Professor threatens students for use of the wrong words

Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate, dumb fuck. It is a class on gender and other biases. The mere fact that some student wrote about this in a student paper where it was picked up by Fox New and other Right Wing outrage factories kind of proves that debate is thriving.

It is suppression of debate, no matter how you progressive hacks try to play it off. The cure for speech you don't like is more speech, not a threat to fail a person for it.
A classroom is not a free speech zone. A professor absolutely controls speech in her classroom. She can decide who speaks, when they will speak and the tone that is acceptable. That you want to say, "colored folks exaggerate their claims of discrimination" instead of "African Americans exaggerate their claims of discrimination" is not suppression of free speech. Free speech is protected in public forums. A classroom is not a public forums. There is no punishment for having a different opinion than the teacher; but for expressing it, repeatedly, in a manner that may be offensive to other students.

At a public university, a student cannot be punished for their opinion.

Once again progressive side with authoritarianism, it freaking figures.
These are her rules for discussion:
 Please be considerate of your peers, the course content, and myself. We all have differing opinions, beliefs, and practices. The course materials may challenge your personal beliefs or opinions, and this is an open space to discuss these disagreements in a civilized, academic manner. Any personal attacks against myself or another student will result in removal from the course for the remainder of the semester.

Avoid using anecdotal evidence in any debate. Since identities, such as gender or race, cannot be generalized to your personal experience, anecdotal evidence must be kept to a minimum. Understand that we are not discussing nor attacking individual experience, but rather the institutionalized and systemic issues of discrimination and prejudice.

Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable. Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated. (This includes “The Man,” “Colored People,” “Illegals/Illegal Aliens,” “Tranny” and so on - or referring to women/men as females or males) If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class since it can be a learning moment for many students"

Conservatives cannot have a discussion without personal attacks, using their own personal anecdotes as evidence of a general practice and using gross generalizations, stereotypes and derogatory language. This thread is a perfect example. This story is anecdotal evidence; it is based on generalizations and stereotypes about college professors and involves blind condemnation and attacks on a college professor no one here posting knows anything about.

Illegal alien is not derogatory, stop trying to change what words mean or do.

Males and females is not derogatory. stop being such a prissy fuck.
So, you missed the entire point of the post?
These are her rules for discussion:
 Please be considerate of your peers, the course content, and myself. We all have differing opinions, beliefs, and practices. The course materials may challenge your personal beliefs or opinions, and this is an open space to discuss these disagreements in a civilized, academic manner. Any personal attacks against myself or another student will result in removal from the course for the remainder of the semester.

Avoid using anecdotal evidence in any debate. Since identities, such as gender or race, cannot be generalized to your personal experience, anecdotal evidence must be kept to a minimum. Understand that we are not discussing nor attacking individual experience, but rather the institutionalized and systemic issues of discrimination and prejudice.

Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable. Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated. (This includes “The Man,” “Colored People,” “Illegals/Illegal Aliens,” “Tranny” and so on - or referring to women/men as females or males) If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class since it can be a learning moment for many students"

Conservatives cannot have a discussion without personal attacks, using their own personal anecdotes as evidence of a general practice and using gross generalizations, stereotypes and derogatory language. This thread is a perfect example. This story is anecdotal evidence; it is based on generalizations and stereotypes about college professors and involves blind condemnation and attacks on a college professor no one here posting knows anything about.

Illegal alien is not derogatory, stop trying to change what words mean or do.

Males and females is not derogatory. stop being such a prissy fuck.
So, you missed the entire point of the post?

The point of the post is you are a fascist lickspittle.
Relate the OP's selection with the entire syllabus.

Have to use sensible language in a sensitive class subject.

Makes sense. Those who don't like it get to not like it. Don't enroll in the class.
Except for the fact that the LISTED words are NOT offensive.

You don't get to determine what is or is not offensive to other people.
Neither does the professor.
In her class, she does.
These are her rules for discussion:
 Please be considerate of your peers, the course content, and myself. We all have differing opinions, beliefs, and practices. The course materials may challenge your personal beliefs or opinions, and this is an open space to discuss these disagreements in a civilized, academic manner. Any personal attacks against myself or another student will result in removal from the course for the remainder of the semester.

Avoid using anecdotal evidence in any debate. Since identities, such as gender or race, cannot be generalized to your personal experience, anecdotal evidence must be kept to a minimum. Understand that we are not discussing nor attacking individual experience, but rather the institutionalized and systemic issues of discrimination and prejudice.

Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable. Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated. (This includes “The Man,” “Colored People,” “Illegals/Illegal Aliens,” “Tranny” and so on - or referring to women/men as females or males) If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class since it can be a learning moment for many students"

Conservatives cannot have a discussion without personal attacks, using their own personal anecdotes as evidence of a general practice and using gross generalizations, stereotypes and derogatory language. This thread is a perfect example. This story is anecdotal evidence; it is based on generalizations and stereotypes about college professors and involves blind condemnation and attacks on a college professor no one here posting knows anything about.

Illegal alien is not derogatory, stop trying to change what words mean or do.

Males and females is not derogatory. stop being such a prissy fuck.
So, you missed the entire point of the post?

The point of the post is you are a fascist lickspittle.
The point of the post is proven with your idiotic blatherings. You need to take this class. Education is the cure for your kind of ignorance.
These are her rules for discussion:
 Please be considerate of your peers, the course content, and myself. We all have differing opinions, beliefs, and practices. The course materials may challenge your personal beliefs or opinions, and this is an open space to discuss these disagreements in a civilized, academic manner. Any personal attacks against myself or another student will result in removal from the course for the remainder of the semester.

Avoid using anecdotal evidence in any debate. Since identities, such as gender or race, cannot be generalized to your personal experience, anecdotal evidence must be kept to a minimum. Understand that we are not discussing nor attacking individual experience, but rather the institutionalized and systemic issues of discrimination and prejudice.

Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable. Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated. (This includes “The Man,” “Colored People,” “Illegals/Illegal Aliens,” “Tranny” and so on - or referring to women/men as females or males) If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class since it can be a learning moment for many students"

Conservatives cannot have a discussion without personal attacks, using their own personal anecdotes as evidence of a general practice and using gross generalizations, stereotypes and derogatory language. This thread is a perfect example. This story is anecdotal evidence; it is based on generalizations and stereotypes about college professors and involves blind condemnation and attacks on a college professor no one here posting knows anything about.

Illegal alien is not derogatory, stop trying to change what words mean or do.

Males and females is not derogatory. stop being such a prissy fuck.
So, you missed the entire point of the post?

The point of the post is you are a fascist lickspittle.
The point of the post is proven with your idiotic blatherings. You need to take this class. Education is the cure for your kind of ignorance.

It's a short step from banning words to banning ideas. I'm sure I would do terrible in this class because I don't agree with the professor, even if I avoided the "hate words".

Again, male/female is not hate speech. Illegal Alien is not hate speech.
So you're pretending that this is the only case of PC or intolerance on a campus.

Sure, we can pretend anything, why not.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.
These are her rules for discussion:
 Please be considerate of your peers, the course content, and myself. We all have differing opinions, beliefs, and practices. The course materials may challenge your personal beliefs or opinions, and this is an open space to discuss these disagreements in a civilized, academic manner. Any personal attacks against myself or another student will result in removal from the course for the remainder of the semester.

Avoid using anecdotal evidence in any debate. Since identities, such as gender or race, cannot be generalized to your personal experience, anecdotal evidence must be kept to a minimum. Understand that we are not discussing nor attacking individual experience, but rather the institutionalized and systemic issues of discrimination and prejudice.

Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable. Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated. (This includes “The Man,” “Colored People,” “Illegals/Illegal Aliens,” “Tranny” and so on - or referring to women/men as females or males) If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class since it can be a learning moment for many students"

Conservatives cannot have a discussion without personal attacks, using their own personal anecdotes as evidence of a general practice and using gross generalizations, stereotypes and derogatory language. This thread is a perfect example. This story is anecdotal evidence; it is based on generalizations and stereotypes about college professors and involves blind condemnation and attacks on a college professor no one here posting knows anything about.

Illegal alien is not derogatory, stop trying to change what words mean or do.

Males and females is not derogatory. stop being such a prissy fuck.
So, you missed the entire point of the post?

The point of the post is you are a fascist lickspittle.
The point of the post is proven with your idiotic blatherings. You need to take this class. Education is the cure for your kind of ignorance.

It's a short step from banning words to banning ideas. I'm sure I would do terrible in this class because I don't agree with the professor, even if I avoided the "hate words".

Again, male/female is not hate speech. Illegal Alien is not hate speech.
You don't have to agree with the professor. You simply have to respect her rules regarding the discussion. Why can't you talk about transgender issues without using a word that is uniformly offensive to transgender people? Why can't you discuss immigration without referring to an entire group of people as "illegals"? People cannot be "illegal".
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate, dumb fuck. It is a class on gender and other biases. The mere fact that some student wrote about this in a student paper where it was picked up by Fox New and other Right Wing outrage factories kind of proves that debate is thriving.

It is suppression of debate, no matter how you progressive hacks try to play it off. The cure for speech you don't like is more speech, not a threat to fail a person for it.
A classroom is not a free speech zone. A professor absolutely controls speech in her classroom. She can decide who speaks, when they will speak and the tone that is acceptable. That you want to say, "colored folks exaggerate their claims of discrimination" instead of "African Americans exaggerate their claims of discrimination" is not suppression of free speech. Free speech is protected in public forums. A classroom is not a public forums. There is no punishment for having a different opinion than the teacher; but for expressing it, repeatedly, in a manner that may be offensive to other students.

At a public university, a student cannot be punished for their opinion.

Once again progressive side with authoritarianism, it freaking figures.
Read the fucking syllabus you moron. Students are not threatened with punishment for their opinion.
Illegal alien is not derogatory, stop trying to change what words mean or do.

Males and females is not derogatory. stop being such a prissy fuck.
So, you missed the entire point of the post?

The point of the post is you are a fascist lickspittle.
The point of the post is proven with your idiotic blatherings. You need to take this class. Education is the cure for your kind of ignorance.

It's a short step from banning words to banning ideas. I'm sure I would do terrible in this class because I don't agree with the professor, even if I avoided the "hate words".

Again, male/female is not hate speech. Illegal Alien is not hate speech.
You don't have to agree with the professor. You simply have to respect her rules regarding the discussion. Why can't you talk about transgender issues without using a word that is uniformly offensive to transgender people? Why can't you discuss immigration without referring to an entire group of people as "illegals"? People cannot be "illegal".

Bullshit. I know the type, first you cleanse words, then you cleanse ideas. I'm sure she punishes thoughts that she doesn't agree with as well.

Keep trying the same tired lines, it's all your side has.
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
And ****** is a shortening of negro; **** a shortening of hispanic.
bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate, dumb fuck. It is a class on gender and other biases. The mere fact that some student wrote about this in a student paper where it was picked up by Fox New and other Right Wing outrage factories kind of proves that debate is thriving.

It is suppression of debate, no matter how you progressive hacks try to play it off. The cure for speech you don't like is more speech, not a threat to fail a person for it.
A classroom is not a free speech zone. A professor absolutely controls speech in her classroom. She can decide who speaks, when they will speak and the tone that is acceptable. That you want to say, "colored folks exaggerate their claims of discrimination" instead of "African Americans exaggerate their claims of discrimination" is not suppression of free speech. Free speech is protected in public forums. A classroom is not a public forums. There is no punishment for having a different opinion than the teacher; but for expressing it, repeatedly, in a manner that may be offensive to other students.

At a public university, a student cannot be punished for their opinion.

Once again progressive side with authoritarianism, it freaking figures.
Read the fucking syllabus you moron. Students are not threatened with punishment for their opinion.

Bullshit. The Constitution of North Korea promises freedom of speech as well. I'm sure you believe that one too.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
And ****** is a shortening of negro; **** a shortening of hispanic.

actually ****** and negro really aren't related. Negro and Negroid are.
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
It is one incident. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with a professor requiring students, whatever their opinion is, to express with with respect for others. You folks have no respect for those with a different opinion. If you don't approve of gay marriage; then gays cannot marry. If you think a transgender person is sick; then the law must treat them that way. If you think colored or negro or ****** should not be offensive to African- Americans, then they are not allowed to be offended. Speaking of dishonest. The syllabus specifically states that all opinions are welcome and you liars claim that students are being punished for their opinions.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
It is one incident. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with a professor requiring students, whatever their opinion is, to express with with respect for others. You folks have no respect for those with a different opinion. If you don't approve of gay marriage; then gays cannot marry. If you think a transgender person is sick; then the law must treat them that way. If you think colored or negro or ****** should not be offensive to African- Americans, then they are not allowed to be offended. Speaking of dishonest. The syllabus specifically states that all opinions are welcome and you liars claim that students are being punished for their opinions.

Where has anyone of a conservative/libertarian bent ever said people opposing them cannot even speak their position? progressives on the other hand are well known for trying to shut down speeches by conservative/libertarians on campuses and elsewhere.

And again, the syllabus is a just a piece of paper, nothing more.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate. This is a classroom. Kids are there three hours a week for 12 weeks. They are permitted to debate and disagree with every word the professor says, but have to do without resorting to the intellectually lazy practice of using words that are offensive to some. Why can't you discuss a transgender person without using the derogatory term, "tranny"? Why can't you discuss immigrants without referring to them as "illegal.'? Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. YOU need to make others aware of your judgment of them; that you think they are lesser than you in some way. Only way losers like you pump up your own view of yourself; by putting down others.

words mean things. an illegal alien is an illegal alien. You may have a smidge of a point with tranny, but all that is is a shortening of transexual.

You first cleanse speech, then you go right on to ideas. Don't try to deny that is the game, your side is way too predictable.

Your side seems to get their feewings hurt way to easily by words. Maybe society is too rough for you, I suggest becoming a hermit.
It's all about control for them. If they can control the words, they can control the conversation.

And notice how they pretend that this is some bizarre, isolated incident.

They'll be dishonest on this, because they have much to protect.
It is one incident. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with a professor requiring students, whatever their opinion is, to express with with respect for others. You folks have no respect for those with a different opinion. If you don't approve of gay marriage; then gays cannot marry. If you think a transgender person is sick; then the law must treat them that way. If you think colored or negro or ****** should not be offensive to African- Americans, then they are not allowed to be offended. Speaking of dishonest. The syllabus specifically states that all opinions are welcome and you liars claim that students are being punished for their opinions.
You folks have no respect for those with a different opinion.
Wow. Ironic.

If you don't approve of gay marriage; then gays cannot marry. If you think a transgender person is sick; then the law must treat them that way. If you think colored or negro or ****** should not be offensive to African- Americans, then they are not allowed to be offended.
Nice little grouping of straw men there.

Speaking of dishonest.
Yeah, no kidding.
"At a public university, a student cannot be punished for their opinion." Fucking duh, you moron. No one is being punished for the opinion.

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