We have a Supreme Court who decides these arguments . They said it was ok. Then it’s constitutional.
So if the Supreme Court ruled tomorrow that freedom of speech does not extend to the African-American community and that it was ok to lynch “n*ggers” you would be the first to state it is 100% legal and ok, right? You would support it?

After all, if the Supreme Court says it is ok then obviously it must be “constitutional”. :laugh:
You realize that STATES control gun laws
Good grief you continue to illustrate mind-blowing ignorance.
Gun laws of the United States are found in a number of federal statutes. In addition to federal gun laws.... Most federal gun laws are found in the following acts:
Timmy, buddy, please go away. You’re embarrassing the hell out of yourself. I don’t know how you can keep doing it with no shame.

Gun law in the United States - Wikipedia
As is always the case, the left has been caught in a web of lies. As is always the case, a firearm wasn’t the problem. As is always the case, it was left-wing policy that lead to the deaths of children.
“It was so many things. I had three students bring knives to my classroom. One was out of the classroom for one day. Another had so many things on his record, he was gone for five days. None were expelled,” Mary Fitzgerald, who taught in the district for 37 years, said. “My principal basically would tell me it was his job to market the school. He was adamant about not looking bad.”
That sums up the left nicely. More concerned about appearance and P.R. than protecting children and effective policy.

Florida newspaper exposes Broward County School system’s incompetence with blockbuster new story
Muster the militia!
"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials."
— George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot, Vol. 3, June 16, 1788
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” --
Proverbs 22:6
You realize that STATES control gun laws
Good grief you continue to illustrate mind-blowing ignorance.
Gun laws of the United States are found in a number of federal statutes. In addition to federal gun laws.... Most federal gun laws are found in the following acts:
Timmy, buddy, please go away. You’re embarrassing the hell out of yourself. I don’t know how you can keep doing it with no shame.

Gun law in the United States - Wikipedia

Your dumb ass lecturing me ? Fed law is the base . States can and do go above that. Well , smart states do.
You realize that STATES control gun laws
Good grief you continue to illustrate mind-blowing ignorance.
Gun laws of the United States are found in a number of federal statutes. In addition to federal gun laws.... Most federal gun laws are found in the following acts:
Timmy, buddy, please go away. You’re embarrassing the hell out of yourself. I don’t know how you can keep doing it with no shame.

Gun law in the United States - Wikipedia

Your dumb ass lecturing me ? Fed law is the base . States can and do go above that. Well , smart states do.
Don’t try to backtrack now you ignorant jack-ass. You clearly said “states control gun laws”. Nothing is further from the truth. You’re an idiot. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

“Fed Law is the base”. What an ignorant comment.
Guns were for militias and not for any uneducated white boy for 200 years before then.
That’s simply not true. At no time in our nation’s history did anyone of credibility actually believe that guns were not an inalienable right of the people. George Washington was on record stating guns were the right of the people and not a militia. Thomas Jefferson was on record stating guns were the right of the people and not a militia. James Madison was on record stating guns were the right of the people and not a militia.

And you know what else? The 2nd Amendment clearly states that the right belongs to the people.

You are astoundingly ignorant.

Like aholes, everybody has one.

I'm just reminding you of the 5/4 supreme decision and Ben wanting to ban German immigrants.
I don't have s PhD in constitutional law like you so will bow to your opinion.
In my maybe higher level research than you it takes years to debate both sides so blabbing a concrete opinion on a white boy forum doesn't exactly make it true.
You realize that STATES control gun laws
Good grief you continue to illustrate mind-blowing ignorance.
Gun laws of the United States are found in a number of federal statutes. In addition to federal gun laws.... Most federal gun laws are found in the following acts:
Timmy, buddy, please go away. You’re embarrassing the hell out of yourself. I don’t know how you can keep doing it with no shame.

Gun law in the United States - Wikipedia

Your dumb ass lecturing me ? Fed law is the base . States can and do go above that. Well , smart states do.
Don’t try to backtrack now you ignorant jack-ass. You clearly said “states control gun laws”. Nothing is further from the truth. You’re an idiot. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

“Fed Law is the base”. What an ignorant comment.

Can't you reply w/o insults?
Dead giveaway for limited education.
Ah w
You realize that STATES control gun laws
Good grief you continue to illustrate mind-blowing ignorance.
Gun laws of the United States are found in a number of federal statutes. In addition to federal gun laws.... Most federal gun laws are found in the following acts:
Timmy, buddy, please go away. You’re embarrassing the hell out of yourself. I don’t know how you can keep doing it with no shame.

Gun law in the United States - Wikipedia

Your dumb ass lecturing me ? Fed law is the base . States can and do go above that. Well , smart states do.

Ah well, who said patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel?
Not our old white farts.
I'd be embarrassed having a pic of guys who did their best to ban German immigrants
Progressives are completely against armed citizens who could fight a Fascist government that would spy on them and subjugate, especially when that Fascist government is headed by a dog eating Kenyan
I'm still looking. For you battling hand to hand.
Easier to spew?
You're be the first fleeing to the hills
Guns were for militias and not for any uneducated white boy for 200 years before then.
That’s simply not true. At no time in our nation’s history did anyone of credibility actually believe that guns were not an inalienable right of the people. George Washington was on record stating guns were the right of the people and not a militia. Thomas Jefferson was on record stating guns were the right of the people and not a militia. James Madison was on record stating guns were the right of the people and not a militia.

And you know what else? The 2nd Amendment clearly states that the right belongs to the people.

You are astoundingly ignorant.

Uh...no, snowflake. That wasn't my "opinion". That was absolutely fact. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and a whole lot more are all on record about firearms being the inalienable right of the people and not the militia.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776
If guns make us safe and secure, why so many gun deaths compared to other civilized nations?
Because idiot progressives illegally ban firearms where they can - creating victim zones. Such as schools.

The fact is, crime has been plummeting over the past 30 years as firearm sales have been skyrocketing. Game over.
You mean the liberal hotbeds of Texas and Florida where these last two big school shootings happened?

I’m afraid that what we’re seeing is the hysterical chickens whipped up by the NRA that had lines around the store every Saturday morning to buy bullets (that were in shortage) and weaponry coming home to roost. All of this excess weaponry and displaced testosterone are combining to have more rampage killings in the “sun belt” or is it now the “gun belt”?
All of this excess weaponry and displaced testosterone are combining to have more rampage killings in the “sun belt” or is it now the “gun belt”?
I like that! The "gun belt"! Well done CC!
Muster the Militia until we have no more security problems in our free States!
Wait. You said (and I quote) “the people are the militia”. Therefore you are calling to arm the people and handle crime without law enforcement.
If guns make us safe and secure, why so many gun deaths compared to other civilized nations?
Because idiot progressives illegally ban firearms where they can - creating victim zones. Such as schools.

The fact is, crime has been plummeting over the past 30 years as firearm sales have been skyrocketing. Game over.
You mean the liberal hotbeds of Texas and Florida where these last two big school shootings happened?

I’m afraid that what we’re seeing is the hysterical chickens whipped up by the NRA that had lines around the store every Saturday morning to buy bullets (that were in shortage) and weaponry coming home to roost. All of this excess weaponry and displaced testosterone are combining to have more rampage killings in the “sun belt” or is it now the “gun belt”?

Funny, then that as more Americans own and actually carry guns....our gun murder rate went down 49%...kinda shows you have no point...

Oh, and gun crime went down 75%.......what exactly is coming home to roost.....? Less gun crime?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Muster the Militia until we have no more security problems in our free States!
Wait. You said (and I quote) “the people are the militia”. Therefore you are calling to arm the people and handle crime without law enforcement.
Not a problem for the Organized militia.
I’m very organized. Everything I own. I’m fanatical. So I guess I’ll take a fully automatic, please! :laugh:
so what; Organized militia are awarded their own Colors, Standards, banners, and guidons; but, you have to belong to a minimum of a special battalion.

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