, the donkey (the donkey represents the
democrat party-----and its members) has become pixilated. "Pixilated" is not
a technical term amongst psychiatrists as is "fruity", but I like it. It strikes
me as poetic. To return to topic----when you write "American people are not
allowed to fight back", to what are you referring?
A knife in the hand will end this...

I'd prefer to stick them in the eye...

I've been known to try to stab people's hands just for trying to steal one of my French fries. I would not recommend harassing me during dinner or trying to befoul my food with leftist cooties.

Some libs gonna get their asses knocked out....although the professor might not know that men on the right rarely order salads! So they'd have to put a finger into a steak. How many libs out there in the whole country have the balls to do that? Maybe a dozen....maybe? :fingerscrossed:

And btw.....what college professor do you know that isnt a fruit salad talking about salads?:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You think that "men on the right" are actually men??? These people should stop trying to think with their dicks and start serving up wise policies and laws. All they are is a bunch of scum trying to sell identity politics.

Men on the right dont order salads s0n. And nobody thinks the right identifies with identity politics..... it's on hundred percent a lefty thing.
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.

Yes, you're recommending making a public asshole and nuisance out of yourself, and WE'RE the ones who "have no civility".

All I just heard is, "Whatever we want to do is okay. Just accuse our enemies of doing it first!"

Some libs gonna get their asses knocked out....although the professor might not know that men on the right rarely order salads! So they'd have to put a finger into a steak. How many libs out there in the whole country have the balls to do that? Maybe a dozen....maybe? :fingerscrossed:

And btw.....what college professor do you know that isnt a fruit salad talking about salads?:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You think that "men on the right" are actually men??? These people should stop trying to think with their dicks and start serving up wise policies and laws. All they are is a bunch of scum trying to sell identity politics.

Men on the right dont order salads s0n. And nobody thinks the right identifies with identity politics..... it's on hundred percent a lefty thing.

The rightwingers definitely practice identity politics and then deny it. In fact, they invented it.

Some libs gonna get their asses knocked out....although the professor might not know that men on the right rarely order salads! So they'd have to put a finger into a steak. How many libs out there in the whole country have the balls to do that? Maybe a dozen....maybe? :fingerscrossed:

And btw.....what college professor do you know that isnt a fruit salad talking about salads?:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You think that "men on the right" are actually men??? These people should stop trying to think with their dicks and start serving up wise policies and laws. All they are is a bunch of scum trying to sell identity politics.

Men on the right dont order salads s0n. And nobody thinks the right identifies with identity politics..... it's on hundred percent a lefty thing.

The rightwingers definitely practice identity politics and then deny it. In fact, they invented it.

But that's the opinion of about 179 people s0n! Only matters what the public at large thinks. I can get naked and stroll down Main St. shaking a banana at people warning them of the end of days. But nobody is going to care. Perception is 95% of reality s0n!

Some libs gonna get their asses knocked out....although the professor might not know that men on the right rarely order salads! So they'd have to put a finger into a steak. How many libs out there in the whole country have the balls to do that? Maybe a dozen....maybe? :fingerscrossed:

And btw.....what college professor do you know that isnt a fruit salad talking about salads?:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You think that "men on the right" are actually men??? These people should stop trying to think with their dicks and start serving up wise policies and laws. All they are is a bunch of scum trying to sell identity politics.

Men on the right dont order salads s0n. And nobody thinks the right identifies with identity politics..... it's on hundred percent a lefty thing.

The rightwingers definitely practice identity politics and then deny it. In fact, they invented it.

I am fascinated Lyssie-----can you expand on your allegation that REPUBS do
Identity politics. It seems like the PIXILATED DONKEY THING TO ME------who
invented the NEW RACE ""people of color" ???
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
no civility?....and yet your professor buddy says what he said? that how intelligent people act?....

We're uncivil enough to disagree with them and actually compete with them for control of politcal offices (gasp!), so we deserve anything they want to do to us until we submit to their control.
the schmuck James Thomas is "asst. prof of sociology" I did lots of sociology
courses in the early 70s as a college undergraduate-----EASY "A" s---kept my
GPA really high. I even read the idiot books. He did an idiot major---read lots
of idiot books------and is an idiot---------"asst. prof" <<<< pathetic
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
no civility?....and yet your professor buddy says what he said? that how intelligent people act?....
Note also that she is the one whose finger would be in people's faces, and she claims to be the civil one.

No. I said that I would not approach the POS. It's enough to point out where they are and let them know we're looking at them and know what they are responsible for. Ever heard of shunning?

Oooh, being shunned by someone I wouldn't piss on if she were on fire. THERE'S a threat!

Are YOU aware that what you're describing is illegal? Is that a problem for you at all, or are you feeling so "justified" in your shitty behavior that you think laws don't apply to you?

Also, will it bother you at all if your gesture of childish finger-pointing is returned by a different finger gesure?
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.
You are serious???? How the hell do you know what they do in their private life? Yet, you are judging them enough to be nasty when they are out in public? REALLY?????
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
no civility?....and yet your professor buddy says what he said? that how intelligent people act?....
Note also that she is the one whose finger would be in people's faces, and she claims to be the civil one.

No. I said that I would not approach the POS. It's enough to point out where they are and let them know we're looking at them and know what they are responsible for. Ever heard of shunning?

Oooh, being shunned by someone I wouldn't piss on if she were on fire. THERE'S a threat!

Are YOU aware that what you're describing is illegal? Is that a problem for you at all, or are you feeling so "justified" in your shitty behavior that you think laws don't apply to you?

Also, will it bother you at all if your gesture of childish finger-pointing is returned by a different finger gesure?
If she did that to me, she would be screaming in anguish because that finger would be bent into a position it was not meant to bend.
Joke's on them ... I NEVER order the salad.
The article also advises the taking of boxes and removing your food for their own take out.

The left believes that they can do anything they want and no one can stop them.

The odd thing is that gutter trash like Lysi are rationalizing it because WE are "uncivil" - presumably our great "sin" is daring to oppose them - but they're actually counting on our good manners to allow them to get away with it. The first time that fails them and one of their victims punches some asshole in the nose, they're going to be "outraged".
I wouldn't go so far as to touch somebody's food or go up to their table, but I would point my index finger at them, straight armed, and make sure they saw it. These republican bitches have no civility and deserve none, not with what they have done to destroy our nation.
Yeah the very definition of civility is pointing fingers at people who are just eating a meal and not bothering you at all.

Oh, poor them. How else does the public hold this vermin accountable? If they go out in public, this is the risk they take. Nobody has to make this trash comfortable. When they are not "just eating a meal" and "not bothering" anyone, they are out screwing the American people. I guess scumbags like Hitler also wanted to eat in peace, the POS.

Seriously? Are you SERIOUSLY telling us that you actually have no idea how one handles things in a civilized society? You actually are such a primitive savage that you cannot conceive of any better behavior?

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