Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
How many of your children had cancer? None? Oh, well then we should shut down all cancer hospitals for children and cancer research for children. I mean, you don’t want to be “paranoid” - right? Right???

Does that example illustrate just how stupid you sound every time you post or would you like more examples? Trying to make the argument that actual statistics should be ignored in favor of the anecdotal is a special kind of ignorance.
I'm dying for more examples from our English prof.
So you still haven't battled anyone directly?
Same as the 40 gun toting military boys who were in the Texas store and did nothing?
This pro or con argument is immensely complicated.
Never know how realistic the sources are
Here's one where guns prevented maybe TWO killings over years?
Probably as daft as your examples
Civilians with Guns Intervening in Active Shooter Incidents—the 2016 and 2017 Data
Here's another
How London's homicide rate stacks up against major US cities - CNN
Try to differentiate between crimes and homicides
Ps I went to school in London for 6 years
Well clearly London has the worst schools in the world. Your posts are illiterate. They have tons of spelling errors, tons of grammatical errors, and don’t even get me started on the formatting. You should be embarrassed.
Examples v's spew ?
At least I call a trunk a boot and know the derivation of liberal.
And momentarily.
Is it tough to have English as a second language?
Here's a good example for you
Coral Gables Homeowner Opens Fire On 2 Intruders
Those darn uppity nixxers
Keep being VERY afraid
Ps I went to school in London for 6 years
Well clearly London has the worst schools in the world. Your posts are illiterate. They have tons of spelling errors, tons of grammatical errors, and don’t even get me started on the formatting. You should be embarrassed.
At least I went somewhere.
English ok?
Here's a bit of reading for you

How The NRA Worked To Stifle Gun Violence Research
Keep being very afraid and watch your neigbour
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
How many of your children had cancer? None? Oh, well then we should shut down all cancer hospitals for children and cancer research for children. I mean, you don’t want to be “paranoid” - right? Right???

Does that example illustrate just how stupid you sound every time you post or would you like more examples? Trying to make the argument that actual statistics should be ignored in favor of the anecdotal is a special kind of ignorance.
And please list where your statistics come from.
You didn’t answer the question. You obviously advocate shutting down all cancer hospitals for children and all cancer research for children. After all, your children never had cancer. Since it didn’t happen to you, it must not be a problem. Right? Don’t be a hypocrite. Advocate to shut down all child cancer work, right here and now.
Seems like you have no numbers
Says the high school dropout who just claimed in post #923 that “Obama actually increased where you can carry” without adding a single link, quote, stat, or source. :laugh:
Apologies, I thought with your mastery of all things English you would know how to look it up.
And I thought with all of your British education, you would know how to look up “the numbers”.

See how that works, chief? You call me out for not providing numbers while you don’t provide any numbers. Then you have the audacity to say I can look it up. Right after you whined that I didn’t provide you with numbers that you could look up.
See how that works, chief? You call me out for not providing numbers while you don’t provide any numbers. Then you have the audacity to say I can look it up. Right after you whined that I didn’t provide you with numbers that you could look up.
Progressives are misnamed. They should be called Regressives. They believe in regressing most people to a lower state of living claiming everyone should be equally rewarded. They, of course, would be the ones to run the government-gears that grind up and distribute hard-earned tax dollars. You should trust them because they are 'fair'.....And it's a 'fair' system......right?
There’s an armed police man . That is not a gun free zone . Righties lie and claim this gun free bullshit .

A 'gun free' zone prohibits law abiding regular citizens from carrying a firearm. Police are exempted. What this means is that anyone entering that premises that is NOT law enforcement has to be disarmed. This limits the number of guns that can be used for self defense in the case of a criminal who may have no regard for human life, the law and indeed gun check-points. They'll most certainly also disobey the "Gun Free Zone" sign.
Seems like you have no numbers
Says the high school dropout who just claimed in post #923 that “Obama actually increased where you can carry” without adding a single link, quote, stat, or source. :laugh:
Apologies, I thought with your mastery of all things English you would know how to look it up.
And I thought with all of your British education, you would know how to look up “the numbers”.

See how that works, chief? You call me out for not providing numbers while you don’t provide any numbers. Then you have the audacity to say I can look it up. Right after you whined that I didn’t provide you with numbers that you could look up.
So you didn't see my link to Obama and the ref that documented 2? Preventions?
I looked for the one a day ref, still looking.
I did see a killer Kids a & E ep where teens knifed a 8 and 5 year old to death.
You can find isolated cases if you have nothing better to do.
Ps is "chief" American English ? Never used in England. Like "momentarily", this instant in English, who knows when in American english
Seems like you have no numbers
Says the high school dropout who just claimed in post #923 that “Obama actually increased where you can carry” without adding a single link, quote, stat, or source. :laugh:
Apologies, I thought with your mastery of all things English you would know how to look it up.
And I thought with all of your British education, you would know how to look up “the numbers”.

See how that works, chief? You call me out for not providing numbers while you don’t provide any numbers. Then you have the audacity to say I can look it up. Right after you whined that I didn’t provide you with numbers that you could look up.
Here's one I found.
In a statement by Michael Siegel, a Boston University professor of community health sciences, reported in LiveScience, he said: "This research is the strongest to date to document that states with higher levels of gun ownership have disproportionately large numbers of deaths from firearm-related homicides."
I'm sure you have your Blaze ref that says the opposite.
I don't really care.
In Walmart with 250# old farts, I feel nervous they are all packing.
You probably feel safer
Each to his own.
Seems like you have no numbers
Says the high school dropout who just claimed in post #923 that “Obama actually increased where you can carry” without adding a single link, quote, stat, or source. :laugh:
Apologies, I thought with your mastery of all things English you would know how to look it up.
And I thought with all of your British education, you would know how to look up “the numbers”.

See how that works, chief? You call me out for not providing numbers while you don’t provide any numbers. Then you have the audacity to say I can look it up. Right after you whined that I didn’t provide you with numbers that you could look up.
I'm just looking for Blaze and gateway pundit nut case numbers.
Blaze, one a day? Awesome.
I feel SO much safer
Really, in your paranoid opinion
How many bad guys have you battled off in your neighborhood?
How many of your children had cancer? None? Oh, well then we should shut down all cancer hospitals for children and cancer research for children. I mean, you don’t want to be “paranoid” - right? Right???

Does that example illustrate just how stupid you sound every time you post or would you like more examples? Trying to make the argument that actual statistics should be ignored in favor of the anecdotal is a special kind of ignorance.
And please list where your statistics come from.
You didn’t answer the question. You obviously advocate shutting down all cancer hospitals for children and all cancer research for children. After all, your children never had cancer. Since it didn’t happen to you, it must not be a problem. Right? Don’t be a hypocrite. Advocate to shut down all child cancer work, right here and now.
English irony darlin.
Do I have to repeat?
USA "euros say we don't get irony"
Euro "apparently "
I thought Schiffs parody on the text was a joke.
All his opponents had fits!!
Ps I went to school in London for 6 years
Well clearly London has the worst schools in the world. Your posts are illiterate. They have tons of spelling errors, tons of grammatical errors, and don’t even get me started on the formatting. You should be embarrassed.
Examples v's spew ?
At least I call a trunk a boot and know the derivation of liberal.
And momentarily.
Is it tough to have English as a second language?
Here's a good example for you
Coral Gables Homeowner Opens Fire On 2 Intruders
Those darn uppity nixxers
Keep being VERY afraid
Here's a link that you should love
Twenty years ago economist John Lott, author of "More Guns, Less Crime," and his research partner wrote: "We find that allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons deters violent crimes and it appears to produce no increase in accidental deaths. If those states which did not have right-to-carry concealed gun provisions had adopted them in 1992, approximately 1,570 murders; 4,177 rapes; and over 60,000 aggravated assaults would have been avoided yearly."
There’s an armed police man . That is not a gun free zone . Righties lie and claim this gun free bullshit .

A 'gun free' zone prohibits law abiding regular citizens from carrying a firearm. Police are exempted. What this means is that anyone entering that premises that is NOT law enforcement has to be disarmed. This limits the number of guns that can be used for self defense in the case of a criminal who may have no regard for human life, the law and indeed gun check-points. They'll most certainly also disobey the "Gun Free Zone" sign.

Oh yeah. A high school is a great place to be a gun friendly zone ! Are you nuts !?
There’s an armed police man . That is not a gun free zone . Righties lie and claim this gun free bullshit .

A 'gun free' zone prohibits law abiding regular citizens from carrying a firearm. Police are exempted. What this means is that anyone entering that premises that is NOT law enforcement has to be disarmed. This limits the number of guns that can be used for self defense in the case of a criminal who may have no regard for human life, the law and indeed gun check-points. They'll most certainly also disobey the "Gun Free Zone" sign.
Oh yeah. A high school is a great place to be a gun friendly zone !
Why do prefer children be defenseless while in school?
Need more bodies to push your otherwise unsellable agenda?
Planning to shoot one up?
There’s an armed police man . That is not a gun free zone . Righties lie and claim this gun free bullshit .

A 'gun free' zone prohibits law abiding regular citizens from carrying a firearm. Police are exempted. What this means is that anyone entering that premises that is NOT law enforcement has to be disarmed. This limits the number of guns that can be used for self defense in the case of a criminal who may have no regard for human life, the law and indeed gun check-points. They'll most certainly also disobey the "Gun Free Zone" sign.
Oh yeah. A high school is a great place to be a gun friendly zone !
Why do prefer children be defenseless while in school?
Need more bodies to push your otherwise unsellable agenda?
Planning to shoot one up?

They ain’t . There was an armed police officer there . You want 18 year olds packing heat?

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