And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

He claims to be pretty much what you are. :uhoh3:
Independents don't lose their shit like that. At least, not usually.
If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

He claims to be pretty much what you are. :uhoh3:
Independents don't lose their shit like that. At least, not usually.

He can call himself whatever he wants, but by his posts he's a Melty McMelterson.
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Some Left Wingers are flying the American Flag upside-down in protest against President Trump.

And you continue to just make crap up. That makes you quite a liar. Now, it's time to fact check you on this one. Since it's impossible to prove a negative, it's up to you to prove it's true. Remember, the term some means more than 2 or 3 and on the upwards of hundreds. And, sorry, you can't use a site that just makes crap up for your proof.

People Are Flying The Flag Upside Down To Protest Trump
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Yes, patriotism is only when you agree with the right wingers... otherwise it's not patriotism.

Take waving the Confederate flag, a right wing thing. That's patriotism. Forget the 140,000 US troops who died, forget they wanted to leave the US.

But kneeling during the national anthem, now there's something that is totally unpatriotic, and to boot, against the US military.

We know it's against the US military because.... because.... because the US military like watching NFL....??????

But anyway, no one got killed by kneelers so, it must be unpatriotic.
You do know that peta has more mass shooters than the nra? Also, why would you kneel during the anthem, would you smack your parents in the face if you disagreed with them? One more, it was Obama who wanted to transform America, with your blessings.

Seems that someone in the NRA made a little meme about PETA and the NRA and everyone's going around repeating it.

Why do you think this meme has any relevance to what I said exactly?

I guess if kneeling during the anthem is smacking your parents round the face, then trying to secede from the country and then going to war is like telling you parents you're going to run away, and then when they try and stop you, you massacre them.

And still the right are trying to justify that kneeling is worse than killed 140,000......
If you hate your country enough not to stand for the anthem, then why are you here?
You're no centrist or conservative. You strike me as being a snowflake. "Spreading hatred". :abgg2q.jpg:

Y U use SJW terms, dude? Mr. Conservative?


And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

You have absolutely no idea on the history of your own party. I once was a Tea Party Member in the early days before it was taken over by the John Birch Society. The John Birchers are extreme right wingers like you are. In fact, if you look at the current Tea Party doctrine and compare it with the John Birch Society doctrine it's the same. And if you compare it with the right winger Republican views it's the same as well. That's not name calling. It's just fact. You don't like it? Change it by changing your doctrine to the old GOP doctrine. Instead, you call us RINOs. Well, us RINOs out number you John Birchers by quite a bit. We tried it your way and all we got was a hate filled America. Either you get out of the way or the Democrats are going to take over starting in 2018. You can help and the RINOs (now that's name calling) can bring it or you can continue and even many of the deep red areas will turn either purple or deep blue. Now, get rid of that hate. Or at least keep it to yourself. And please, stop claiming anyone disagreeing with you are showing hate. We may just be disagreeing with you.
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Some Left Wingers are flying the American Flag upside-down in protest against President Trump.

And you continue to just make crap up. That makes you quite a liar. Now, it's time to fact check you on this one. Since it's impossible to prove a negative, it's up to you to prove it's true. Remember, the term some means more than 2 or 3 and on the upwards of hundreds. And, sorry, you can't use a site that just makes crap up for your proof.

People Are Flying The Flag Upside Down To Protest Trump

Good old Chauncy and his blogs. He's a fruitcake of the first magnatude. And you also used a fruitcake ultra right wing site that actually almost got something right for a change. But it left out something. Chauncy suggest that we fly the flag upside down July 4th in Protest. He has no idea what that means. If I see a flag upside down, I am calling the authorities and they are going to storm the place because that is a universal signal of distress. You can fly your flag upside down if you wish but I hope you don't mind your front door being kicked in.

Oh, and did you forget that the John Partiers also suggested the same during the 8 years of Obama? Once again, it's okay for you to do it but heaven forbid if someone that disagrees with you does the same thing. Did you fly your flag upside down anytime during the Obama years as the suggested? And you think it's wrong to kneel during the National Anthem, right?
And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

You have absolutely no idea on the history of your own party. I once was a Tea Party Member in the early days before it was taken over by the John Birch Society. The John Birchers are extreme right wingers like you are. In fact, if you look at the current Tea Party doctrine and compare it with the John Birch Society doctrine it's the same. And if you compare it with the right winger Republican views it's the same as well. That's not name calling. It's just fact. You don't like it? Change it by changing your doctrine to the old GOP doctrine. Instead, you call us RINOs. Well, us RINOs out number you John Birchers by quite a bit. We tried it your way and all we got was a hate filled America. Either you get out of the way or the Democrats are going to take over starting in 2018. You can help and the RINOs (now that's name calling) can bring it or you can continue and even many of the deep red areas will turn either purple or deep blue. Now, get rid of that hate. Or at least keep it to yourself. And please, stop claiming anyone disagreeing with you are showing hate. We may just be disagreeing with you.
I'm a left-leaning Independent. For the second time, you can read the link at the end of the second line of my sig for proof.

And speaking of proof, you said I was "known for spreading hate". Yet you can show any examples from the past of me doing so. That was just a flat-out lie. Like your "Birchers" attempted smear.

I voted for Hillary. I voted against Trump. You've jumped to so many conclusions that it's funny.

You're the one showing hate, not me. But you're too blind to see it. You just keep showing it, because this silliness is all you have.

Someone is not showing hate because they're not like you. In fact, it's just the opposite.
And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

You have absolutely no idea on the history of your own party. I once was a Tea Party Member in the early days before it was taken over by the John Birch Society. The John Birchers are extreme right wingers like you are. In fact, if you look at the current Tea Party doctrine and compare it with the John Birch Society doctrine it's the same. And if you compare it with the right winger Republican views it's the same as well. That's not name calling. It's just fact. You don't like it? Change it by changing your doctrine to the old GOP doctrine. Instead, you call us RINOs. Well, us RINOs out number you John Birchers by quite a bit. We tried it your way and all we got was a hate filled America. Either you get out of the way or the Democrats are going to take over starting in 2018. You can help and the RINOs (now that's name calling) can bring it or you can continue and even many of the deep red areas will turn either purple or deep blue. Now, get rid of that hate. Or at least keep it to yourself. And please, stop claiming anyone disagreeing with you are showing hate. We may just be disagreeing with you.

This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Some Left Wingers are flying the American Flag upside-down in protest against President Trump.

And you continue to just make crap up. That makes you quite a liar. Now, it's time to fact check you on this one. Since it's impossible to prove a negative, it's up to you to prove it's true. Remember, the term some means more than 2 or 3 and on the upwards of hundreds. And, sorry, you can't use a site that just makes crap up for your proof.

People Are Flying The Flag Upside Down To Protest Trump

Good old Chauncy and his blogs. He's a fruitcake of the first magnatude. And you also used a fruitcake ultra right wing site that actually almost got something right for a change. But it left out something. Chauncy suggest that we fly the flag upside down July 4th in Protest. He has no idea what that means. If I see a flag upside down, I am calling the authorities and they are going to storm the place because that is a universal signal of distress. You can fly your flag upside down if you wish but I hope you don't mind your front door being kicked in.

Oh, and did you forget that the John Partiers also suggested the same during the 8 years of Obama? Once again, it's okay for you to do it but heaven forbid if someone that disagrees with you does the same thing. Did you fly your flag upside down anytime during the Obama years as the suggested? And you think it's wrong to kneel during the National Anthem, right?

Look dude, you are out there where the buses don't run..with this Mac is a Bircher shit. You either are clearly uninformed or just plain dumb.

It would be best if you just left the thread, because you are making a fool of yourself.
If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

You have absolutely no idea on the history of your own party. I once was a Tea Party Member in the early days before it was taken over by the John Birch Society. The John Birchers are extreme right wingers like you are. In fact, if you look at the current Tea Party doctrine and compare it with the John Birch Society doctrine it's the same. And if you compare it with the right winger Republican views it's the same as well. That's not name calling. It's just fact. You don't like it? Change it by changing your doctrine to the old GOP doctrine. Instead, you call us RINOs. Well, us RINOs out number you John Birchers by quite a bit. We tried it your way and all we got was a hate filled America. Either you get out of the way or the Democrats are going to take over starting in 2018. You can help and the RINOs (now that's name calling) can bring it or you can continue and even many of the deep red areas will turn either purple or deep blue. Now, get rid of that hate. Or at least keep it to yourself. And please, stop claiming anyone disagreeing with you are showing hate. We may just be disagreeing with you.

This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Some Left Wingers are flying the American Flag upside-down in protest against President Trump.

And you continue to just make crap up. That makes you quite a liar. Now, it's time to fact check you on this one. Since it's impossible to prove a negative, it's up to you to prove it's true. Remember, the term some means more than 2 or 3 and on the upwards of hundreds. And, sorry, you can't use a site that just makes crap up for your proof.

People Are Flying The Flag Upside Down To Protest Trump

Good old Chauncy and his blogs. He's a fruitcake of the first magnatude. And you also used a fruitcake ultra right wing site that actually almost got something right for a change. But it left out something. Chauncy suggest that we fly the flag upside down July 4th in Protest. He has no idea what that means. If I see a flag upside down, I am calling the authorities and they are going to storm the place because that is a universal signal of distress. You can fly your flag upside down if you wish but I hope you don't mind your front door being kicked in.

Oh, and did you forget that the John Partiers also suggested the same during the 8 years of Obama? Once again, it's okay for you to do it but heaven forbid if someone that disagrees with you does the same thing. Did you fly your flag upside down anytime during the Obama years as the suggested? And you think it's wrong to kneel during the National Anthem, right?

Look dude, you are out there where the buses don't run..with this Mac is a Bircher shit. You either are clearly uninformed or just plain dumb.

It would be best if you just left the thread, because you are making a fool of yourself.
This is what happens when people try to avoid a point by trying to put someone else on the defensive.

He knew he couldn't argue the specific points I made in Post 13, so he tried to change the subject to ME.

Happens all the time. There are a lot of dishonest cowards here, and he's one of 'em.
If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

You have absolutely no idea on the history of your own party. I once was a Tea Party Member in the early days before it was taken over by the John Birch Society. The John Birchers are extreme right wingers like you are. In fact, if you look at the current Tea Party doctrine and compare it with the John Birch Society doctrine it's the same. And if you compare it with the right winger Republican views it's the same as well. That's not name calling. It's just fact. You don't like it? Change it by changing your doctrine to the old GOP doctrine. Instead, you call us RINOs. Well, us RINOs out number you John Birchers by quite a bit. We tried it your way and all we got was a hate filled America. Either you get out of the way or the Democrats are going to take over starting in 2018. You can help and the RINOs (now that's name calling) can bring it or you can continue and even many of the deep red areas will turn either purple or deep blue. Now, get rid of that hate. Or at least keep it to yourself. And please, stop claiming anyone disagreeing with you are showing hate. We may just be disagreeing with you.
I'm a left-leaning Independent. For the second time, you can read the link at the end of the second line of my sig for proof.

And speaking of proof, you said I was "known for spreading hate". Yet you can show any examples from the past of me doing so. That was just a flat-out lie. Like your "Birchers" attempted smear.

I voted for Hillary. I voted against Trump. You've jumped to so many conclusions that it's funny.

You're the one showing hate, not me. But you're too blind to see it. You just keep showing it, because this silliness is all you have.

Someone is not showing hate because they're not like you. In fact, it's just the opposite.

You jumped on the right wing nutcase dogpile. you get what you deserve. I hate bullies.
Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

You have absolutely no idea on the history of your own party. I once was a Tea Party Member in the early days before it was taken over by the John Birch Society. The John Birchers are extreme right wingers like you are. In fact, if you look at the current Tea Party doctrine and compare it with the John Birch Society doctrine it's the same. And if you compare it with the right winger Republican views it's the same as well. That's not name calling. It's just fact. You don't like it? Change it by changing your doctrine to the old GOP doctrine. Instead, you call us RINOs. Well, us RINOs out number you John Birchers by quite a bit. We tried it your way and all we got was a hate filled America. Either you get out of the way or the Democrats are going to take over starting in 2018. You can help and the RINOs (now that's name calling) can bring it or you can continue and even many of the deep red areas will turn either purple or deep blue. Now, get rid of that hate. Or at least keep it to yourself. And please, stop claiming anyone disagreeing with you are showing hate. We may just be disagreeing with you.
I'm a left-leaning Independent. For the second time, you can read the link at the end of the second line of my sig for proof.

And speaking of proof, you said I was "known for spreading hate". Yet you can show any examples from the past of me doing so. That was just a flat-out lie. Like your "Birchers" attempted smear.

I voted for Hillary. I voted against Trump. You've jumped to so many conclusions that it's funny.

You're the one showing hate, not me. But you're too blind to see it. You just keep showing it, because this silliness is all you have.

Someone is not showing hate because they're not like you. In fact, it's just the opposite.

You jumped on the right wing nutcase dogpile. you get what you deserve. I hate bullies.
Yes, you do a lot of hating.
In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

You have absolutely no idea on the history of your own party. I once was a Tea Party Member in the early days before it was taken over by the John Birch Society. The John Birchers are extreme right wingers like you are. In fact, if you look at the current Tea Party doctrine and compare it with the John Birch Society doctrine it's the same. And if you compare it with the right winger Republican views it's the same as well. That's not name calling. It's just fact. You don't like it? Change it by changing your doctrine to the old GOP doctrine. Instead, you call us RINOs. Well, us RINOs out number you John Birchers by quite a bit. We tried it your way and all we got was a hate filled America. Either you get out of the way or the Democrats are going to take over starting in 2018. You can help and the RINOs (now that's name calling) can bring it or you can continue and even many of the deep red areas will turn either purple or deep blue. Now, get rid of that hate. Or at least keep it to yourself. And please, stop claiming anyone disagreeing with you are showing hate. We may just be disagreeing with you.
I'm a left-leaning Independent. For the second time, you can read the link at the end of the second line of my sig for proof.

And speaking of proof, you said I was "known for spreading hate". Yet you can show any examples from the past of me doing so. That was just a flat-out lie. Like your "Birchers" attempted smear.

I voted for Hillary. I voted against Trump. You've jumped to so many conclusions that it's funny.

You're the one showing hate, not me. But you're too blind to see it. You just keep showing it, because this silliness is all you have.

Someone is not showing hate because they're not like you. In fact, it's just the opposite.

You jumped on the right wing nutcase dogpile. you get what you deserve. I hate bullies.
Yes, you do a lot of hating.

I do have a picture of me.


Can I interest you in a nice apartment under a bridge?
The Blaze? What a joke. The real haters of America are conservatives. I say this because they want to take the nation back to the 1800's so they can have women who stay at home and slaves and burn witches at the stake.
YOU hate America since you can't force it to be the utopia that you want it to be. As in, with you in charge and the rest of us blindly following or else.
Stop projecting. The “John Bircher’s” just want liberty. It’s you idiot progressives who force people into Social Security, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, etc. And all of you idiots actually believe that those idiotic government programs result in “utopia”.
The Blaze? What a joke. The real haters of America are conservatives. I say this because they want to take the nation back to the 1800's so they can have women who stay at home and slaves and burn witches at the stake.
In other words, if you won’t submit to Tax Man’s idiotic communism, he will accuse you of wanting women in the home and witches burning on a stake. :eusa_doh:

It is painfully obvious why you are a low IQ, Dumbocrat voter.
YOU hate America since you can't force it to be the utopia that you want it to be. As in, with you in charge and the rest of us blindly following or else.
Stop projecting. The “John Bircher’s” just want liberty. It’s you idiot progressives who force people into Social Security, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, etc. And all of you idiots actually believe that those idiotic government programs result in “utopia”.

Stop projecting? My, are you some kind of a nut or what. John Birchers want to isolate the US from the rest of the world. And they also have a way that we all should live. Newsflash: We all shall have the right to live as individuals. You can't control me so you can stop trying right now.

Considering I am a Progressive Conservative, you are projecting yourself on this one and barking up the wrong tree. I won't waste my time discussing welfare with you since you really don't understand it at all. AS I stated, there isn't enough cloring books and crayons on the face of the earth to explain it to you.
The Blaze? What a joke. The real haters of America are conservatives. I say this because they want to take the nation back to the 1800's so they can have women who stay at home and slaves and burn witches at the stake.
In other words, if you won’t submit to Tax Man’s idiotic communism, he will accuse you of wanting women in the home and witches burning on a stake. :eusa_doh:

It is painfully obvious why you are a low IQ, Dumbocrat voter.

Or maybe he won't pay an attention to you at all. Just because you say so doesn't make it so.
Newsflash: We all shall have the right to live as individuals. You can't control me so you can stop trying right now.
Says the tool who thinks the Democrats have the right (and the power) to force people to purchase health insurance and force bakers to make cakes for homosexuals. :laugh: can’t come up with a single thing that the John Bircher society has ever advocated to force people.
I won't waste my time discussing welfare with you since you really don't understand it at all.
In other now realize how idiotic you sound declaring that people who advocate for liberty are trying to “control” you. :laugh:

Meanwhile, your dumb communist ass desperately wants to control and oppress all of society.
I won't waste my time discussing welfare with you since you really don't understand it at all.
In other now realize how idiotic you sound declaring that people who advocate for liberty are trying to “control” you. :laugh:

Meanwhile, your dumb communist ass desperately wants to control and oppress all of society.

No, just you. There is a white room with no corners and padded walls waiting for you. You can scream to your hearts desire how we all are coming to get you except we already would have. We even have a very stylish suit coat with the most wonderful sleaves that you can wrap your arms around and hug your body. And we all know how much you love tapioca pudding so we have lots of that for you. And the Jello that is your favorite. And don't forget the Mystery meat to stimulate your mind. Yes, we have plans for you and "YOU WILL LIKE IT!".

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