This outspoken progressive was ā€œshakenā€, ā€œscaredā€, and ā€œfreaking outā€ over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ā€˜scared,ā€™ ā€˜shaken,ā€™ ā€˜freaking outā€™ when boyfriend flew American flag
Have you ever met a liberal face-to-face and had a substantial discussion about politics?

Extreme RWers never do. I had a discussion with an extreme ritwinger yesterday. in the end, we agreed to disagree. I found he was off the scale but didn't belittle him over it. He did the same for me. We eneded up talking about our similarities instead of our differences. And then shook hands. This is how it should be. But not in here. The Fruitcake RWNugjobs seem to infest this area way too much.
I don't need 4 mansions and 5 cars.
Iā€™ll do you one better. Forget about ā€œneedā€. I donā€™t even want 4 mansions. I refuse to own a second home. Itā€™s astoundingly idiotic in my opinion. But thatā€™s just it - it is only my opinion. Who am I to force that on anyone else?

Thatā€™s the difference between the right and the left. Youā€™re not happy unless you can control everyone. Just like multiple homes, I refuse to attempt to control others. I find it idiotic. Iā€™m too busy with my own life to be concerned with someone elseā€™s life.

Iā€™m convinced that progressives desperately need a good hobby to occupy them.

You seem to forget that what I want is for everyone to meet a basic standard. When more than 25% of our children are below the poverty level we aren't meeting our own obligations. Malnutrition should never be part of America. Yet we send billions to other countries as foreign aid. Andmost of that ends up in some corrupt leaders caymen island account for the day he must flee the country. Then we cut the school lunch programs to make things even harder on those kids. But we havec more to send overseas. Of course, the countries that we send the billions to are connected with the various corporations that also contribute to the corrupt congress critters we have in office here. If we were to take those billions and setup manufacturing jobs close to the poor areas and increased the police force in that same area, crime would almost disappear and people would be working, welfare wold lessen, education would increase, etc.. But your heroes wouldn't have the money to buy the 6th mansion and havec enough funds for the 6th lifetime.
This outspoken progressive was ā€œshakenā€, ā€œscaredā€, and ā€œfreaking outā€ over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ā€˜scared,ā€™ ā€˜shaken,ā€™ ā€˜freaking outā€™ when boyfriend flew American flag
Have you ever met a liberal face-to-face and had a substantial discussion about politics?
You have no idea...(that would be a resounding ā€œyesā€).
Yet we send billions to other countries as foreign aid. And most of that ends up in some corrupt leaders caymen island account for the day he must flee the country. Then we cut the school lunch programs to make things even harder on those kids. But we have more to send overseas.
Ok...I agree with you 100% there. We have no business sending money overseas. But, even if we didnā€™t do that, we would have no business using it to feed children. Both are an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution.

If we would stop pissing away hundreds of billions per year, we could drastically reduce taxes and and there would be a lot more money for charities.

You seem to forget that what I want is for everyone to meet a basic standard. When more than 25% of our children are below the poverty level we aren't meeting our own obligations.
The problem is, you have absolutely no idea what ā€œpovertyā€ really means.

This is ā€œpovertyā€ in America (thanks to the advancements made possible by capitalism). Sadly, you have bought into the left-wing propaganda about the ā€œstarvingā€, ā€œdyingā€ children in the U.S. They use that false narrative to push their agenda for socialism.

Air Conditioning, Cable TV, and an Xbox: What is Poverty in the United States Today?
This outspoken progressive was ā€œshakenā€, ā€œscaredā€, and ā€œfreaking outā€ over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ā€˜scared,ā€™ ā€˜shaken,ā€™ ā€˜freaking outā€™ when boyfriend flew American flag
Have you ever met a liberal face-to-face and had a substantial discussion about politics?
You have no idea...(that would be a resounding ā€œyesā€).
I really doubt it.
You seem to forget that what I want is for everyone to meet a basic standard. When more than 25% of our children are below the poverty level we aren't meeting our own obligations.
The problem is, you have absolutely no idea what ā€œpovertyā€ really means.
View attachment 186859
This is ā€œpovertyā€ in America (thanks to the advancements made possible by capitalism). Sadly, you have bought into the left-wing propaganda about the ā€œstarvingā€, ā€œdyingā€ children in the U.S. They use that false narrative to push their agenda for socialism.

Air Conditioning, Cable TV, and an Xbox: What is Poverty in the United States Today?

Wow. presenting a meme as a fact. newsflash: Outside of the higher income places like NYC, a family of 4 requires 2.4 jobs to have enough money to afford a 2 br apartment, heat, put food on the table, and afford day to day expenses. Many couples do exactly that. Both work and one works two jobs yet they are not listed as poverty. The system that is used was put together in the early 60s and is totally antiquated. The System needs to be redone. And people like you need to be locked up.
Many couples do exactly that. Both work and one works two jobs yet they are not listed as poverty.
So then what are you whining about? That proves there is ample opportunity in America (if one married couple has three jobs between them, there is no shortage of jobs/opportunities). That also proves that are not in poverty so they have all of their basic needs plus some luxuries.

By the way, thatā€™s exactly what my parents did many years ago in one you falsely believe is some ā€œgolden eraā€. My dad worked two jobs and my mom worked one. The left has convinced you of a time that never existed. The one income household thrived because they were willing to do without (something selfish, greedy progressives are not willing to do today).
The system that is used was put together in the early 60s and is totally antiquated.
Well thatā€™s just bizarre. The 1960ā€™s is ā€œantiquatedā€ and yet you want to replace it with Karl Marxā€™s system from the 1880ā€™s. :cuckoo:
The System needs to be redone.
Only for the lazy parasites. It works flawlessly for those who accept personal responsibility for themselves and their lives.
And people like you need to be locked up.
Spoken like a true fascist. Any who refuses to accept marxism/communism/etc. should be ā€œlocked upā€.
Wow. presenting a meme as a fact.
Yeah...uh...that is not a ā€œmemeā€. It was a chart directly from a study (which was linked at the bottom). You know...studies? Facts? Data? Any of that resonate with you?

Using an Oped piece from Heritage foundation. Now, that's really believable. You should start it with Once Upon a Time.
Is there anything about this nation that they donā€™t hate?!? They view even innocent Christmas songs for children as ā€œevilā€.

Liberal professor: ā€˜Jingle Bellsā€™ is a deeply racist song that romanticizes a ā€˜white Christmasā€™
Board snowflake needs a hug

You just got here, and you're already claiming to be the board snowflake?

You seem to have a high opinion of yourself.
It is all relative. It is a high opinion of myself when compared to pathetic fucktards like Patriot

and, no doubt, he has a high opinion of himself when compared to you.

But pathetic?

'pathetic' is calling people names, and NOT addressing the topic.
Is there anything about this nation that they donā€™t hate?!? They view even innocent Christmas songs for children as ā€œevilā€.

Liberal professor: ā€˜Jingle Bellsā€™ is a deeply racist song that romanticizes a ā€˜white Christmasā€™
Board snowflake needs a hug

You just got here, and you're already claiming to be the board snowflake?

You seem to have a high opinion of yourself.
It is all relative. It is a high opinion of myself when compared to pathetic fucktards like Patriot

and, no doubt, he has a high opinion of himself when compared to you.

But pathetic?

'pathetic' is calling people names, and NOT addressing the topic.

I guess you don't read the so called Patriots posts. How about reigning him in a bit as well. He's out of control. No one can get past his name calling and insults. No proper discussion is possible.
Using an Oped piece from Heritage foundation. Now, that's really believable. You should start it with Once Upon a Time.
Just like that wasnā€™t a ā€œmemeā€, the article also wasnā€™t an ā€œOp-Edā€ piece. :lmao:

It was a study done by one of the leading think tanks in the world.

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