If guns make us safe and secure, why so many gun deaths compared to other civilized nations?

You pathetic excrement spewing hack, London murders more people than NY City...wait for it...using knives since guns are banned. :itsok:

Shitcan5 should be his handle! The reason you don't hear about gun violence in "other western country's' is because the govts have already secured their absolute dominance over their populace. In all of those fine Western country's only the govt has the guns and the people know it ! In America the people also have guns and the Govt. knows it ! See the difference Shitcan5. You're an idiot! :boo_hoo14:
Thanks goodness Chicago unconstitutionally outlawed firearms. Otherwise, they would experience mass shootings...

Seven dead, nearly three dozen shot during Labor Day weekend in Chicago

You know the parkland kid was expelled .

Truth is Florida law does nothing to stop a nut like that from buying high powered weaponry. But go on with your blamestorming .

So you would rather the Govt be the only entity to possess weapons that could possibly prevent the citizenry of protecting itself against an oppressive Govt. As long as the Govt. possesses these type of weapons and utilize them everyday in "law enforcement" activities. American citizens should never be restricted from possessing them as a counter balance to tyrants!
Every single day in America, an armed citizen prevents a crime. Every. Single. Day.

Georgia homeowner fatally shoots 3 masked teens allegedly trying to rob him
Boy it would really suck if he had been limited to a 10-round magazine, right?

"That's not how it’s supposed to go. I understand one shot to stop the people, the victims or whatever, but aggressively to shoot these little teens, that's overkill. That's too much to handle,” said an unidentified male, who was reportedly related to one of the teens who died.

Facts trump irrational left-wing feelings...
We already possess hard evidence that bans of assault rifles don't alter gun violence trends. Gun homicides continued to drop steeply after an "assault weapons" ban expired in 2004.

Liberals Propose First Gun Grab Since Lexington and Concord
What a hoot.
The Daily Caller ???!!!
Just when I'd seen all the sites
They don't even know the meaning of liberal.?
For the individual and small gov.?
No one wants to take your guns my old fart pantywaist?
You'd E been fleeing from your double wide the moment Chinese attacked.
Don't you realise how dumb it sounds?
Seen Arizona tv ?
Police unbelievably heavily armed they can hardly walk.
Keep afraid, very afraid, sad way to live.
Facts trump irrational left-wing feelings...
We already possess hard evidence that bans of assault rifles don't alter gun violence trends. Gun homicides continued to drop steeply after an "assault weapons" ban expired in 2004.

Liberals Propose First Gun Grab Since Lexington and Concord
What a hoot.
The Daily Caller ???!!!
Just when I'd seen all the sites
They don't even know the meaning of liberal.?
For the individual and small gov.?
No one wants to take your guns my old fart pantywaist?
You'd E been fleeing from your double wide the moment Chinese attacked.
Don't you realise how dumb it sounds?
Seen Arizona tv ?
Police unbelievably heavily armed they can hardly walk.
Keep afraid, very afraid, sad way to live.
Drop steeply?
From what to what?
Still way above really civilized nations?
Facts trump irrational left-wing feelings...
We already possess hard evidence that bans of assault rifles don't alter gun violence trends. Gun homicides continued to drop steeply after an "assault weapons" ban expired in 2004.

Liberals Propose First Gun Grab Since Lexington and Concord
And theres another??!!
Daily signal !!!
A hoot, hang onto your arsenal darlin.
Never know when the lefties are going to burst into your house and confiscate them?
Don't you realise how dumb that sounds?
Better to die slowly sucking off your commie SS Medicare dreaming that you paid for them
Another single example in 350000000 people daily caller?
350000000 people here darlin.
Know anyone next door who this happened to?
If you really look you have a better chance of falling out of your bathtub.
Keep being afraid, sad way to live
If the left's gun control bullshit was even remotely related to human life, they would be calling for automobiles to be outlawed. The left doesn't care about human life (their pro-abortion, pro-socialism positions prove that). The left only cares about control.

Driver plows SUV through Chicago-area mall, crashing into displays and sending shoppers fleeing

Cars have been in place for about 120 years, in that time drivers licenses became universal, rules for the road have been passed, seat belts were required and today smart technology is preventing more and more accidents.

Licenses to drive can be suspended or revoked, for those licensed drivers who have medical conditions, those convicted for DUI's, reckless driving or using a car as a weapon.

"At the very beginning of the long dialogue between thinkers that makes up western political theory there is Plato's Republic, and at the very beginning of the Republic there is this strange and interesting exchange. Socrates asks an old man, Cephalus, if he can define justice. Cephalus says, Of course, justice means to tell the truth and to return anything you have borrowed. Socrates then asks, Suppose you have borrowed a sword from a man, and while the sword is in your possession the man goes mad. In this state of madness (mania) the man comes and asks for his sword. Does justice require that you return it?"

Facts trump irrational left-wing feelings...
We already possess hard evidence that bans of assault rifles don't alter gun violence trends. Gun homicides continued to drop steeply after an "assault weapons" ban expired in 2004.

Liberals Propose First Gun Grab Since Lexington and Concord
whats this? a one off daily wire?
Look, I have a great life, kids travelling the world got great jobs.
No violence in anyones life.
Why do you think it necessary to regurgitate conspiracy site one off examples of gun stuff?.
Why don't you post the one off kids who get accidentally killed by guns?
Here's their pics.
children killed by guns - Bing images
If you think this is a decent price to pay for every nut who wants to possess a gun, god bless you.
I don't think they will be behind you in your doublewide when the gov comes to take your arsenal?
Have a fab day, our family will.
And not get gunned down I suspect?
I just thought of the whale joke.
A NE beach guy spraying green dye looking out to sea
Guy comes up - what are you doing?
preventing sharks
there hasn't been any for 100 years
works doesn't it.
Keep being paranoid darlin
Cars have been in place for about 120 years, in that time drivers licenses became universal, rules for the road have been passed, seat belts were required and today smart technology is preventing more and more accidents.
Licenses to drive can be suspended or revoked, for those licensed drivers who have medical conditions, those convicted for DUI's, reckless driving or using a car as a weapon.
As you know, driving on public roads isn't a right - thus, you argue apples and oranges.
Cars have been in place for about 120 years, in that time drivers licenses became universal, rules for the road have been passed, seat belts were required and today smart technology is preventing more and more accidents.
And they still take more human life than firearms. Which proves you don't give a shit about human life. What you do care about is control and disarming people.
As you know, driving on public roads isn't a right - thus, you argue apples and oranges.
Actually, driving on public roads is a right. Your rights are not just limited to what is outlined in the Bill of Rights. Those were merely the rights that the founders felt were so critical, they had to be outlined in the constitution to protect us against the new expansion of powers of the federal government.
Why don't you post the one off kids who get accidentally killed by guns?
Because I could give a shit about those incidents. In the United States, you don't lose your constitutional rights because someone else is an idiot, Saddam. That's not here it works here. Thus, it's completely irrelevant if some idiot didn't properly secure his firearms, and that led to a child getting ahold of them.
If you think this is a decent price to pay for every nut who wants to possess a gun, god bless you.
Small price to pay for liberty, Saddam. Small price to pay.

I too just thought of a joke: Like all left-wing lunatics, Ph3iron believes he can usher in the era of utopia (where absolutely nobody dies under any circumstances) through totalitarian government.

**Place erupts into laughter**

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