Profiling in Police work is bad right?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Haven't we been told by our leftest betters that police profiling is an evil bad thing? Didn't they get a federal judge to order a certain Arizona Sheriff to stop doing it?

'Small world of murder': As homicides drop, Chicago police focus on social networks of gangs - U.S. News Then perhaps someone can explain why Chicago is allowed to do it? Not only no outcry, no yells of profiling but applauds.

We all know it works, I thought the argument was that it was unamerican to target people because they might commit a crime?

I mean don't we search little old ladies and people that have never even contemplated a suicide bomb before boarding aircraft all because we can't profile the likely suspects for fear of be told we are profiling?
I notice not one single Liberal bothered to defend this. You support a Federal Judge ordering an Arizona Sheriff not to profile, you support TSA not profiling cause it looks bad. BUT now Chicago uses it slow murders and you are fine with it.

Haven't we been told by our leftest betters that police profiling is an evil bad thing? Didn't they get a federal judge to order a certain Arizona Sheriff to stop doing it?

'Small world of murder': As homicides drop, Chicago police focus on social networks of gangs - U.S. News Then perhaps someone can explain why Chicago is allowed to do it? Not only no outcry, no yells of profiling but applauds.

We all know it works, I thought the argument was that it was unamerican to target people because they might commit a crime?

I mean don't we search little old ladies and people that have never even contemplated a suicide bomb before boarding aircraft all because we can't profile the likely suspects for fear of be told we are profiling?

"No outcry"?

Did you bother to read your own article?

Chicago Tribune: Stops by Chicago police raise civil rights concerns « American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois
Haven't we been told by our leftest betters that police profiling is an evil bad thing? Didn't they get a federal judge to order a certain Arizona Sheriff to stop doing it?

'Small world of murder': As homicides drop, Chicago police focus on social networks of gangs - U.S. News Then perhaps someone can explain why Chicago is allowed to do it? Not only no outcry, no yells of profiling but applauds.

We all know it works, I thought the argument was that it was unamerican to target people because they might commit a crime?

I mean don't we search little old ladies and people that have never even contemplated a suicide bomb before boarding aircraft all because we can't profile the likely suspects for fear of be told we are profiling?

"No outcry"?

Did you bother to read your own article?

Chicago Tribune: Stops by Chicago police raise civil rights concerns « American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois

Not by any Obama fluffer here or there. Or perhaps you can explain why in both threads this came up in no one posted any complaints or questions? In fact you lefties prefer this die a quiet death so you can get back to violating your own beliefs and policies in the dark.
Haven't we been told by our leftest betters that police profiling is an evil bad thing? Didn't they get a federal judge to order a certain Arizona Sheriff to stop doing it?

'Small world of murder': As homicides drop, Chicago police focus on social networks of gangs - U.S. News Then perhaps someone can explain why Chicago is allowed to do it? Not only no outcry, no yells of profiling but applauds.

We all know it works, I thought the argument was that it was unamerican to target people because they might commit a crime?

I mean don't we search little old ladies and people that have never even contemplated a suicide bomb before boarding aircraft all because we can't profile the likely suspects for fear of be told we are profiling?

"No outcry"?

Did you bother to read your own article?

Chicago Tribune: Stops by Chicago police raise civil rights concerns « American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois

Not by any Obama fluffer here or there. Or perhaps you can explain why in both threads this came up in no one posted any complaints or questions? In fact you lefties prefer this die a quiet death so you can get back to violating your own beliefs and policies in the dark.

In general, I don't see any liberals supporting Stop and Frisk.

In fact, there are a whole bunch of threads on this board with Conservatives claiming that NYC's crime rate will skyrocket now that the new Democrat mayor wants to change the Stop and Frisk policies.
Usual antics of the far left, when caught with your pants down first ignore it then try to deflect it.


When you resort to abstract, meaningless ad hom attacks, it's usually a good sign you've lost the debate.

There is no debate, you want to pretend that the left on this board and in the US generally actually care about profiling in police work. When it is nothing more than a football to be kicked around for political reasons. IF you are opposed to profiling as the rampant support of the injunction against the Arizona Sheriff clearly indicated on this board and in the US, then why would you be FOR Obama Light doing it in Chicago?
Usual antics of the far left, when caught with your pants down first ignore it then try to deflect it.


When you resort to abstract, meaningless ad hom attacks, it's usually a good sign you've lost the debate.

There is no debate, you want to pretend that the left on this board and in the US generally actually care about profiling in police work. When it is nothing more than a football to be kicked around for political reasons. IF you are opposed to profiling as the rampant support of the injunction against the Arizona Sheriff clearly indicated on this board and in the US, then why would you be FOR Obama Light doing it in Chicago?

Who are these "lefties" who support Stop and Frisk, exactly?

We can start with this board - do you have links to support your claim?

When you resort to abstract, meaningless ad hom attacks, it's usually a good sign you've lost the debate.

There is no debate, you want to pretend that the left on this board and in the US generally actually care about profiling in police work. When it is nothing more than a football to be kicked around for political reasons. IF you are opposed to profiling as the rampant support of the injunction against the Arizona Sheriff clearly indicated on this board and in the US, then why would you be FOR Obama Light doing it in Chicago?

Who are these "lefties" who support Stop and Frisk, exactly?

We can start with this board - do you have links to support your claim?

They don't support profiling you retard. Where were you when the Arizona Sheriff got ordered by a Federal Judge to cease and desist on profiling? The whole spectrum of lefties here were clapping applauding and high fiving.

Now suddenly Obama light uses it and it is better then sliced bread.
Criminal profiling is a legitimate police tool, racial profiling is an invention of leftist defense lawyers to disparage police. I have mixed thoughts about stop and frisk, I think it is permissible in rare circumstances as long at the cops can clearly articulate a reason and back it up with video to the observed activities. Video is just too easy to get today not to require it.
I notice not one single Liberal bothered to defend this. You support a Federal Judge ordering an Arizona Sheriff not to profile, you support TSA not profiling cause it looks bad. BUT now Chicago uses it slow murders and you are fine with it.


The problem you're having is that you are asking for a response from someone that doesn't exist.

You might as well ask for *******, kikes, wops, whores, or ragheads to respond.

Problem is that profiling looks to much like the prejudice crap you spew. And as most people aren't prejudice moron's like you, they tend to feel a bit uncomforable with behaviors and policies that look like the shit you do.

Next time I post, I'll be sure to ask if moronic assholes support it so that you will know you are suppose to respond.

(Geez, what a brainless idiot.)
I profile..we all do..this doesnt bother fact im going to go profile me some hot women.
Haven't we been told by our leftest betters that police profiling is an evil bad thing? Didn't they get a federal judge to order a certain Arizona Sheriff to stop doing it?

'Small world of murder': As homicides drop, Chicago police focus on social networks of gangs - U.S. News Then perhaps someone can explain why Chicago is allowed to do it? Not only no outcry, no yells of profiling but applauds.

We all know it works, I thought the argument was that it was unamerican to target people because they might commit a crime?

I mean don't we search little old ladies and people that have never even contemplated a suicide bomb before boarding aircraft all because we can't profile the likely suspects for fear of be told we are profiling?

when liberals profile, it's different.



yer a racist
Haven't we been told by our leftest betters that police profiling is an evil bad thing? Didn't they get a federal judge to order a certain Arizona Sheriff to stop doing it?

'Small world of murder': As homicides drop, Chicago police focus on social networks of gangs - U.S. News Then perhaps someone can explain why Chicago is allowed to do it? Not only no outcry, no yells of profiling but applauds.

We all know it works, I thought the argument was that it was unamerican to target people because they might commit a crime?

I mean don't we search little old ladies and people that have never even contemplated a suicide bomb before boarding aircraft all because we can't profile the likely suspects for fear of be told we are profiling?

when liberals profile, it's different.



yer a racist

What are you talking about? Who is this "liberal" that profiles and is your representation of this homogeneous group you call "liberals"?

You do know exactly what racism and prejudice are? You do get what is common and what is different between those and racism, right?

Racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races

prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

Profile: the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin.

The consideration of race, ethnicity, or national origin by an officer of the law in deciding when and how to intervene in an enforcement capacity

Ethnic profiling legal definition of Ethnic profiling. Ethnic profiling synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

So prejudice is any opinion not based on actual experience. Racist is anyone being prejudice based on race specifically. Profiling is police using prejudice as a tool for law enforcement.

So, where is this homogeneous group, you call "liberals", not based on reason or actual experience, that demonstrates profiling? Cuz by definition, you are saying that all police are liberals and all liberals are police. How does that make any sense?
Haven't we been told by our leftest betters that police profiling is an evil bad thing? Didn't they get a federal judge to order a certain Arizona Sheriff to stop doing it?

'Small world of murder': As homicides drop, Chicago police focus on social networks of gangs - U.S. News Then perhaps someone can explain why Chicago is allowed to do it? Not only no outcry, no yells of profiling but applauds.

We all know it works, I thought the argument was that it was unamerican to target people because they might commit a crime?

I mean don't we search little old ladies and people that have never even contemplated a suicide bomb before boarding aircraft all because we can't profile the likely suspects for fear of be told we are profiling?

when liberals profile, it's different.



yer a racist

What are you talking about? Who is this "liberal" that profiles and is your representation of this homogeneous group you call "liberals"?

You do know exactly what racism and prejudice are? You do get what is common and what is different between those and racism, right?

Racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races

prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

Profile: the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin.

The consideration of race, ethnicity, or national origin by an officer of the law in deciding when and how to intervene in an enforcement capacity

Ethnic profiling legal definition of Ethnic profiling. Ethnic profiling synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

So prejudice is any opinion not based on actual experience. Racist is anyone being prejudice based on race specifically. Profiling is police using prejudice as a tool for law enforcement.

So, where is this homogeneous group, you call "liberals", not based on reason or actual experience, that demonstrates profiling? Cuz by definition, you are saying that all police are liberals and all liberals are police. How does that make any sense?

Retard? You see if you had bothered to read the article you would have realized that Emanuel the former chief of Staff for Obama runs Chicago. The article clearly details how Chicago has switched to profiling gangs to stop murders. Gangs are for the most part black and Hispanic, I imagine there are still a couple white gangs there but can't be many.

Obama is opposed to profiling, his minions claim to be against profiling. On this board and across the Country when a certain Arizona Sheriff was ordered to stop doing it, liberals celebrated wildly.

Now we have Obama's buddy doing, a liberal democrat and black man. And now all we hear from the left is crickets. No demands it stop, no demands a federal Judge stop him, no outrage, absolute silence.

And I lay you a bet that Our Illustrious Attorney General does nothing about it.
Haven't we been told by our leftest betters that police profiling is an evil bad thing? Didn't they get a federal judge to order a certain Arizona Sheriff to stop doing it?

'Small world of murder': As homicides drop, Chicago police focus on social networks of gangs - U.S. News Then perhaps someone can explain why Chicago is allowed to do it? Not only no outcry, no yells of profiling but applauds.

We all know it works, I thought the argument was that it was unamerican to target people because they might commit a crime?

I mean don't we search little old ladies and people that have never even contemplated a suicide bomb before boarding aircraft all because we can't profile the likely suspects for fear of be told we are profiling?

If we stopped searching little old ladies for bombs, guess what the very next suicide bomber would be?
Profiling doesn't in fact work. If it did, we'd use it in Israel. We don't. Start searching 'people who look like terrorists' and terrorists just use people that don't look like that. There are passive techniques that do work, and they're what gets used.
Haven't we been told by our leftest betters that police profiling is an evil bad thing? Didn't they get a federal judge to order a certain Arizona Sheriff to stop doing it?

'Small world of murder': As homicides drop, Chicago police focus on social networks of gangs - U.S. News Then perhaps someone can explain why Chicago is allowed to do it? Not only no outcry, no yells of profiling but applauds.

We all know it works, I thought the argument was that it was unamerican to target people because they might commit a crime?

I mean don't we search little old ladies and people that have never even contemplated a suicide bomb before boarding aircraft all because we can't profile the likely suspects for fear of be told we are profiling?

If we stopped searching little old ladies for bombs, guess what the very next suicide bomber would be?
Profiling doesn't in fact work. If it did, we'd use it in Israel. We don't. Start searching 'people who look like terrorists' and terrorists just use people that don't look like that. There are passive techniques that do work, and they're what gets used.

They're not talking about profiling terrorist, but common street criminals and yes it does work. When you have one demographic committing the majority of crime in a particular area why would you spend police resources keeping a close eye on other demographics. If a cop sees some folks acting in a manner that they believe could lead to criminal activity then they are engaging these people and if they feel it is warranted they are searching them for contraband. This is being done by the lefts dear leaders former chief of staff and the op is wondering why the left, who raised hell in similar circumstances in NYC are virtually silent about DEAD FISH. He is called that because he once sent a dead fish to a reporter in the mail because of what the reported said about him.
Yeah, I got the OP's number right. Predjudicial abusive personality that hits when he's mad.

Oh, boo hoo hoo.

Sgt believes in group think. Therefore if one person is against it then the whole must be. Liberals are his enemy and thus he must declare everything he is against to be a liberal plot. His only duty on here is to take it to liberals.

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