This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Just another flaky Progressive bitch. The country is infected with them.

No no, this one is a propoganda spewer, and not dumb enough to not know that's exactly what she's doing.

That she knows what she's doing does not render her un-flaky.

It means she's made a calculated decision to be a propaganda arm for the Globalists. All I can read into that is evil and not flaky.
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Just another flaky Progressive bitch. The country is infected with them.

No no, this one is a propoganda spewer, and not dumb enough to not know that's exactly what she's doing.

That she knows what she's doing does not render her un-flaky.

It means she's made a calculated decision to be a propaganda arm for the Globalists. All I can read into that is evil and not flaky.


The one solace to take from these "comedians", and I mean this in the most polite terms; if you sat down across from most of these people and spoke to them about anything substantive regarding individual liberty, free market capitalism, American history and sacrifice, you would receive a blank stare of confusion and emptiness.

These people are as stupid as fook.
Funny how you claim liberals hate this Nation, when if you take a step back and look at what happened to this Nation, with the election of the man of lawlessness, President Trump....

The entire movement supporting him and electing him, was BUILT ON HATRED for this the guise of making America great again.....

You've been had, and you're deep seeded hated has been exposed for quite a while now.

What's sad, is now we are finding out that it was through a form of brainwashing through social media, and the likes of Cambridge analytica, developed by a Russian loving Cambridge university and Russian University professor's STOLEN personal information on you, and then exploited by steve bannon, and the Billionaire Mercer family, that built your hatred so deep....yep, they did this to you, and you were none the wiser....that's how brain washing works, you don't think or realize you were manipulated, but YOU WERE...and the theme, was hatred towards America., hatred towards fellow citizens, hatred towards Obama, towards Hillary, towards liberals towards even legal immigrants, hatred towards our institutions....hatred towards the imaginary deep state, hatred towards all others.

evil won.....and you cheer it!

But it is not all your can't blame the person that was covertly brainwashed, for the brainwashing....

Yes, it all sounds crazy...BUT....

We are finding out that Cambridge Analytica and the Mercer family, bought, stole, and paid for your very souls....and it's been going on for years....Trump was probably just another brainwashed tool, that they used.... :eek:
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Yes, patriotism is only when you agree with the right wingers... otherwise it's not patriotism.

Take waving the Confederate flag, a right wing thing. That's patriotism. Forget the 140,000 US troops who died, forget they wanted to leave the US.

But kneeling during the national anthem, now there's something that is totally unpatriotic, and to boot, against the US military.

We know it's against the US military because.... because.... because the US military like watching NFL....??????

But anyway, no one got killed by kneelers so, it must be unpatriotic.
You do know that peta has more mass shooters than the nra? Also, why would you kneel during the anthem, would you smack your parents in the face if you disagreed with them? One more, it was Obama who wanted to transform America, with your blessings.
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Yes, patriotism is only when you agree with the right wingers... otherwise it's not patriotism.

Take waving the Confederate flag, a right wing thing. That's patriotism. Forget the 140,000 US troops who died, forget they wanted to leave the US.

But kneeling during the national anthem, now there's something that is totally unpatriotic, and to boot, against the US military.

We know it's against the US military because.... because.... because the US military like watching NFL....??????

But anyway, no one got killed by kneelers so, it must be unpatriotic.
You do know that peta has more mass shooters than the nra? Also, why would you kneel during the anthem, would you smack your parents in the face if you disagreed with them? One more, it was Obama who wanted to transform America, with your blessings.

Seems that someone in the NRA made a little meme about PETA and the NRA and everyone's going around repeating it.

Why do you think this meme has any relevance to what I said exactly?

I guess if kneeling during the anthem is smacking your parents round the face, then trying to secede from the country and then going to war is like telling you parents you're going to run away, and then when they try and stop you, you massacre them.

And still the right are trying to justify that kneeling is worse than killed 140,000......
When you're told the following by a group of people, wondering about their opinions of a country is not unreasonable:
  • America needs to be fundamentally changed
  • America's long-standing public traditions must be expunged from public
  • America's Constitution is outdated
  • America's Constitution was written by rich white slave rapists
  • America is a greedy country
  • America is an imperialist country
  • America is a racist country
  • America is a hateful country
  • America is an unfair country
  • America's economic system is evil
  • America was stolen from the Indians
  • America was stolen from Mexico
Substitute any other country's name for "America" in those statements, and it's certainly reasonable to assume they're not big fans of that country.

This is one of the reasons why freedom of expression is so important. It makes it easy to expose what people are thinking.

Yes, I have no doubt that there are many people in this country who hate it. Primarily because they're telling us so.

Or is it that YOU are telling us. Your spreading Hatred is slowly becoming known. The sooner we get that out in the open and move away from it the better America will be.
Is that tongue in cheek, or are you stupid?
I have examples standing by.

Then I'll ask him for examples of me spreading hate, which he says is "slowing becoming known".

Easy answer. You are doing it right now. You are making blanket statements like it applies across the board. And that is spreading hatred. I know you can't see it since it doesn't apply to you and only applies to others.

You're no centrist or conservative. You strike me as being a snowflake. "Spreading hatred". :abgg2q.jpg:

Y U use SJW terms, dude? Mr. Conservative?


And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Yes, patriotism is only when you agree with the right wingers... otherwise it's not patriotism.

Take waving the Confederate flag, a right wing thing. That's patriotism. Forget the 140,000 US troops who died, forget they wanted to leave the US.

But kneeling during the national anthem, now there's something that is totally unpatriotic, and to boot, against the US military.

We know it's against the US military because.... because.... because the US military like watching NFL....??????

But anyway, no one got killed by kneelers so, it must be unpatriotic.
You do know that peta has more mass shooters than the nra? Also, why would you kneel during the anthem, would you smack your parents in the face if you disagreed with them? One more, it was Obama who wanted to transform America, with your blessings.

Seems that someone in the NRA made a little meme about PETA and the NRA and everyone's going around repeating it.

Why do you think this meme has any relevance to what I said exactly?

I guess if kneeling during the anthem is smacking your parents round the face, then trying to secede from the country and then going to war is like telling you parents you're going to run away, and then when they try and stop you, you massacre them.

And still the right are trying to justify that kneeling is worse than killed 140,000......

I still equate fling the Northern Virginia Confederate Battle Flag right up there with flying the Black ISIS flag for exactly the same reasons.
Or is it that YOU are telling us. Your spreading Hatred is slowly becoming known. The sooner we get that out in the open and move away from it the better America will be.
Is that tongue in cheek, or are you stupid?
I have examples standing by.

Then I'll ask him for examples of me spreading hate, which he says is "slowing becoming known".

Easy answer. You are doing it right now. You are making blanket statements like it applies across the board. And that is spreading hatred. I know you can't see it since it doesn't apply to you and only applies to others.

You're no centrist or conservative. You strike me as being a snowflake. "Spreading hatred". :abgg2q.jpg:

Y U use SJW terms, dude? Mr. Conservative?


And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.
This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Some Left Wingers are flying the American Flag upside-down in protest against President Trump.

And you continue to just make crap up. That makes you quite a liar. Now, it's time to fact check you on this one. Since it's impossible to prove a negative, it's up to you to prove it's true. Remember, the term some means more than 2 or 3 and on the upwards of hundreds. And, sorry, you can't use a site that just makes crap up for your proof.
Is that tongue in cheek, or are you stupid?
I have examples standing by.

Then I'll ask him for examples of me spreading hate, which he says is "slowing becoming known".

Easy answer. You are doing it right now. You are making blanket statements like it applies across the board. And that is spreading hatred. I know you can't see it since it doesn't apply to you and only applies to others.

You're no centrist or conservative. You strike me as being a snowflake. "Spreading hatred". :abgg2q.jpg:

Y U use SJW terms, dude? Mr. Conservative?


And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.
I have examples standing by.

Then I'll ask him for examples of me spreading hate, which he says is "slowing becoming known".

Easy answer. You are doing it right now. You are making blanket statements like it applies across the board. And that is spreading hatred. I know you can't see it since it doesn't apply to you and only applies to others.

You're no centrist or conservative. You strike me as being a snowflake. "Spreading hatred". :abgg2q.jpg:

Y U use SJW terms, dude? Mr. Conservative?


And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
Easy answer. You are doing it right now. You are making blanket statements like it applies across the board. And that is spreading hatred. I know you can't see it since it doesn't apply to you and only applies to others.

You're no centrist or conservative. You strike me as being a snowflake. "Spreading hatred". :abgg2q.jpg:

Y U use SJW terms, dude? Mr. Conservative?


And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?

It's only vile to you if the other person says it about you. If you say it about another person it's perfectly okay. I realize that you can't see the difference so I won't go into it with you. Let others make up their own minds. I don't have enough black and white pictures or enough crayons to explain it to you.
Easy answer. You are doing it right now. You are making blanket statements like it applies across the board. And that is spreading hatred. I know you can't see it since it doesn't apply to you and only applies to others.

You're no centrist or conservative. You strike me as being a snowflake. "Spreading hatred". :abgg2q.jpg:

Y U use SJW terms, dude? Mr. Conservative?


And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.
You're no centrist or conservative. You strike me as being a snowflake. "Spreading hatred". :abgg2q.jpg:

Y U use SJW terms, dude? Mr. Conservative?


And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?

It's only vile to you if the other person says it about you. If you say it about another person it's perfectly okay. I realize that you can't see the difference so I won't go into it with you. Let others make up their own minds. I don't have enough black and white pictures or enough crayons to explain it to you.

Man, what a little whiny faggot melty snowflake you are.

Leftist ROE:

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.


This outspoken progressive was “shaken”, “scared”, and “freaking out” over the American flag. Tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Liberal comedian says she was ‘scared,’ ‘shaken,’ ‘freaking out’ when boyfriend flew American flag

Yes, patriotism is only when you agree with the right wingers... otherwise it's not patriotism.

Take waving the Confederate flag, a right wing thing. That's patriotism. Forget the 140,000 US troops who died, forget they wanted to leave the US.

But kneeling during the national anthem, now there's something that is totally unpatriotic, and to boot, against the US military.

We know it's against the US military because.... because.... because the US military like watching NFL....??????

But anyway, no one got killed by kneelers so, it must be unpatriotic.
You do know that peta has more mass shooters than the nra? Also, why would you kneel during the anthem, would you smack your parents in the face if you disagreed with them? One more, it was Obama who wanted to transform America, with your blessings.

Seems that someone in the NRA made a little meme about PETA and the NRA and everyone's going around repeating it.

Why do you think this meme has any relevance to what I said exactly?

I guess if kneeling during the anthem is smacking your parents round the face, then trying to secede from the country and then going to war is like telling you parents you're going to run away, and then when they try and stop you, you massacre them.

And still the right are trying to justify that kneeling is worse than killed 140,000......

I still equate fling the Northern Virginia Confederate Battle Flag right up there with flying the Black ISIS flag for exactly the same reasons.

Ah yes, a young, indoctrinated SJW. This should be fun! :abgg2q.jpg:
You're no centrist or conservative. You strike me as being a snowflake. "Spreading hatred". :abgg2q.jpg:

Y U use SJW terms, dude? Mr. Conservative?


And yet I am not the one using vile insulting language. Keep spreading the hate. We see right through you. It's all you have.

If you consider that to be "vile insulting language", you really are a melty snowflake.

Did I call you any names? Or did I just state the obvious that you are spreading hate which is very obvious.

In what manner?
He also claimed I'm "known for spreading hate" (?), and that I'm a "Bircher".

I guess those of us who voted for Hillary are "Birchers".

This appears to be all he has.

People like this ARE what they HATE, which is why they get so nasty and emotional.

He claims to be pretty much what you are. :uhoh3:

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