I won't waste my time discussing welfare with you since you really don't understand it at all.
In other words...you now realize how idiotic you sound declaring that people who advocate for liberty are trying to “control” you. :laugh:

Meanwhile, your dumb communist ass desperately wants to control and oppress all of society.
No, just you.
It’s ok snowflake - everybody is already aware of you Dumbocrats operate. Everything you people do is by force at the barrel of a gun. For example, if Obamacare was so good, why was there a mandate?

I won't waste my time discussing welfare with you since you really don't understand it at all.
In other words...you now realize how idiotic you sound declaring that people who advocate for liberty are trying to “control” you. :laugh:

Meanwhile, your dumb communist ass desperately wants to control and oppress all of society.
No, just you.
It’s ok snowflake - everybody is already aware of you Dumbocrats operate. Everything you people do is by force at the barrel of a gun. For example, if Obamacare was so good, why was there a mandate?

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You can't defend without insulting. Everyone can't be uber rich. Everone can't be rich enough to afford proper health care. You are part of the "I got Mine" group. That is a very small minority. In order to insure that you got yours, a large group must not have theirs. 100 years ago, that wasn't the case for most whites. In fact, that wasn't the case for most Blacks either. Doctors would accept barter for their services and were close to their clients. Medical care was cheaper and much more readily available for everyone. But the medical doctor also was cheaper to educate.

Enter the HMOs and Insurance Companies and University Control Snobbery. If you can get proper care without using either of the HMO and Insurance Company then you are looking very good and extremely Rich. If you are well enough off to afford the HMO or Insurance Company you are fortunate. If you aren't then you are screwed. Most of the population fall into the screwed category. In Teddy R's time and back, they certainly would have stuck a gun to your head and made you pay up. Wilson changed all that. You probably think Wilson was a great President but the rest of us rate Wilson as one of the worst 3 Presidents of all time. Hate to break it to you but Obama didn't make that list. Your buddy Trump won't either but he may make the top 10 worst list though but that won't be determined until 50 years after he leaves office.

Sometimes it does take a gun to the head to make changes. Like when my hero President Eisenhower sent in Federal Troops to Alabama to the Universities. Yes, at one time, Republicans DID lead the Civil Action unlike today. Ike was the last Progressive Conservative President to serve. You don't want the gun to the head then start acting like your name suggest. Start acting like a Patriot. A Patriot represents ALL of the people, not just one group. I AM a Patriot, gave up things so that you have the right to say and do things that you do. My Friends did the same. Some paid the ultimate price. You have paid nothing. But we don't require you to. What we require from you is for you to work to make America into a much better place than you found it. Not make it into a battle ground.
You are part of the "I got Mine" group. That is a very small minority. In order to insure that you got yours, a large group must not have theirs.
So even though you'll deny it like a typical disingenuous Dumbocrat, you just admitted that there are limited resources (otherwise, for me to “have mine”, it would not require a large group “not to have theirs”).

So with that indisputable fact in mind - we have two choices (and two choices only).

Option A - equally share the limited resources so that everyone just has a tiny bit no matter how much they contribute or how talented they are.

Option B - let freedom ring and allow everyone to succeed or fail based on their own talents, their own efforts, and their own desires.

Option A ends in extreme poverty and misery for all (see Venezuela, Cuba, etc.). Option B ends in extreme prosperity for most. For the very small percentage that doesn’t prosper, they still have a better life than Option A, simply due to the advancements facilitated by the innovation of free enterprise.

Option B ends exponentially better for all of humanity. But you actual prefer Option A just so that everyone is “equal” in poverty and misery...making you feel better. :eusa_doh:
Doctors would accept barter for their services and were close to their clients. Medical care was cheaper and much more readily available for everyone.
That is very true. So ask yourself what happened?

Answer: government got involved.

But the medical doctor also was cheaper to educate.
That is very true. So ask yourself what happened?

Answer: government got involved.

Do you see a pattern here? I sure do.
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag
If progressives hated the US, they wouldn't be defending it against the Republicans and their bosses, the Russians.
You’re not “defending” it. You’re trying to tear it down. You people have rioted in the streets and resorted to violence ever since Republicans started winning with the Tea Party movement.

We’re seeing unprecedented levels of prosperity right now (record market levels under President Trump, near record lows in unemployment, restoration of rights and freedom) and you’re actually losing your shit about it. That’s indisputable proof that you hate the U.S. and want to bring it down. It also explains why you people were delirious when Barack Insane Obama was in office with above 10% unemployment and record levels of federal debt.
I think trump is doing a good job with the economy. I judge that in the number of high paying job being filled. I also believe this generation of workers is the hardest working most productive we've seen. If you disagree you are dumber than dirt.
You are part of the "I got Mine" group. That is a very small minority. In order to insure that you got yours, a large group must not have theirs.
So even though you'll deny it like a typical disingenuous Dumbocrat, you just admitted that there are limited resources (otherwise, for me to “have mine”, it would not require a large group “not to have theirs”).

So with that indisputable fact in mind - we have two choices (and two choices only).

Option A - equally share the limited resources so that everyone just has a tiny bit no matter how much they contribute or how talented they are.

Option B - let freedom ring and allow everyone to succeed or fail based on their own talents, their own efforts, and their own desires.

Option A ends in extreme poverty and misery for all (see Venezuela, Cuba, etc.). Option B ends in extreme prosperity for most. For the very small percentage that doesn’t prosper, they still have a better life than Option A, simply due to the advancements facilitated by the innovation of free enterprise.

Option B ends exponentially better for all of humanity. But you actual prefer Option A just so that everyone is “equal” in poverty and misery...making you feel better. :eusa_doh:

There is an option C that you keep overlooking where there is plenty for everyone. Everyone doesn't need to have the same value. But there needs to be enough value to make life livable for all. I don't need 4 mansions and 5 cars. One Ford F-250 and a home does me just fine. I don't need to visit Hawaii 5 times a year. Once in a blue moon is good enough. I don't need to be the boss at the job. I am quite satisfied being an employee as long as it pays enough to pay my bills. I don't need a Doctor and a Nurse following around me all the time. The Right to have access to them is all I need. I don't need to own my own Pharmacy. The right to have access to affordable medicine is fine with me.

You want to be rich and have the perks? Fine. But let's not take away the standard of living that other American deserve while you are at just so you can amass another 5 lifetimes of stashed cash.
Doctors would accept barter for their services and were close to their clients. Medical care was cheaper and much more readily available for everyone.
That is very true. So ask yourself what happened?

Answer: government got involved.

But the medical doctor also was cheaper to educate.
That is very true. So ask yourself what happened?

Answer: government got involved.

Do you see a pattern here? I sure do.

Yes I want single payer option, I see my doctor and I pay them. No government needed.
There is an option C that you keep overlooking where there is plenty for everyone.
I said you would deny it and you did. You already admitted that there isn’t enough for everyone.

And...even if there had been...who is the government to decide who gets how much of what? Where do they derive that authority?!?
I don't need 4 mansions and 5 cars.
I’ll do you one better. Forget about “need”. I don’t even want 4 mansions. I refuse to own a second home. It’s astoundingly idiotic in my opinion. But that’s just it - it is only my opinion. Who am I to force that on anyone else?

That’s the difference between the right and the left. You’re not happy unless you can control everyone. Just like multiple homes, I refuse to attempt to control others. I find it idiotic. I’m too busy with my own life to be concerned with someone else’s life.

I’m convinced that progressives desperately need a good hobby to occupy them.
This is the only guy who has it right.
Twitter CEO Shares And Raves About Article Calling For Dem Victory In Second ‘Civil War’

there’s no “bipartisan way forward” in the United States and that the country is engaged in a “fundamental conflict between two worldviews that must be resolved in short order.”

Dissent has gone as far as it can go. It is now outright hatred and calls to eliminate the opposition. I dearly hope he is right and this boils over before democrats can import any more fighters.
You are part of the "I got Mine" group. That is a very small minority. In order to insure that you got yours, a large group must not have theirs.
So even though you'll deny it like a typical disingenuous Dumbocrat, you just admitted that there are limited resources (otherwise, for me to “have mine”, it would not require a large group “not to have theirs”).

So with that indisputable fact in mind - we have two choices (and two choices only).

Option A - equally share the limited resources so that everyone just has a tiny bit no matter how much they contribute or how talented they are.

Option B - let freedom ring and allow everyone to succeed or fail based on their own talents, their own efforts, and their own desires.

Option A ends in extreme poverty and misery for all (see Venezuela, Cuba, etc.). Option B ends in extreme prosperity for most. For the very small percentage that doesn’t prosper, they still have a better life than Option A, simply due to the advancements facilitated by the innovation of free enterprise.

Option B ends exponentially better for all of humanity. But you actual prefer Option A just so that everyone is “equal” in poverty and misery...making you feel better. :eusa_doh:

There is an option C that you keep overlooking where there is plenty for everyone. Everyone doesn't need to have the same value. But there needs to be enough value to make life livable for all. I don't need 4 mansions and 5 cars. One Ford F-250 and a home does me just fine. I don't need to visit Hawaii 5 times a year. Once in a blue moon is good enough. I don't need to be the boss at the job. I am quite satisfied being an employee as long as it pays enough to pay my bills. I don't need a Doctor and a Nurse following around me all the time. The Right to have access to them is all I need. I don't need to own my own Pharmacy. The right to have access to affordable medicine is fine with me.

You want to be rich and have the perks? Fine. But let's not take away the standard of living that other American deserve while you are at just so you can amass another 5 lifetimes of stashed cash.

So, after you have judged your standard of living, you want to impose that standard on everyone else. If someone wants to work hard enough and invest smartly enough to buy 4 mansions, let them. If someone wants to go to Hawaii 5 times a year it is none of my business as long as I don't have to go. I have worked for firms that imposed their standards of vacations on the entire workforce. I did not like it any more than someone would if they got no vacations. I did what any reasonable person would do. I quit and found some place less tyrannical.

If you don't like how many homes the CEO has, go find someone else to work for.
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag
I think Sarah Silverman was being facetious.
As for any who actually hate to see the American Flag flying, I wonder what a flag would look like that they would approve of? I suspect that for the far-left, the flag, whatever it looked like, would have a hammer and sickle in it. As for the Muslim population, theirs would have a crescent moon and single star on it, or a crescent moon with an AR-15 clutched in a fist, as its symbol. The far-right neo-Nazis and Skinheads would have the swastika. The native-Americans would probably just have a plain white flag with the words..."Finally Got It Back" on it. Those who side with North Korea would have a red flag with a large picture of Kim Jung Un on it, while other communists would like a typical flag with a red field and a picture of Che Guevera on it. For us Gun owners, the standard red, white and blue will do or, with a silhouette of an AR-15 in one fist and a Colt pistol in the other, added to it.
I was gonna comment on this until I found out it was Sarah Silverman. She simply does not COUNT for any political cred. BUT --- she still has one vote. So you guys duke it out..
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag
I think Sarah Silverman was being facetious.
As for any who actually hate to see the American Flag flying, I wonder what a flag would look like that they would approve of? I suspect that for the far-left, the flag, whatever it looked like, would have a hammer and sickle in it. As for the Muslim population, theirs would have a crescent moon and single star on it, or a crescent moon with an AR-15 clutched in a fist, as its symbol. The far-right neo-Nazis and Skinheads would have the swastika. The native-Americans would probably just have a plain white flag with the words..."Finally Got It Back" on it. Those who side with North Korea would have a red flag with a large picture of Kim Jung Un on it, while other communists would like a typical flag with a red field and a picture of Che Guevera on it. For us Gun owners, the standard red, white and blue will do or, with a silhouette of an AR-15 in one fist and a Colt pistol in the other, added to it.

They approve of the Mexican flag.

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