There’s an armed police man . That is not a gun free zone . Righties lie and claim this gun free bullshit .

A 'gun free' zone prohibits law abiding regular citizens from carrying a firearm. Police are exempted. What this means is that anyone entering that premises that is NOT law enforcement has to be disarmed. This limits the number of guns that can be used for self defense in the case of a criminal who may have no regard for human life, the law and indeed gun check-points. They'll most certainly also disobey the "Gun Free Zone" sign.
Oh yeah. A high school is a great place to be a gun friendly zone !
Why do prefer children be defenseless while in school?
Need more bodies to push your otherwise unsellable agenda?
Planning to shoot one up?
They ain’t . There was an armed police officer there .
Tell that to the kids in Parkland FL.
You want 18 year olds packing heat?
You cannot argue soundly with fact and reason, and are thus reduced to beating up on straw men.
As per the norm.
Oh yeah. A high school is a great place to be a gun friendly zone ! Are you nuts !?

I think there should be a shooting class in every High School educating kids about guns, how to handle them, shooting competitions, etc. Every household should have guns and people capable of knowing how and when to use them. I think there are too many piss-ants who, because they are victim-groomed by the far left, pee their pants at the sight of a gun.
In Walmart with 250# old farts, I feel nervous they are all packing. You probably feel safer Each to his own.
For once, we agree! That’s the beauty of America. You’re free not to carry. I’m free to carry.
Oh yeah. A high school is a great place to be a gun friendly zone ! Are you nuts !?

I think there should be a shooting class in every High School educating kids about guns, how to handle them, shooting competitions, etc. Every household should have guns and people capable of knowing how and when to use them. I think there are too many piss-ants who, because they are victim-groomed by the far left, pee their pants at the sight of a gun.
I thought that was the pantywaists who never were close to an actual battle in their lives.
You really want your 5 year old trained to dive under a desk?
Terrific educated society.
You trump u I assume?
In Walmart with 250# old farts, I feel nervous they are all packing. You probably feel safer Each to his own.
For once, we agree! That’s the beauty of America. You’re free not to carry. I’m free to carry.
Amen! The 2nd amendment reins supreme!!
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
In Walmart with 250# old farts, I feel nervous they are all packing. You probably feel safer Each to his own.
For once, we agree! That’s the beauty of America. You’re free not to carry. I’m free to carry.
Amen! The 2nd amendment reins supreme!!
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
They don't mr pantywaist .
You have zero examples. Post one for Christ sake
Makes you feel more like a man strutting through walmart, gun bulging??
I think there should be a shooting class in every High School educating kids about guns, how to handle them, shooting competitions, etc.
At worst, every one should be trained on an age-appropriate way to make safe a firearm - how could anyone oppose teaching children skills that could save their life?
Every household should have guns and people capable of knowing how and when to use them.
This used to be a requirement of federal law.
I think there are too many piss-ants who, because they are victim-groomed by the far left, pee their pants at the sight of a gun.
Ignorance does that to people.
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In Walmart with 250# old farts, I feel nervous they are all packing. You probably feel safer Each to his own.
For once, we agree! That’s the beauty of America. You’re free not to carry. I’m free to carry.
Amen! The 2nd amendment reins supreme!!
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
They don't mr pantywaist .
You have zero examples. Post one for Christ sake
Allow me to further illustrate your ignorance.

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment
It’s Time to Repeal—and Replace—the Second Amendment
Repeal the Second Amendment to save Americans from gun violence
Sign the petition: Repeal the Second Amendment Now
Lawmakers in Hawaii Propose Repealing Second Amendment | Carey Wedler, Jon Miltimore
ad nauseam

Oh look at you - caught talking out your ass. Again.
In Walmart with 250# old farts, I feel nervous they are all packing. You probably feel safer Each to his own.
For once, we agree! That’s the beauty of America. You’re free not to carry. I’m free to carry.
Amen! The 2nd amendment reins supreme!!
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
They don't mr pantywaist .
You have zero examples. Post one for Christ sake
Allow me to further illustrate your ignorance.

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment
It’s Time to Repeal—and Replace—the Second Amendment
Repeal the Second Amendment to save Americans from gun violence
Sign the petition: Repeal the Second Amendment Now
Lawmakers in Hawaii Propose Repealing Second Amendment | Carey Wedler, Jon Miltimore
ad nauseam

Oh look at you - caught talking out your ass. Again.
Thanks for one example.
Didn't work did it?
Are we reading the same article?

The reality of self-defense gun use bears no resemblance to the exaggerated claims of the gun lobby and gun industry. The number of justi able homicides that occur
in our nation each year pale in comparison to criminal homicides, let alone gun suicides and fatal unintentional shootings. And contrary to the common stereotype promulgated by the gun lobby, those killed in justi able homicide incidents don’t always t the expected pro le of an attack by a stranger: in 34.4 percent of the justi able homicides that occurred in 2014 the persons shot and killed were known to the shooter.

The devastation guns in ict on our nation each and every year is clear. In 2015, guns killed more than 36,000 Americans and injured nearly 85,000 leaving an untold number of lives traumatized and communities shattered.14 Unexamined claims of the e cacy and frequency of the self-defense use of rearms are the default rationale o ered by the gun lobby and gun industry for this unceasing, bloody toll. The idea that rearms are frequently used in self-defense is the primary argument that the gun lobby and rearms industry use to expand the carrying of rearms into an ever-increasing number of public spaces and even to prevent the regulation of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. Yet this argument is hollow and the assertions false. When analyzing the most reliable data available, what is most striking is that in a nation of more than 300 million guns, how rarely rearms are used in self-defense."

I'm still trying to find how many carriers have prevented incidents.
I think they said 2 ? Have prevented our monthly mass shootings?
Do you have a reputable, non gun nut estimate?
For once, we agree! That’s the beauty of America. You’re free not to carry. I’m free to carry.
Amen! The 2nd amendment reins supreme!!
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
They don't mr pantywaist .
You have zero examples. Post one for Christ sake
Allow me to further illustrate your ignorance.

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment
It’s Time to Repeal—and Replace—the Second Amendment
Repeal the Second Amendment to save Americans from gun violence
Sign the petition: Repeal the Second Amendment Now
Lawmakers in Hawaii Propose Repealing Second Amendment | Carey Wedler, Jon Miltimore
ad nauseam
Oh look at you - caught talking out your ass. Again.
Thanks for one example.
I'm sorry - I thought you could count. Silly me.
I gave you -5- examples of leftists that seek to repeal the 2nd, as you asked.
You're welcome.
You really want your 5 year old trained to dive under a desk? hate to be the one to tell you this, but they’ve been training 5 year olds to dive under desks since the 1940’s. You’re clearly not from the United States. Between your broken English and the fact that you had no idea schools were teaching “duck and cover” for nuclear attacks during the Cold War, it’s clear now that you are not American.
Makes you feel more like a man strutting through walmart, gun bulging??
You know what I did this evening? I walked into a movie theater with a .45 semi-automatic in a holster on my right (concealed) and additional magazines in a holster on my left (concealed).

Every left-wing paranoid lunatic there wasn’t scared like you people normally are. You know why? Because they had no idea there was someone among them with a serious firearm on them.

Did it “make me feel more like a man”? Nope. Not even a little. It did, however, make me feel very smart. Smart people act like mature adults - which includes taking responsibility for your own security.

If someone had acted like an adult in Aurora, Colorado - none of us would even know there was a town called “Aurora” in Colorado because there wouldn’t have been a tragedy.
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
They don't mr pantywaist . You have zero examples. Post one for Christ sake
What are you talking about?!? Literally every Dumbocrat in office or running for office has run on confiscating firearms. And every wing-nut on this site calls for the confiscation of firearms.
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
They don't mr pantywaist . You have zero examples. Post one for Christ sake
What are you talking about?!? Literally every Dumbocrat in office or running for office has run on confiscating firearms. And every wing-nut on this site calls for the confiscation of firearms.
Still have to include a gun nut kid insult I see.
Zero college still?
Can you post an example of pistol banning by the dreaded commies
You seem incapable of reading (except The Blaze )
Still waiting for 450 dem examples.
You and the gateway pundit may produce one? Cortez?
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
They don't mr pantywaist . You have zero examples. Post one for Christ sake
What are you talking about?!? Literally every Dumbocrat in office or running for office has run on confiscating firearms. And every wing-nut on this site calls for the confiscation of firearms.
And I'm still waiting for where your physical force has saved your wife and kids.
Zero examples again?
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
They don't mr pantywaist . You have zero examples. Post one for Christ sake
What are you talking about?!? Literally every Dumbocrat in office or running for office has run on confiscating firearms. And every wing-nut on this site calls for the confiscation of firearms.
With your superb dumbocrat American English you might want to expand on " firearms"
Background checks, assault weapons, pistols, all need to be defined.
I'm given up telling you no one I know wants to ban ALL guns.
Think you should be allowed to have a tank in your garage waiting for the dreaded Muslim attack?
I'm still waiting for your physical repelling of a house invador.
There are A And E examples of gun deaths every day.
Do you watch?
What do you think of the phila 10 year old killed accidentally yesterday?
The Blaze didn't report it?
The 2nd is the only amendment that protects our use of physical force in defense of our rights - no one should wonder why the left seeks to repeal it.
They don't mr pantywaist . You have zero examples. Post one for Christ sake
What are you talking about?!? Literally every Dumbocrat in office or running for office has run on confiscating firearms. And every wing-nut on this site calls for the confiscation of firearms.

With your superb dumbocrat American English you might want to expand on " firearms"
Background checks, assault weapons, machine guns, pistols, all need to be defined.
I'm given up telling you no one I know wants to ban ALL guns.
Think you should be allowed to have a tank in your garage waiting for the dreaded Muslim attack?
I'm still waiting for your physical repelling of a house invador.
There are A And E examples of gun deaths every day.
Don't see anyone fighting the bad guys off.
Do you watch?
What do you think of the phila 10 year old killed accidentally yesterday?
The Blaze didn't report it?
Some of my buds do believe in registration, like autos, others don't .
None of them believe in universal confiscation

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