Still way above really civilized nations?
Those “civilized” nations you speak of have much higher rate of stabbing incidents than we do. Are barbaric stabbings “civilized” in your mind?
of course not.
Why don't you read real info which shows London is safer than every us city?
Despite What Trump Suggested to the NRA, London Is Safer Than Every U.S. City
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
A. Couple last week?
Why do continue on the stupidity that the left wants to take away your firearms?
No one does.
Obama actually increased where you can carry but I guess the blaze didn't tell you that.
I guess you believe the dreaded left, whose benefits you are sucking off want an open border too?
Man on at 7 am, 6 pm, you really should get a life.
But don't go to walmart w/o your matchine gun
Still way above really civilized nations?
Those “civilized” nations you speak of have much higher rate of stabbing incidents than we do. Are barbaric stabbings “civilized” in your mind?
Seems like you have no numbers
Phew, much rather have gun deaths.
Have you Looked at the kids killed accidentally by dumb rubes who leave guns around?
Of course not
Of course the daily caller didn't tell you that"
Still way above really civilized nations?
Those “civilized” nations you speak of have much higher rate of stabbing incidents than we do. Are barbaric stabbings “civilized” in your mind?
Seems like you have no numbers
Phew, much rather have gun deaths.
Have you Looked at the kids killed accidentally by dumb rubes who leave guns around?
Of course not
Of course the daily caller didn't tell you that"
Still way above really civilized nations?
Those “civilized” nations you speak of have much higher rate of stabbing incidents than we do. Are barbaric stabbings “civilized” in your mind?
of course not.
Why don't you read real info which shows London is safer than every us city?
Despite What Trump Suggested to the NRA, London Is Safer Than Every U.S. City
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
A. Couple last week?
Why do continue on the stupidity that the left wants to take away your firearms?
No one does.
Obama actually increased where you can carry but I guess the blaze didn't tell you that.
I guess you believe the dreaded left, whose benefits you are sucking off want an open border too?
Man on at 7 am, 6 pm, you really should get a life.
But don't go to walmart w/o your matchine gun
Ps I went to school in London for 6 years
Tiny gang areas like here but normal people don't live there
I presume the closest you got to real war was a military food line in Iraq?
As the old euro joke goes
"All the pantywaist Americans need is the crap bombed out of them for weeks on end"
Now they want more than 300000000 guns
Still way above really civilized nations?
Those “civilized” nations you speak of have much higher rate of stabbing incidents than we do. Are barbaric stabbings “civilized” in your mind?
of course not. Why don't you read real info which shows London is safer than every us city?
Despite What Trump Suggested to the NRA, London Is Safer Than Every U.S. City
Nice propaganda, chief. The educated readers here (ie conservatives) will note that I said “stabbing incidents” (as bolded in blue above). And yet you add a link to rates about murders.
FBI crime data also shows London had a lower murder rate than every major American city in 2017 – in most cases, far lower.
The fact that you have to resort to straw man propaganda is an indicator that you are panic-stricken by the facts I am posting.
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
How many of your children had cancer? None? Oh, well then we should shut down all cancer hospitals for children and cancer research for children. I mean, you don’t want to be “paranoid” - right? Right???

Does that example illustrate just how stupid you sound every time you post or would you like more examples? Trying to make the argument that actual statistics should be ignored in favor of the anecdotal is a special kind of ignorance.
Ps I went to school in London for 6 years
Well clearly London has the worst schools in the world. Your posts are illiterate. They have tons of spelling errors, tons of grammatical errors, and don’t even get me started on the formatting. You should be embarrassed.
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
How many of your children had cancer? None? Oh, well then we should shut down all cancer hospitals for children and cancer research for children. I mean, you don’t want to be “paranoid” - right? Right???

Does that example illustrate just how stupid you sound every time you post or would you like more examples? Trying to make the argument that actual statistics should be ignored in favor of the anecdotal is a special kind of ignorance.

Why do you have to insult every post?
You're the anecdotal King, quoting single examples (housewife battles intruder etc) from sites that don't believe we landed on the moon.
So, I was watching First 48.
Teen guy kills girlfriend with one shot by mistake
Think he would have stabbed her if he hadn't had an illegal gun?
Ps I went to school in London for 6 years
Well clearly London has the worst schools in the world. Your posts are illiterate. They have tons of spelling errors, tons of grammatical errors, and don’t even get me started on the formatting. You should be embarrassed.
Would you like to quote a few?
I must admit my fingers are too podgy
I'm still waiting for your advanced degrees.
You should be able to enrol with your commie SS VA Benefits
Seems like you have no numbers
Says the high school dropout who just claimed in post #923 that “Obama actually increased where you can carry” without adding a single link, quote, stat, or source. :laugh:

Apologies, I thought with your mastery of all things English you would know how to look it up.
FLASHBACK: Obama: I Have Expanded Rights of Gun Owners
There's plenty more, just ask me to look them up for you.
English ok in this post?
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
How many of your children had cancer? None? Oh, well then we should shut down all cancer hospitals for children and cancer research for children. I mean, you don’t want to be “paranoid” - right? Right???

Does that example illustrate just how stupid you sound every time you post or would you like more examples? Trying to make the argument that actual statistics should be ignored in favor of the anecdotal is a special kind of ignorance.
Nice insult as usual.
I'd love more examples from our English master.
And please list where your statistics come from.
At least my worse than Mississippi school had us study statistics.
I assume you have?
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
How many of your children had cancer? None? Oh, well then we should shut down all cancer hospitals for children and cancer research for children. I mean, you don’t want to be “paranoid” - right? Right???

Does that example illustrate just how stupid you sound every time you post or would you like more examples? Trying to make the argument that actual statistics should be ignored in favor of the anecdotal is a special kind of ignorance.
I'm dying for more examples from our English prof.
So you still haven't battled anyone directly?
Same as the 40 gun toting military boys who were in the Texas store and did nothing?
This pro or con argument is immensely complicated.
Never know how realistic the sources are
Here's one where guns prevented maybe TWO killings over years?
Probably as daft as your examples
Civilians with Guns Intervening in Active Shooter Incidents—the 2016 and 2017 Data
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
How many of your children had cancer? None? Oh, well then we should shut down all cancer hospitals for children and cancer research for children. I mean, you don’t want to be “paranoid” - right? Right???

Does that example illustrate just how stupid you sound every time you post or would you like more examples? Trying to make the argument that actual statistics should be ignored in favor of the anecdotal is a special kind of ignorance.
Data from the FBI's Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2016 and 2017 report; legal civilian gun carriers tried to intervene in 6 out of 50 incidents, and apparently succeeded in 3 or 4 of them.
You were one of the 3?
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
How many of your children had cancer? None? Oh, well then we should shut down all cancer hospitals for children and cancer research for children. I mean, you don’t want to be “paranoid” - right? Right???

Does that example illustrate just how stupid you sound every time you post or would you like more examples? Trying to make the argument that actual statistics should be ignored in favor of the anecdotal is a special kind of ignorance.
Please advise where I can get my daily caller type stats from.
I thought the nra had blocked investigating gun deaths so how do we know?

"About 1.4 million people have died from firearms in the U.S. between 1968 and 2011. This number includes all deaths resulting from a firearm, including suicides, homicides, and accidents. Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the U.S. gun-related homicide rate is 25 times higher."
Omg have to look for knife deaths now.

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