I assume you refused your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
VA SS Medicare “benefits”? You mean the left-wing ideas that were so good, they were achieved at the barrel of a gun?
Barrel of a gun?
The 85% who love em were threatened.
So you have returned them, mr self righteous?
As the trumpie said "keep the gov out of my Medicare"
Indeed, pantywaists like you who have never been in a violent hand to hand or bombing INTERPRET this as everyone .
I have no idea who you are referring to here since you made this an independent post, as opposed to a response to another post. But that being said, I have been in a shit-ton of “violent hand-to-hand”. So much so, that I would be willing to bet that it would exceed what you and every liberal on this board combined as experienced.
An independent post?
Be careful what you brag about.
Been in air raid shelters
for days on end?
Every single day in this great nation, an armed citizen prevents a crime. Every. Single. Day. Thank God for our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Armed good Samaritan comes to cop's rescue after inmate takes officer's gun, shoots her during transport from jail, witness says
Omg, the blaze.
Please tell me you don't read that swill.
They don't believe we landed on the moon.
Keep picking single examples from a nation of 350000000
Anything to fit a made up mind
Hitler won too.
Only in the mind of you fascists. The rest of the world considers a defeated man, committing suicide in a bunker, to be losing.
I thought you were a big supporter and fascist?
Hope this helps our patriots (last refuge of the scoundrel)
A fascist is a follower of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government — and no tolerance for opposing opinions. ... The term was used by Italian political leader Benito Mussolini under his totalitarian, anti-communist government

Anti communist?.
I assume you refused your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
VA SS Medicare “benefits”? You mean the left-wing ideas that were so good, they were achieved at the barrel of a gun?
Barrel of a gun?
Yes, dumb shit. At the barrel of a gun. If I refuse to pay the unconstitutional taxes which fund those unconstitutional programs, someone from the government will show up at my house with a gun.
Omg, the blaze. Please tell me you don't read that swill.
They don't believe we landed on the moon.
That's an egregious lie. The people involved with The Blaze have never said that. Ever. Speaks volumes that you have to resort to lying in every post.
why didn't they put it in the constitution then?
Um...they did...snowflake.
...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
So crystal clear, even you could understand it (if an adult explained it to you).
Snowflake, 19c pro slavery white boys. Plenty here
Oh you poor little ignorant snowflake. Where do begin with your profound ignorance?

For starters, the biggest names in our history (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, etc.) vehemently opposed slavery.

Second, why do you have to move the goalposts? You asked why they didn't put gun rights in the U.S. Constitution. I proved they did. Suddenly you go to the absurd left-wing lie of "racist founders". What does racism have to do with your ignorance of the U.S. Constitution or the 2nd Amendment?
I assume you refused your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
VA SS Medicare “benefits”? You mean the left-wing ideas that were so good, they were achieved at the barrel of a gun?
Barrel of a gun?
The 85% who love em were threatened.
So you have returned them, mr self righteous?
As the trumpie said "keep the gov out of my Medicare"

Considering the Government IS Medicare, you how you going to keep the Government out of YOUR Medicare?
I assume you refused your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
VA SS Medicare “benefits”? You mean the left-wing ideas that were so good, they were achieved at the barrel of a gun?
Barrel of a gun?
The 85% who love em were threatened.
So you have returned them, mr self righteous?
As the trumpie said "keep the gov out of my Medicare"

Considering the Government IS Medicare, you how you going to keep the Government out of YOUR Medicare?
It was a joke darlin showing the ignorance of trumpies
why didn't they put it in the constitution then?
Um...they did...snowflake.
...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
So crystal clear, even you could understand it (if an adult explained it to you).
Snowflake, 19c pro slavery white boys. Plenty here
Oh you poor little ignorant snowflake. Where do begin with your profound ignorance?
So you don't believe the original?

For starters, the biggest names in our history (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, etc.) vehemently opposed slavery.

Second, why do you have to move the goalposts? You asked why they didn't put gun rights in the U.S. Constitution. I proved they did. Suddenly you go to the absurd left-wing lie of "racist founders". What does racism have to do with your ignorance of the U.S. Constitution or the 2nd Amendment?
Might help if you knew the def of snowflake, original pro slavery white boys?
Thought you might be proud to be one?
Just to take one
"Thomas Jefferson's views on slavery are complex. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the turpitude of slavery and worked gradually to end the practice of slaverywhile he owned over 600 African-American people throughout his adult life and freed only seven
Again, "proved" in your small made up mind. 600 doesn't count?
Were "the people" people or people in militias?
And, ah well Ben wanted to ban German immigrants
"They are swarthy, can't speak our language and are taking our jobs"
Sound familiar?
I'll look where I said racist. Apologies if I did. Maybe because blacks were 7/10's of a white boy?
Or it might in your zero college mind again?
Omg, the blaze. Please tell me you don't read that swill.
They don't believe we landed on the moon.
That's an egregious lie. The people involved with The Blaze have never said that. Ever. Speaks volumes that you have to resort to lying in every post.
It was a joke 2nd grader.
Ah well
Us guy "euros don't believe we know irony"
Euro "apparently"
Think about it.
On the blaze you might quote from the India times or some other educated publication.
The blaze is down there with breitbart, infowars.
Terrific both sided info?
Omg, the blaze. Please tell me you don't read that swill.
They don't believe we landed on the moon.
That's an egregious lie. The people involved with The Blaze have never said that. Ever. Speaks volumes that you have to resort to lying in every post.
Believe "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel"
Is that a lie?
EVery Post?

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