Professors Call for Expulsion of What They Think is Racist Statement, (but it is not)


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These idiots are so trigger happy to ban and ostracize people that they target other libtards,lol.

UNH profs call for expulsion of Trump supporters


Larry Beemer, another English lecturer, said his “10 year old son” had to explain to him that the Harambe and Nixon costumes were meant to represent the popular meme “Dicks out for Harambe.”

“Are they assholes? Definitely; are they Racist agitators? Yes, but probably only because of personal ignorance, which isn't an excuse,” Beemer asserted.

When asked about the professors’ posts, university spokesperson Erika Mantz told Campus Reformthat “Every member of the University of New Hampshire community has the right to hold, defend, and promote their personal opinions.”

The phrase "dicks out" is a libtard phrase showing respect for a victim and a call to protest.

Urban Dictionary: Dicks Out

Making a show or statement, usually in protest of something that is seen as unjust.
"I heard that they shot a endangered animal in a cage the other day" ,"That's it lads, dicks out"

Urban Dictionary: Dicks out for Harambe

The act of pulling your dick out of your pants as a sign of respect for our nigga Harambe

So old out of date libtards are now censoring other younger libtards using phrases that they do not understand.

Hence why we call the 'tards.
I'm sorry, I've tried, but I just can't take anyone seriously who tosses around those jr high acronyms.
so, pulling your dick out is a show of support?

that explains all those dudes in the men's room during sporting events...

The University has a problem on its hands. A big fat juicy legal problem.


"N.H. Rev. Stat. § 15:5 states that " recipient of a grant or appropriation of state funds may use the state funds to... participate in political activity, or contribute funds to any entity engaged in these activities."

Erika Mantz told Campus Reform the university is “troubled” by the posts, although they have not yet been removed from the page.

“UNH is troubled by the partisan nature of some social media posts by the Women’s Studies Department. UNH encourages its students, faculty, and staff to be engaged citizens but as a university we do not advocate for particular candidates or political parties,” Mantz commented.

“The university is working with the department to review the posts. UNH is aware of state law around political activity. “

However, the Women’s Studies Program has involved itself in political activity several times prior in now-deleted Facebook posts, including inviting students to an event with Feminist Majority, a nonprofit that “works to elect pro-choice feminist candidates,” and posting links to events on Hillary Clinton’s website."
I believe that the University needs to be pressured into taking disciplinary action against the Women's Study Department. Oh that would be swell.

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