Professors must prevent assimiliation of whiteness

Look at how fucked up you whites are. What makes you so narcissistic to think you should be the standard? Even if it were true that white culture was the best whites would never accept non whites. I tell Black and mexicans this all the time. When whites see you they see an outsider. Build your own communities instead of trying to fit in with whites. They wont accept you. They will only tolerate you and thats only if you are cutting their grass or picking their cotton.

You’re the proof that whites are the standard. Third world people come to America and Europe to make a better living. They learn English and get educated in Western schools, or at the very least schools modeled after Western universities.

And yes, we do view Africans as outsiders, because you are. You don’t think whites get treated the same way in non-white countries?
Whites arent my standard. They are beneath me in every category. They have a fucked up society that even MLK regretted. Whites thought of Africa as the standard since they were educated by Africans on 3 occasions. First the Egyptians, then the Moors, and later Timbuktu.

The ancient Egyptians were white. Whites owned the entire Mediterranean coast.
You are an idiot. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks both say the Egyptians were Black.

DNA of mummies says otherwise. Ancient mummies had red and even blonde hair.

If negroes built Egyptian society, then where are all the pyramids and other architecture throughout Africa?
Nope. The DNA of Ramases has been proven to be Black African. Sorry bub.

You need look no further than the Sudan, Niger, and Libya for the same architecture, mummification techniques, philosophy, head rests, dress, hairstyles and even afro picks in Africa. Now lets turn that around and show us where there are even like pyramids in europe. :)
An academic paper published by the SIT Graduate Institute calls on educators to “promote racial identity exploration” so that students of color do not “assimilate” into the dominant culture.
Academic: Professors Must Prevent ‘Assimilation’ Of ‘Whiteness’

And sheep can't figure out how the schools are being used to brainwash, indoctrinate the kids. Nope they'll never see it coming until as usual it's to late.

Good job sixties hippies your kids have now raised their kids to be lunatic morons with severe mental disorders spreading like a cancer virus.
Looks as if they have had a great deal of success in this program. The blacks and other minorities have done a good job in not being assimilated into a culture of success and wealth.
An academic paper published by the SIT Graduate Institute calls on educators to “promote racial identity exploration” so that students of color do not “assimilate” into the dominant culture.
Academic: Professors Must Prevent ‘Assimilation’ Of ‘Whiteness’

And sheep can't figure out how the schools are being used to brainwash, indoctrinate the kids. Nope they'll never see it coming until as usual it's to late.

Good job sixties hippies your kids have now raised their kids to be lunatic morons with severe mental disorders spreading like a cancer virus.
Looks as if they have had a great deal of success in this program. The blacks and other minorities have done a good job in not being assimilated into a culture of success and wealth.
I'm Black and I was born into a culture of success and wealth. Assimilating into white culture would be a drastic step backwards
Only racists think there are White Black Hispanic Asian or Islamic cultures in America. Here there is only American culture. Assimilate or go to someplace where a culture actually exists. American rights and laws=American culture.
Only racists think there are White Black Hispanic Asian or Islamic cultures in America. Here there is only American culture. Assimilate or go to someplace where a culture actually exists. American rights and laws=American culture.
Only an idiot would think Asians, Muslims, Mexicans and Blacks dont have their own cultures. True American culture consists of all these cultures since they all embrace a common thread. White culture is dysfunctional and dangerous to the world.
Only racists think there are White Black Hispanic Asian or Islamic cultures in America. Here there is only American culture. Assimilate or go to someplace where a culture actually exists. American rights and laws=American culture.
Only an idiot would think Asians, Muslims, Mexicans and Blacks dont have their own cultures. True American culture consists of all these cultures since they all embrace a common thread. White culture is dysfunctional and dangerous to the world.

Wrong. If you claim American rights and live under American law you are part of American culture. If you want to be part of another, go to where that culture actually exists. You have a vivid imagination.

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