progressive group targets republican senators

The 2020 United States Senate elections will be held on November 3, 2020, with the 33 Class 2 seats of the Senate being contested in regular elections

adios mofo's


100 senators - 45 are democrats

33 seats up for election in 2020

dems need 6 seats to reach a 51 majority

exonerate that .

I'd be surprised if Dems didn't lose 5 seats. Look nobody likes you people.
The 2020 United States Senate elections will be held on November 3, 2020, with the 33 Class 2 seats of the Senate being contested in regular elections

adios mofo's


100 senators - 45 are democrats

33 seats up for election in 2020

dems need 6 seats to reach a 51 majority

exonerate that .
Sure, and when Trump crushes your hapless democrat, we'll pick up seats.
2020 Senate Election Interactive Map
In a normal election this is what it looks like:
They have Jones gone, and 4 republicans as tossups, I don't think the dems will win any of those. McSally bashing CNN made her stronger, she keeps it up, she'll win easy.
Watch Michigan, I think Peters could lose to John James

I think Trump wrecks the democrats. In doing so we will pick up AL, MI, and maybe MN.
This is what political parties do. Unfortunately Pelosi screwed the (D)'s over again. It's what she does.
How did Pelosi screw the Dems?

An impeachment that was obviously going to fail was only going to pump up his base.

His base can get him the nomination but it can't win a nation wide election.

trump needs democrats to not vote and for Independents to vote for him.

That's just not going to happen.

People have left the Republican Party in droves. Especially women and those in the suburbs. Everyone knew he wasn't going to be convicted. Just because he wasn't doesn't mean any sane person is going to change their vote to trump.

If the elections since 2017 are any indication, republicans will lose again in 2020.
That damn loser McSally (AZ) has a very good chance of losing in November! She has really screwed the pouch here in Arizona with voters...she's a foul mouthed bitch who's beyond her depth!

She's fucking awesome.

"Aw, man....I'm not talking to you. You're a liberal hack"


Just the way she said it told me she was in the Military. She sounded very much like a fighter pilot. She's awesome. Would suck if she lost.
Just the way she said it told me she was in the Military. She sounded very much like a fighter pilot. She's awesome. Would suck if she lost.
She's a loser, fool! Sinema beat her in 2018 for Jeff Flake's seat. But when Kyl vacated McCain's old spot, McSally was appointed by Gov Ducey to that seat in the 116th Congress in Jan 2019. She's a foul mouth, overbearing and unprincipled person looking out for Number One first! There's not a damn thing awesome about her in her political guise.
Sinema didn't beat her. McSally won. Then boxes of ballots mysteriously showed up. As what happens in close races, they all so happened to be for the democrat.

Dem House

Dem Senate


karma breaks the horizon -

The 2020 United States Senate elections will be held on November 3, 2020, with the 33 Class 2 seats of the Senate being contested in regular elections

adios mofo's


100 senators - 45 are democrats

33 seats up for election in 2020

dems need 6 seats to reach a 51 majority

exonerate that .

with over 70% of registered voters wanting witnesses, and senate republicans ignoring them, you might want to check your drawers and see who the losers are.

The 2020 United States Senate elections will be held on November 3, 2020, with the 33 Class 2 seats of the Senate being contested in regular elections

adios mofo's


100 senators - 45 are democrats

33 seats up for election in 2020

dems need 6 seats to reach a 51 majority

exonerate that .
Sure, and when Trump crushes your hapless democrat, we'll pick up seats.
2020 Senate Election Interactive Map
In a normal election this is what it looks like:
They have Jones gone, and 4 republicans as tossups, I don't think the dems will win any of those. McSally bashing CNN made her stronger, she keeps it up, she'll win easy.
Watch Michigan, I think Peters could lose to John James

I think Trump wrecks the democrats. In doing so we will pick up AL, MI, and maybe MN.
Trump will lose CA NY and HI. Democrat fraud is so strong in California we may never have a fair election again.

Great, keep up the good work, it just enforces your image as sore losers. Good job commies. LMAO


with over 70% of registered voters wanting witnesses, and senate republicans ignoring them, you might want to check your drawers and see who the losers are.
They had 13 witnesses.

That lie won't fly, IQ7. Get a new one.
This is what political parties do. Unfortunately Pelosi screwed the (D)'s over again. It's what she does.
How did Pelosi screw the Dems?

An impeachment that was obviously going to fail was only going to pump up his base.

His base can get him the nomination but it can't win a nation wide election.

No but why get them pumped up for something you could never win?

trump needs democrats to not vote and for Independents to vote for him.

They aren't exactly doing a great job there either.

That's just not going to happen.

People have left the Republican Party in droves. Especially women and those in the suburbs. Everyone knew he wasn't going to be convicted. Just because he wasn't doesn't mean any sane person is going to change their vote to trump.

If the elections since 2017 are any indication, republicans will lose again in 2020.

I've seen zero evidence that people are leaving the GOP.
with over 70% of registered voters wanting witnesses, and senate republicans ignoring them, you might want to check your drawers and see who the losers are.

Good lord you must go through a ton of Prep-H after pulling all that crap out :ack-1:

Not that I care....but don't you ever get tired of lying and making garbage up?

Siete - a Professional Snowflake
That damn loser McSally (AZ) has a very good chance of losing in November! She has really screwed the pouch here in Arizona with voters...she's a foul mouthed bitch who's beyond her depth!

She's fucking awesome.

"Aw, man....I'm not talking to you. You're a liberal hack"


Just the way she said it told me she was in the Military. She sounded very much like a fighter pilot. She's awesome. Would suck if she lost.
Just the way she said it told me she was in the Military. She sounded very much like a fighter pilot. She's awesome. Would suck if she lost.
She's a loser, fool! Sinema beat her in 2018 for Jeff Flake's seat. But when Kyl vacated McCain's old spot, McSally was appointed by Gov Ducey to that seat in the 116th Congress in Jan 2019. She's a foul mouth, overbearing and unprincipled person looking out for Number One first! There's not a damn thing awesome about her in her political guise.
Sinema didn't beat her. McSally won. Then boxes of ballots mysteriously showed up. As what happens in close races, they all so happened to be for the democrat.
Sinema didn't beat her. McSally won. Then boxes of ballots mysteriously showed up. As what happens in close races, they all so happened to be for the democrat.
McSally lost by nearly 56,000 votes or 2.4% and that wasn't close you fucking IDIOT! I voted in Maricopa County, AZ fool, and this isn't 1948 when ballot boxes could be "misplaced" before hand counting at a central location. My vote was tabulated by computer as I watched it processed, and the paper ballot was retained as a record if needed. You simply lie through your fucking teeth, asswipe!
~~ Arizona Senate Election Results: Martha McSally vs. Kyrsten Sinema ~~
This is what political parties do. Unfortunately Pelosi screwed the (D)'s over again. It's what she does.
How did Pelosi screw the Dems?

An impeachment that was obviously going to fail was only going to pump up his base.

His base can get him the nomination but it can't win a nation wide election.

No but why get them pumped up for something you could never win?

trump needs democrats to not vote and for Independents to vote for him.

They aren't exactly doing a great job there either.

That's just not going to happen.

People have left the Republican Party in droves. Especially women and those in the suburbs. Everyone knew he wasn't going to be convicted. Just because he wasn't doesn't mean any sane person is going to change their vote to trump.

If the elections since 2017 are any indication, republicans will lose again in 2020.

I've seen zero evidence that people are leaving the GOP.

I can't tell you what the democrats had in mind when they impeached trump. Personally I've always been against it because there was no way he would be convicted. When the Ukraine thing came out I think things changed.

Who aren't doing a great job there either?

Then you have not been paying attention.

Here's just one of many articles about how women and people in the suburbs are leaving the gop in droves. I guess you missed the 2018 election when democrats took control of the House mostly in part because of women and the suburbs.

Trump has turned the suburbs into a GOP disaster zone. Does that doom his reelection?

Great, keep up the good work, it just enforces your image as sore losers. Good job commies. LMAO


with over 70% of registered voters wanting witnesses, and senate republicans ignoring them, you might want to check your drawers and see who the losers are.
Nobody gives a shit, it's a rigged process...the left has racists in every corner and attacks people with no due process, it's all you have
This is what political parties do. Unfortunately Pelosi screwed the (D)'s over again. It's what she does.
How did Pelosi screw the Dems?

An impeachment that was obviously going to fail was only going to pump up his base.

His base can get him the nomination but it can't win a nation wide election.

No but why get them pumped up for something you could never win?

trump needs democrats to not vote and for Independents to vote for him.

They aren't exactly doing a great job there either.

That's just not going to happen.

People have left the Republican Party in droves. Especially women and those in the suburbs. Everyone knew he wasn't going to be convicted. Just because he wasn't doesn't mean any sane person is going to change their vote to trump.

If the elections since 2017 are any indication, republicans will lose again in 2020.

I've seen zero evidence that people are leaving the GOP.

I can't tell you what the democrats had in mind when they impeached trump. Personally I've always been against it because there was no way he would be convicted. When the Ukraine thing came out I think things changed.

Who aren't doing a great job there either?

Then you have not been paying attention.

Here's just one of many articles about how women and people in the suburbs are leaving the gop in droves. I guess you missed the 2018 election when democrats took control of the House mostly in part because of women and the suburbs.

Trump has turned the suburbs into a GOP disaster zone. Does that doom his reelection?

I hope the article is right but I'm not seeing it. The (D)'s should have taken the Senate in 2018 also.

By 2012 the (D)'s lost their majorities in the House and Senate but Obama still won.

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