Progressive prof forces art students to create anti-gun art with url to petition


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
“On Monday, April 1, around 7 PM (class was 5:30 – 8:20), Jennifer Yucus, Assistant Professor of Graphic Art/Design, compelled students from her Computers For Artists class to advocate in favor of a political petition opposing firearms on campus, in opposition to a pair of bills currently before the Texas legislature, using personal art materials and MSU resources,” reads the complaint.
“Several of my classmates were uncomfortable with the assignment and either quietly or openly expressed this,” it continues. “Professor Yucus asked students to rationalize objections by thinking of it as a job from an employer (or words to that effect).”
The complaint adds that Yucus “did require all works to include the URL to the petition” she had created and adds that students were photographed while crafting the posters to give the illusion of youth support.
“Professor Yucus took photos of her students in the process of drafting and creating the posters, but did not say how these would be used,” says the complaint. “The posters were then hung in the hallways of the Fain Arts building, giving the impression of student support.”
Some of the photos later appeared on an anti-gun Facebook page that appeared to have been created by Yucus. The page appeared to have been deleted after the complaint was filed, but Campus Reform was able to capture the posted images before they were removed."
Hopefully Assistant Professor of Graphic Art/Design Jennifer Yucus will be unemployed by the end of the week.
Texas doesn't have a lot of sympathy for that sort of shit.
Out of sheer curiosity, when is the Leadership of the Progressive Movement (Obama, Biden, Republican John Mccain) going to realize that attacking the Constitution is a losing issue?
They aren't interested in how our republic operates, and they are not concerned with whether or not they have the support of the people. They will bypass all that.
They did this shit and worse when obama was first elected. The National Endowment for the Arts sent someone to our art guild to threaten us. We were supposed to reform the guild to produce artwork that portrayed obama and the government favorably. If we didn't the city would be forced to pull our charter or lose federal funding if they didn't. obama did this to municipally chartered art guilds across the country. It was so heavy handed and provoked such an outcry that the organizers said we just misunderstood and dropped the whole idea. obama started off like Mussolini.
I would say this isn't freaking believable, but today I'd believe almost anything.

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