why didn't they put it in the constitution then?
Um...they did...snowflake.
...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
So crystal clear, even you could understand it (if an adult explained it to you).
Snowflake, 19c pro slavery white boys. Plenty here
Oh you poor little ignorant snowflake. Where do begin with your profound ignorance?

For starters, the biggest names in our history (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, etc.) vehemently opposed slavery.

Second, why do you have to move the goalposts? You asked why they didn't put gun rights in the U.S. Constitution. I proved they did. Suddenly you go to the absurd left-wing lie of "racist founders". What does racism have to do with your ignorance of the U.S. Constitution or the 2nd Amendment?
Apologies for the facts
"Many of the leading American Founders-most notably Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and James Madison-owned slaves, but many did not. Benjamin Franklin thought that slavery was "an atrocious debasement of human nature" and "a source of serious evils."

At least Ben only wanted to ban Germans
"Thomas Jefferson's views on slavery are complex. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the turpitude of slavery and worked gradually to end the practice of slavery while he owned over 600 African-American people throughout his adult life and freed only seven
Again, "proved" in your small made up mind. 600 doesn't count?
Were "the people" people or people in militias? Or it might in your zero college mind again?
It’s comical listening to a snowflake talk about education when they are so profoundly ignorant. I’m about to take you to school:

Here’s the thing, snowflake. Thomas Jefferson didn’t purchase slaves. He inherited them. Mostly from his wife’s family. And it was illegal to free slaves. He and others worked to change that. By the time George Washington died, they had changed the law to allow people to free slaves upon their death (which is what Washington did).

However, by the time Jefferson died, they had changed the law again. Freed slaves we’re a problem because they had no land, no money, and absolutely no basic education. They were a burden on society. So the law was changed that a slave owner must give a slave “x” amount of dollars for each slave freed upon their death. Jefferson died the equivalent of $200,000 in debt in today’s money (he had given so much money to the University of Virginia, Congress, and more) so he was unable to free his slaves.

Please refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about.
"Thomas Jefferson's views on slavery are complex. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the turpitude of slavery and worked gradually to end the practice of slavery while he owned over 600 African-American people throughout his adult life and freed only seven
Again, "proved" in your small made up mind. 600 doesn't count?
Were "the people" people or people in militias? Or it might in your zero college mind again?
It’s comical listening to a snowflake talk about education when they are so profoundly ignorant. I’m about to take you to school:

Here’s the thing, snowflake. Thomas Jefferson didn’t purchase slaves. He inherited them. Mostly from his wife’s family. And it was illegal to free slaves. He and others worked to change that. By the time George Washington died, they had changed the law to allow people to free slaves upon their death (which is what Washington did).

However, by the time Jefferson died, they had changed the law again. Freed slaves we’re a problem because they had no land, no money, and absolutely no basic education. They were a burden on society. So the law was changed that a slave owner must give a slave “x” amount of dollars for each slave freed upon their death. Jefferson died the equivalent of $200,000 in debt in today’s money (he had given so much money to the University of Virginia, Congress, and more) so he was unable to free his slaves.

Please refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about.
Like snowflake?
Shame Jeff wasn't able to free his slaves.
Only screw them?
"Thomas Jefferson's views on slavery are complex. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the turpitude of slavery and worked gradually to end the practice of slavery while he owned over 600 African-American people throughout his adult life and freed only seven
Again, "proved" in your small made up mind. 600 doesn't count?
Were "the people" people or people in militias? Or it might in your zero college mind again?
It’s comical listening to a snowflake talk about education when they are so profoundly ignorant. I’m about to take you to school:

Here’s the thing, snowflake. Thomas Jefferson didn’t purchase slaves. He inherited them. Mostly from his wife’s family. And it was illegal to free slaves. He and others worked to change that. By the time George Washington died, they had changed the law to allow people to free slaves upon their death (which is what Washington did).

However, by the time Jefferson died, they had changed the law again. Freed slaves we’re a problem because they had no land, no money, and absolutely no basic education. They were a burden on society. So the law was changed that a slave owner must give a slave “x” amount of dollars for each slave freed upon their death. Jefferson died the equivalent of $200,000 in debt in today’s money (he had given so much money to the University of Virginia, Congress, and more) so he was unable to free his slaves.

Please refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about.
Such a knowledgable man.
Strange you have to tell people all the time.
So righteous
Who said he owned them? In your PHD head?
"Thomas Jefferson's views on slavery are complex. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the turpitude of slavery and worked gradually to end the practice of slavery while he owned over 600 African-American people throughout his adult life and freed only seven
Again, "proved" in your small made up mind. 600 doesn't count?
Were "the people" people or people in militias? Or it might in your zero college mind again?
It’s comical listening to a snowflake talk about education when they are so profoundly ignorant. I’m about to take you to school:

Here’s the thing, snowflake. Thomas Jefferson didn’t purchase slaves. He inherited them. Mostly from his wife’s family. And it was illegal to free slaves. He and others worked to change that. By the time George Washington died, they had changed the law to allow people to free slaves upon their death (which is what Washington did).

However, by the time Jefferson died, they had changed the law again. Freed slaves we’re a problem because they had no land, no money, and absolutely no basic education. They were a burden on society. So the law was changed that a slave owner must give a slave “x” amount of dollars for each slave freed upon their death. Jefferson died the equivalent of $200,000 in debt in today’s money (he had given so much money to the University of Virginia, Congress, and more) so he was unable to free his slaves.

Please refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about.
Like snowflake?
Shame Jeff wasn't able to free his slaves. Only screw them?
Yeah, that never happened either. DNA exonerated him on that false charge. Once again we see you are ignorant of the subject matter.
Such a knowledgable man.
On the founders and the U.S. Constitution? You’re damn right.
Strange you have to tell people all the time. So righteous
I only have to “tell” the ignorant people who post misinformation. Like you.
Who said he owned them? In your PHD head?
The facts.
Can you list where I said he owned them?
He did didn't he. Owned, inherited?
I love going by a bit of paper which had blacks as 7/10 of a man don't you?
"Thomas Jefferson's views on slavery are complex. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the turpitude of slavery and worked gradually to end the practice of slavery while he owned over 600 African-American people throughout his adult life and freed only seven
Again, "proved" in your small made up mind. 600 doesn't count?
Were "the people" people or people in militias? Or it might in your zero college mind again?
It’s comical listening to a snowflake talk about education when they are so profoundly ignorant. I’m about to take you to school:

Here’s the thing, snowflake. Thomas Jefferson didn’t purchase slaves. He inherited them. Mostly from his wife’s family. And it was illegal to free slaves. He and others worked to change that. By the time George Washington died, they had changed the law to allow people to free slaves upon their death (which is what Washington did).

However, by the time Jefferson died, they had changed the law again. Freed slaves we’re a problem because they had no land, no money, and absolutely no basic education. They were a burden on society. So the law was changed that a slave owner must give a slave “x” amount of dollars for each slave freed upon their death. Jefferson died the equivalent of $200,000 in debt in today’s money (he had given so much money to the University of Virginia, Congress, and more) so he was unable to free his slaves.

Please refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about.
Like snowflake?
Shame Jeff wasn't able to free his slaves. Only screw them?
Yeah, that never happened either. DNA exonerated him on that false charge. Once again we see you are ignorant of the subject matter.
Not quite.
Such a powerful man couldn't renounce them?
It's still a dispute between historians.
Look it up.
So tom didn't screw his slaves?
Must have been a trump cult boy
Such a knowledgable man.
On the founders and the U.S. Constitution? You’re damn right.
Strange you have to tell people all the time. So righteous
I only have to “tell” the ignorant people who post misinformation. Like you.
Who said he owned them? In your PHD head?
The facts.
I'm impressed by your slavish clinging to your own opinion.
As a guy who mixed with Nobel prize winners one was always always impressed by their doubts.
No doubts with our mr patriot.
Must be nice
On the DNA I must look further and thank you for that
So if there was male Jefferson DNA does that exonerate him?
Id have to go back and really study DNA
Strange family populated with white blacks whatever
"https://www.monticello.org/thomas-j.../v-assessment-of-possible-paternity-of-other- Jeffersons "
"Thomas Jefferson's views on slavery are complex. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the turpitude of slavery and worked gradually to end the practice of slavery while he owned over 600 African-American people throughout his adult life and freed only seven
Again, "proved" in your small made up mind. 600 doesn't count?
Were "the people" people or people in militias? Or it might in your zero college mind again?
It’s comical listening to a snowflake talk about education when they are so profoundly ignorant. I’m about to take you to school:

Here’s the thing, snowflake. Thomas Jefferson didn’t purchase slaves. He inherited them. Mostly from his wife’s family. And it was illegal to free slaves. He and others worked to change that. By the time George Washington died, they had changed the law to allow people to free slaves upon their death (which is what Washington did).

However, by the time Jefferson died, they had changed the law again. Freed slaves we’re a problem because they had no land, no money, and absolutely no basic education. They were a burden on society. So the law was changed that a slave owner must give a slave “x” amount of dollars for each slave freed upon their death. Jefferson died the equivalent of $200,000 in debt in today’s money (he had given so much money to the University of Virginia, Congress, and more) so he was unable to free his slaves.

Please refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about.
Like snowflake?
Shame Jeff wasn't able to free his slaves. Only screw them?
Yeah, that never happened either. DNA exonerated him on that false charge. Once again we see you are ignorant of the subject matter.
Tom wasn't a Jefferson male?
Such a knowledgable man.
On the founders and the U.S. Constitution? You’re damn right.
Strange you have to tell people all the time. So righteous
I only have to “tell” the ignorant people who post misinformation. Like you.
Who said he owned them? In your PHD head?
The facts.
Ass opposed to our foul mouth 33 s and other trumpies you do encourage reading.
It encouraged me to look up DNA
So a Jefferson male was the father but that conclusively exonerates tom?
I've asked my UNSW boys to explain.
At least we can agree it's complicated
"According to Annette Gordon-Reed, Thomas Jefferson's treatment of Sally Hemings children is a good indication that he could have fathered the children. Harriet Hemings did not begin working as a weaver until she was fourteen years old.[47]Many of Jefferson's slaves would have started at ten. Another example is that unlike other slaves, Madison Hemings stated that until they were put to work, they would run errands with Sally. This was very uncommon.

Most importantly, Gordon-Reed notes that Jefferson freed all the Hemings children. Theirs was the only slave family to all go free from Monticello; they were the only slaves freed in their youth and as they came of age, and Harriet Hemings was the only female slave he ever freed.[48] He allowed Beverley (male) and Harriet to "escape" in 1822 at ages 23 and 21, although Jefferson was already struggling financially and would be $100,000 (US$2,214,412 in 2018 dollars[49]) in debt at his death.[46] He gave his overseer money to give to Harriet for her journey. Jefferson avoided publicity this way, but the gentry at the time noted the Hemingses' absences; Monticello overseer Edmund Bacon noted in his memoir (published after Jefferson's death) that people were talking about Harriet's departure, saying that she was Jefferson's daughter.[48][50]"

Tom widowed in hisx30s and the proliferation of mixed race kids in his household?
Tom widowed in hisx30s and the proliferation of mixed race kids in his household? Mmm
There were no “mixed-race kids” in Thomas Jefferson’s house (or any other house). Simply didn’t happen in that era. It was unthinkable.

Gotta love libtards. In one sentence, our founders were “evil racists”. In the very next sentence, our founders couldn’t keep their dicks out of black women.

Um...if you hate black people and view them as animals...you don’t have sex with them. It’s just a simple fact. Unfortunately though, it does require common sense. Something the left completely lacks.
Ass opposed to our foul mouth 33 s and other trumpies you do encourage reading. It encouraged me to look up DNA
I’m obsessed with reading. I consume books at a torrid pace. Here is an excerpt from one of my favorite books:
“But this scholars’ report was just as widely ignored by the media as had been both the DNA testing results that exonerated Jefferson and the retraction of its initial errant announcement.”
DNA testing completely and totally exonerated Thomas Jefferson. I realize the left hates science, but hating science doesn’t change science.

Excerpt From The Jefferson Lies | David Barton
This material may be protected by copyright.
Ass opposed to our foul mouth 33 s and other trumpies you do encourage reading. It encouraged me to look up DNA
I’m obsessed with reading. I consume books at a torrid pace. Here is an excerpt from one of my favorite books:
“Interestingly, the “striking resemblance” charge is still invoked today as “proof” that Jefferson fathered Hemings’ children, but since the recent DNA testing unequivocally proved that Sally’s son Tom was not the son of Thomas Jefferson, Callender’s allegations that Tom bore a “striking resemblance to the president himself” are completely meaningless.”
DNA testing completely and totally exonerated Thomas Jefferson. I realize the left hates science, but hating science doesn’t change science.

Excerpt From The Jefferson Lies | David Barton
This material may be protected by copyright.
Ass opposed to our foul mouth 33 s and other trumpies you do encourage reading. It encouraged me to look up DNA
I’m obsessed with reading. I consume books at a torrid pace. Here is an excerpt from one of my favorite books:
“Interestingly, the “striking resemblance” charge is still invoked today as “proof” that Jefferson fathered Hemings’ children, but since the recent DNA testing unequivocally proved that Sally’s son Tom was not the son of Thomas Jefferson, Callender’s allegations that Tom bore a “striking resemblance to the president himself” are completely meaningless.”
DNA testing completely and totally exonerated Thomas Jefferson. I realize the left hates science, but hating science doesn’t change science.

Excerpt From The Jefferson Lies | David Barton
This material may be protected by copyright.
What a strange made up mind opinion.
All the PhD scientists I know tend to be liberal (for the individual and small gov)
Check out our climate deniers .
Not exactly leftists
Every single day in this great nation, an armed citizen prevents a crime. Every. Single. Day. Thank God for our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Home invasion suspect enters man's home, attacks man's family. The suspect pays the ultimate price after finding the homeowner is armed.
Another single example.
Yeah...my 89,000 “single example” :lmao:
All 89000 ended in death?
So I guess we are 50000 ahead?
Think how many if we were not a nation of scared pantywaists
How many oz gun attacks are there again?

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