It would probably assist you to actually take a con law course. No one believed in a private right of fun ownership until Rehnquist and Scalia
Oh sweetie...I've forgotten more about the U.S. Constitution than you and everyone you known combined will ever know.

It has been universally accepted since the very beginning that firearm ownership was exclusively a "private right" as all rights are. Just as anyone has a 1st Amendment right (without being a member of the press), everyone has a 2nd Amendment right (without being a member of a militia).

Thomas Jefferson said so. George Washington said so. James Madison said so. In fact, 100% of the founders and people who created the U.S. Constitution (and subsequent Bill of Rights) said so. You lose. As always.
why didn't they put it in the constitution then?
Why don't you post what it actually says
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Such language has created considerable debate regarding the Amendment's intended scope.
Indeed, pantywaists like you who have never been in a violent hand to hand or bombing INTERPRET this as everyone .
Or you can interpret it as being 300 years ago and crazy now to give every pantywaist a gun...
To blab "facts" as gun ownership has gone up and deaths have gone down is stupid correlation.
So has the number of blacks. Lesbians...
Do we need more?
Why don't you post what it actually says
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Such language has created considerable debate regarding the Amendment's intended scope.
Indeed, pantywaists like you who have never been in a violent hand to hand or bombing INTERPRET this as everyone .
Or you can interpret it as being 300 years ago and crazy now to give every pantywaist a gun...
To blab "facts" as gun ownership has gone up and deaths have gone down is stupid correlation.
So has the number of blacks. Lesbians...
Do we need more?
Our Second Amendment clearly proclaims it is about the security of our free States.
brothers and sisters: if you need a license to buy a car, you should need a license to buy a gun, my friends!
brothers and sisters: if you need a license to buy a car, you should need a license to buy a gun, my friends!

You don't need a license to drive a car. You can buy it, have someone either transport it or drive it to your property and you are free to operate it on the premise of your own personal property without a license. It's been found, according to Heller V D.C. that you have the same rights with a gun as long as the gun is within reason. All the Horse Pucky by both sides is just noise.
No one believed in a private right of fun ownership until Rehnquist and Scalia
Here is James Madison proving you don't have a clue about the U.S. Constitution...

View attachment 266881
You mean his opinion? Nice try to put it in the constitution
It’s not his “opinion”, snowflake. He’s the architect of the U.S. Constitution. He was one of the founders who was not only there, but actually wrote the U.S. Constitution.

You’re ignorance of the U.S. Constitution - and U.S. history - is showing.
Looked up the def of liberal yet?
As a matter of fact, I did, snowflake. Here it is - the universally accepted, textbook definition...

Indeed, pantywaists like you who have never been in a violent hand to hand or bombing INTERPRET this as everyone .
I have no idea who you are referring to here since you made this an independent post, as opposed to a response to another post. But that being said, I have been in a shit-ton of “violent hand-to-hand”. So much so, that I would be willing to bet that it would exceed what you and every liberal on this board combined as experienced.
Indeed, pantywaists like you who have never been in a violent hand to hand or bombing INTERPRET this as everyone .
I have no idea who you are referring to here since you made this an independent post, as opposed to a response to another post. But that being said, I have been in a shit-ton of “violent hand-to-hand”. So much so, that I would be willing to bet that it would exceed what you and every liberal on this board combined as experienced.
Please educate us
Which trench ware fare were you in again?
Ps liberal - for the individual and small gov
I assume you refused your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
Indeed, pantywaists like you who have never been in a violent hand to hand or bombing INTERPRET this as edirveryone .
I have no idea who you are referring to here since you meade this an independent post, as opposed to a response to another post. But that being said, I have been in a shit-ton of “violent hand-to-hand”. So much so, that I would be willing to bet that it would exceed what you and every liberal on this board combined as experienced.
Please educate us
Which trench ware fare were you in again?
Ps liberal - for the individual and small gov
I assume you refused your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?

And exactly whom are you directing this nonsense to?

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