Professor: Prevent “Interspecies Genocide,” Reduce Current Human Numbers


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012

What the professor means when he writes “behavior”, is not just some friendly “family planning”- campaign. He actually writes that in order to prevent global Armageddon, only the most draconian policies will do:

“Ending human population growth is almost certainly a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for preventing catastrophic global climate change. Indeed, significantly reducing current human numbers (emphasis added) may be necessary in order to do so.”

An important distinction. It’s one thing to end growth. It’s quite another thing to reduce current human numbers. Continued

Comment: Another one of these earth worshipping evil bastards calling for other people to die for the dirt he worships. He should get the ball rolling and kill himself.

This self important evil bastards are always looking at everyone else as the problem, when they could support the final solution by themselves, and the world would be a better place without them, not US.

Our evil government leaders support these ideas, for example they support UN AGENDA 21
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Ok professor, lead by example. Off yourself first then we'll follow right behind you. Trust us.:cuckoo:
Ok professor, lead by example. Off yourself first then we'll follow right behind you. Trust us.:cuckoo:

LOL, yeah thats right. These folks who say there are to many "other people" should off themselves to set an example :clap2:
The professor then argues that for any population policy to be effective, it has to be done by coercion:

“China’s policies have largely stabilized its population, while some nations that rely solely on non coercive measures, like India, continue to balloon.”

The professor can not wholly avoid the issue of resistance against the scientific dictatorship emerging in our daily lives.

“True, for many people, telling them what kind of car to drive or how many children to have will seem an intolerable infringement of their rights. But then we should move expeditiously to put non-coercive or less coercive incentives in place that achieve the desired ends. If these prove insufficient, then we may have to accept stricter limits on our freedom to consume or to have children

You gotta love the theology of the liberal "Church of the unHoly Planet"...
You will have a choice for your population control method: Mahmoud's nukes or Stalin's Gulags.

[When modern man overran Europe as late as 27,000 years ago, their ethnic cleansing didn't stop just with the Neanderthal, they apparently killed everyone whom they encountered that appeared strange to them. The only places Otzi, the Iceman's, DNA can be found remaining in Modern Europe today are the islands of Corsica and Sardinia.
The PC Police, amidst their incessant themesongs of multicultural kumbayah, are quite obviously barking up the wrong tree as a result, trying to put square pegs into round holes. As science has been slowly revealing since Jane Goodall took up her habitations with the chimps in Kenya's Gombe Reserve and noted, much to the then Scientific Establishment's dismay that mankind's closest living relative in the wild was inherently warlike, you can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy. That's probably why Sturm Ruger's and S&W's profits and sales are at historically high levels today.

Well, we now know that the ancient biblical tale of Cain's killing of Able wasn't just a figment of the imagination of some ancient elderly, scraggly haired and toothed Jewish Scribe scribbling away in some half collapsed mud hut in Ninevah, Haifah, or Megiddo, but in fact, reality. But how did they know without benefit of DNA analysis back then? Genetic memory? Or just incredibly keen powers of observation and insight into human behavior that we seem to have discarded?
No Virginia, you aren't sinning when you get those urges to kill your neighbor, its just the way Mother Nature programmed you to think and react. Mahmoud is just doing what Mother Nature programmed him to do. His Daddy and Mommy gave him his instructions, as their parents did before them, all the way back to the folks who killed Otzi]

"Ötzi the ice mummy may have met his death in the Alps some 5300 years ago, but his descendants live on – on the Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sardinia. The finding comes from an analysis of Ötzi's DNA, which also reveals he had brown eyes and hair, and was lactose intolerant.

The ice mummy was found in 1991 on an Alpine glacier between Austria and Italy, where he met a violent end in the Neolithic.

Albert Zink of the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman in Bolzano, Italy, and colleagues have now analysed DNA extracted from Ötzi's pelvis to find out more about his life.

Mutations to the iceman's MCM6 gene suggest he could not digest the lactose protein in milk – unlike most modern Europeans. "Maybe at that time most people were still lactose-intolerant," says Zink. "The change to farming livestock [in Europe] only began between about 5000 and 10,000 years ago and so digesting milk became an advantage."

Ötzi was more likely than most to develop heart disease. He carried one genetic mutation that in modern humans raises the risk of coronary heart disease by 40 per cent, and two others that made him prone to a build-up of fat in the linings of his arteries.""
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We will kill off a significant portion of our population in the future, it's just a question of when and how, probably mass killing and genocidal war but super viruses may do it without a shot fired.
We will kill off a significant portion of our population in the future, it's just a question of when and how, probably mass killing and genocidal war but super viruses may do it without a shot fired.

They're cooking up those viruses as we speak, in US government labs in Central America.
We will kill off a significant portion of our population in the future, it's just a question of when and how, probably mass killing and genocidal war but super viruses may do it without a shot fired.

They're cooking up those viruses as we speak, in US government labs in Central America.

Every country in the world capable of advanced biochemistry has their own strain of super flu already.

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