Professor threatens students for use of the wrong words

Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.
2015 Washington State University syllabus, from page 4, my bolds:

Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable. Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated. (This includes “The Man,” “Colored People,”“Illegals/Illegal Aliens,”“Tranny” and so on or referring to women/men as females or males) If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class since it can be a learning moment for many students. Repeated use of oppressive and hateful language will be handled accordingly - including but not limited to removal from the class without attendance or participation points, failure of the assignment, and - in extreme cases - failure for the semester.

Watch what you say, or you will pay. America, 2015.

Americans are at liberty to say anything they wish, to exhibit their ignorance and hate, their racism and stupidity, their bigotry and nativism absent punitive measures by the state; indeed, hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, immune from attack by the state. (R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul)

Consequently, no one will 'pay' for what he says, no 'arrest,' no 'trial,' no 'conviction,' the notion is ignorant idiocy – a product of the myth of 'political correctness,' and those frightened of unfettered debate in a free and democratic society.
Wow, you really ARE a fucking moron.

Can you even read?

What was the penalty issued for use of these words in this nazi' classroom?

Is a teacher at a government funded university an agent of the government? Be very careful how you answer this as religion in schools will be put on the table if you say no...

The failure of a student from a classroom for not subscribing to the 'approved list of words' is in fact, government punishment.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."
Decaf, maybe?

I know you folks need to deny this stuff, no problem.
bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.
The more hardcore will continue to deny it, even as more honest lefties are beginning to admit it.
No wonder these far right reactionaries and libertarians never graduated from college. They cannot consider the discussions of others without throwing names and being disagreeable.
More of the Syllabus to put the OP into focus.

Course Description
This class will look the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality in film and media, and the social, political, economic, and cultural practices impact of these mediums. We will explore some of the complexities of these identities through the course texts, selected articles, group discussions, lectures, and film with attention to media and popular culture.

Using classic and contemporary films, as well as sample content from television and the internet, we will explore the boundaries, stipulations, and expectations which shape cultural expectations of sex, gender identity and expression, sexuality, and sexual orientation.

Learning Outcomes By the end of this semester, you should have the skills to:  Understand core concepts of: race, class, gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality, and sexual orientation in relation to social, political, economic, and cultural norms and practices.

 Have the ability to recognize these concepts in film, media, television, and online and identify the complications of these representations.

 Identify areas of systemic and institutionalized racism, prejudice, misogyny, classism, sexism, and discriminatory practices in the casting, production, distribution, and reception of various media samples, and make connections to your personal experiences.

 Recognize the intersectionality of race, class, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, and ability in actors, their roles, and their on- & off-screen personas.

 Participate in discussions in a thoughtful and academic manner, with understanding of critical race theory, feminist, anti-racist, and allied social discourse.

 Engage in discussion surrounding contemporary political movements and trends in popular culture and social discourse which contribute to the systemic issues discussed in class.

 Distinguish and dismantle stereotypes, archetypes, assumptions, clichés, and widespread beliefs surrounding race, class, sexuality, gender, and identity.
That's fine but what does that have to do with the reality that a professor is attempting to reclassify non offensive (except to a very tiny minority) common words, phrases, usage as offensive and doing so by treats of academic punishment.
My response would be Da Tovaritch or Da Camraden, my next response would be to advise the Dean and demand it be changed, if that failed it would be the Board advising them of the possibility of a violation of civil liberties lawsuit.
Colored is offensive to most African Americans. Tranny is offensive to anyone. Illegal is offensive to many immigrants, here with permission or not. There is absolutely no violation of anyone's liberty to be required, in a classroom, to avoid offensive language. I have the right to use the word Fuck here, on this site. Others sites do not allow that. If a professor required that students not use profane language in a classroom, when the same profane language is protected in speech outside the classroom, is a that a violation of the student's rights?
Colored was never offensive to any blacks I knew/know they just preferred black or AA so we can toss that out as an offensive word. Trannies call themselves trannies, there goes another one, illegal is not offensive to MANY, it's a contrived (for political reasons) offensive designation only a very few claim not to like, one more misrepresentation booted out the door. What about gender references, since when did that become offensive? Give me a fucking break.
Having the right to curse on a website, in someones place of business or in someones home is a different animal as it's private property and we can curtail free speech if we so desire, Schools that receive government funding cannot though they do all the time.
In my humble but accurate opinion this is an undisguised attempt at enforcing political correctness in usage simply because the professor doesn't like those words, social engineering at it's worse. People like that shouldn't be teaching they should be convalescing in a nuthouse.
Oh and if I, you, him, them, whomever have a problem with something, is offended by something (I'm not including things like pedophilia) then we are the one's with the problem and we need to overcome it in ourselves.
Last edited:
Nonsense. I have had black friends who have said colored was offensive.

But, even so, it is the professor's class not yours.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.
The more hardcore will continue to deny it, even as more honest lefties are beginning to admit it.
And lying right wingers like you will continue to claim that the isolated incidents that are rightly criticized are proof that it happens all of the time and complain that a professor properly requiring that students speak respectfully in class to one another is somehow an infringement on free speech.
words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.
The more hardcore will continue to deny it, even as more honest lefties are beginning to admit it.
And lying right wingers like you will continue to claim that the isolated incidents that are rightly criticized are proof that it happens all of the time and complain that a professor properly requiring that students speak respectfully in class to one another is somehow an infringement on free speech.
Any who cannot be polite in adult discussion are seriously emotionally damaged.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.
The more hardcore will continue to deny it, even as more honest lefties are beginning to admit it.
And lying right wingers like you will continue to claim that the isolated incidents that are rightly criticized are proof that it happens all of the time and complain that a professor properly requiring that students speak respectfully in class to one another is somehow an infringement on free speech.
bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.
So, no words should be banned? Fuck, ****, cocksucker, ******, ****, ****, etc. are all appropriate to be used in a classroom. Otherwise, we have lost our freedom. That is your position? That no college professor can require that students in his or her class treat one another respectfully?
Wow, the PC Police are really losing their shit over this one.

I guess that's what happens when you're slave to some goofy ideological obligation to defend the absurd.

It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.
So, no words should be banned? Fuck, ****, cocksucker, ******, ****, ****, etc. are all appropriate to be used in a classroom. Otherwise, we have lost our freedom. That is your position? That no college professor can require that students in his or her class treat one another respectfully?

If part of the discussion, why ban the words? By banning those words you wouldn't be able to read some source material.

How does one discuss how bad the word n_i_g_g_e_r is without being able to reference the word, or even discuss about it?
More of the Syllabus to put the OP into focus.

Course Description
This class will look the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality in film and media, and the social, political, economic, and cultural practices impact of these mediums. We will explore some of the complexities of these identities through the course texts, selected articles, group discussions, lectures, and film with attention to media and popular culture.

Using classic and contemporary films, as well as sample content from television and the internet, we will explore the boundaries, stipulations, and expectations which shape cultural expectations of sex, gender identity and expression, sexuality, and sexual orientation.

Learning Outcomes By the end of this semester, you should have the skills to:  Understand core concepts of: race, class, gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality, and sexual orientation in relation to social, political, economic, and cultural norms and practices.

 Have the ability to recognize these concepts in film, media, television, and online and identify the complications of these representations.

 Identify areas of systemic and institutionalized racism, prejudice, misogyny, classism, sexism, and discriminatory practices in the casting, production, distribution, and reception of various media samples, and make connections to your personal experiences.

 Recognize the intersectionality of race, class, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, and ability in actors, their roles, and their on- & off-screen personas.

 Participate in discussions in a thoughtful and academic manner, with understanding of critical race theory, feminist, anti-racist, and allied social discourse.

 Engage in discussion surrounding contemporary political movements and trends in popular culture and social discourse which contribute to the systemic issues discussed in class.

 Distinguish and dismantle stereotypes, archetypes, assumptions, clichés, and widespread beliefs surrounding race, class, sexuality, gender, and identity.
That's fine but what does that have to do with the reality that a professor is attempting to reclassify non offensive (except to a very tiny minority) common words, phrases, usage as offensive and doing so by treats of academic punishment.
My response would be Da Tovaritch or Da Camraden, my next response would be to advise the Dean and demand it be changed, if that failed it would be the Board advising them of the possibility of a violation of civil liberties lawsuit.
Colored is offensive to most African Americans. Tranny is offensive to anyone. Illegal is offensive to many immigrants, here with permission or not. There is absolutely no violation of anyone's liberty to be required, in a classroom, to avoid offensive language. I have the right to use the word Fuck here, on this site. Others sites do not allow that. If a professor required that students not use profane language in a classroom, when the same profane language is protected in speech outside the classroom, is a that a violation of the student's rights?
Colored was never offensive to any blacks I knew/know they just preferred black or AA so we can toss that out as an offensive word. Trannies call themselves trannies, there goes another one, illegal is not offensive to MANY, it's a contrived (for political reasons) offensive designation only a very few claim not to like, one more misrepresentation booted out the door. What about gender references, since when did that become offensive? Give me a fucking break.
Having the right to curse on a website, in someones place of business or in someones home is a different animal as it's private property and we can curtail free speech if we so desire, Schools that receive government funding cannot though they do all the time.
In my humble but accurate opinion this is an undisguised attempt at enforcing political correctness in usage simply because the professor doesn't like those words, social engineering at it's worse. People like that shouldn't be teaching they should be convalescing in a nuthouse.
Oh and if I, you, him, them, whomever have a problem with something, is offended by something (I'm not including things like pedophilia) then we are the one's with the problem and we need to overcome it in ourselves.
Cause the African Americans you knew knew their place, right? Don't dare object to your use of racially offensive terms. Perhaps they jsut accepted that you were a racist prick and did not want to bother fighting with you? And tranny is offensive. That some have so little respect for themselves that they use that term does not mean it is an acceptable description, particularly not in a classroom. And you are wholly ignorant of the First Amendment if you don't think that schools and other governmental entities cannot have rules regarding the use of offensive language. Your opinion is anything but humble. You arrogantly assume to know why this professor wants students to refrain from using language IN CLASS that might be offensive to others. You assume it is to control their opinions though it is clear from her syllabus that she wants all to express their opinions. Only morons like you and Mac are unable to express an opinion without denigrating others.
More of the Syllabus to put the OP into focus.

Course Description
This class will look the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality in film and media, and the social, political, economic, and cultural practices impact of these mediums. We will explore some of the complexities of these identities through the course texts, selected articles, group discussions, lectures, and film with attention to media and popular culture.

Using classic and contemporary films, as well as sample content from television and the internet, we will explore the boundaries, stipulations, and expectations which shape cultural expectations of sex, gender identity and expression, sexuality, and sexual orientation.

Learning Outcomes By the end of this semester, you should have the skills to:  Understand core concepts of: race, class, gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality, and sexual orientation in relation to social, political, economic, and cultural norms and practices.

 Have the ability to recognize these concepts in film, media, television, and online and identify the complications of these representations.

 Identify areas of systemic and institutionalized racism, prejudice, misogyny, classism, sexism, and discriminatory practices in the casting, production, distribution, and reception of various media samples, and make connections to your personal experiences.

 Recognize the intersectionality of race, class, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, and ability in actors, their roles, and their on- & off-screen personas.

 Participate in discussions in a thoughtful and academic manner, with understanding of critical race theory, feminist, anti-racist, and allied social discourse.

 Engage in discussion surrounding contemporary political movements and trends in popular culture and social discourse which contribute to the systemic issues discussed in class.

 Distinguish and dismantle stereotypes, archetypes, assumptions, clichés, and widespread beliefs surrounding race, class, sexuality, gender, and identity.
That's fine but what does that have to do with the reality that a professor is attempting to reclassify non offensive (except to a very tiny minority) common words, phrases, usage as offensive and doing so by treats of academic punishment.
My response would be Da Tovaritch or Da Camraden, my next response would be to advise the Dean and demand it be changed, if that failed it would be the Board advising them of the possibility of a violation of civil liberties lawsuit.
Colored is offensive to most African Americans. Tranny is offensive to anyone. Illegal is offensive to many immigrants, here with permission or not. There is absolutely no violation of anyone's liberty to be required, in a classroom, to avoid offensive language. I have the right to use the word Fuck here, on this site. Others sites do not allow that. If a professor required that students not use profane language in a classroom, when the same profane language is protected in speech outside the classroom, is a that a violation of the student's rights?
Colored was never offensive to any blacks I knew/know they just preferred black or AA so we can toss that out as an offensive word. Trannies call themselves trannies, there goes another one, illegal is not offensive to MANY, it's a contrived (for political reasons) offensive designation only a very few claim not to like, one more misrepresentation booted out the door. What about gender references, since when did that become offensive? Give me a fucking break.
Having the right to curse on a website, in someones place of business or in someones home is a different animal as it's private property and we can curtail free speech if we so desire, Schools that receive government funding cannot though they do all the time.
In my humble but accurate opinion this is an undisguised attempt at enforcing political correctness in usage simply because the professor doesn't like those words, social engineering at it's worse. People like that shouldn't be teaching they should be convalescing in a nuthouse.
Oh and if I, you, him, them, whomever have a problem with something, is offended by something (I'm not including things like pedophilia) then we are the one's with the problem and we need to overcome it in ourselves.
Cause the African Americans you knew knew their place, right? Don't dare object to your use of racially offensive terms. Perhaps they jsut accepted that you were a racist prick and did not want to bother fighting with you? And tranny is offensive. That some have so little respect for themselves that they use that term does not mean it is an acceptable description, particularly not in a classroom. And you are wholly ignorant of the First Amendment if you don't think that schools and other governmental entities cannot have rules regarding the use of offensive language. Your opinion is anything but humble. You arrogantly assume to know why this professor wants students to refrain from using language IN CLASS that might be offensive to others. You assume it is to control their opinions though it is clear from her syllabus that she wants all to express their opinions. Only morons like you and Mac are unable to express an opinion without denigrating others.
I see you have projection down to a science. I'm not assuming anything, it's obvious what the professor is doing, you're either too blind to see it or part of the process and are deflecting.
Oh and your pathetic attempt to label me a racist is exactly that, banal and pathetic, obviously the only racist here is you or that is the only way you think you can win the argument. Yup, pathetic.
Yes, schools and other government entities can have rules regarding offensive language, the problem here is you see something as offensive that the vast majority of the population doesn't, that's where the primary disagreement is between us.
words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.
So, no words should be banned? Fuck, ****, cocksucker, ******, ****, ****, etc. are all appropriate to be used in a classroom. Otherwise, we have lost our freedom. That is your position? That no college professor can require that students in his or her class treat one another respectfully?

If part of the discussion, why ban the words? By banning those words you wouldn't be able to read some source material.

How does one discuss how bad the word n_i_g_g_e_r is without being able to reference the word, or even discuss about it?
Discuss it with the prof, Marty, because you are simply whining.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.
So, no words should be banned? Fuck, ****, cocksucker, ******, ****, ****, etc. are all appropriate to be used in a classroom. Otherwise, we have lost our freedom. That is your position? That no college professor can require that students in his or her class treat one another respectfully?

If part of the discussion, why ban the words? By banning those words you wouldn't be able to read some source material.

How does one discuss how bad the word n_i_g_g_e_r is without being able to reference the word, or even discuss about it?
Discuss it with the prof, Marty, because you are simply whining.
Say what? How is that whining?
Again the problem is the professor is (for whatever reason) viewing/defining non-offensive words as offensive, the same words and phrases that until recently were never considered offensive except by an extremely tiny minority and that some have been pushing to consider offensive to all...... That speaks volumes to anyone who has been paying attention.
Ringel's got it wrong.

Professor's class, Professor's way, always been that way at college.

The inmates never get to run the asylum.
bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
The only fucking liar here is you. You conflate a requirement that discussions in a classroom be respectful with examples of schools, on rare and isolated occasions, trying to limit speech outside of a classroom or trying to punish different opinions in a classroom. This involves neither. No opinions are punished. There is a difference between a student punished for telling a teacher "You are fucking wrong" and one punished for telling a teacher, "you are wrong."

Keep trying to hide the fact that banning words usually leads to banning ideas, and that one can trust this obviously flaming progressive professor to be fair with ideas other than her own.

Your side has shown i cannot be trusted to be fair when it comes to ideas you don't like, so kindly go sit on it and rotate.

Examples please. words are being banned.

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