You're doing a full court fascist press now. You censor, you try to rig elections, you throw people in jail for thoughtcrimes, you send brownshirts out to attack people everywhere.
Just like the CCP in China, all of those things you just mentioned are being done by Dumbocrats here in the United States.

Incidentally Mammaries, have you ever visited the US? Did Xi Jinping ever have you disinformation agents come to the US so you can learn and be more effective? I’m honestly just curious. Would be three smart thing to do.
Just like the CCP in China,
I know you don't serve Putin for money. You serve out of fanatical ideological devotion to authoritarianism and communism. That, and you love bending over for fascists of all stripes.

How many years have you been whining here? And all for nothing. Sweet Jeebus, have you failed. All your efforts on behalf of fasicism have just made things worse for the fascists. You're such a disgusting person, people naturally want to be on the opposite side.

On the bright side, your bitter-yet-sweet tears of fascist loserdom nourish the souls of patriotic Americans. Mmmm. So tastly. Yumyumyumyum.

Now run along. Putin's knob won't polish itself, so your skills are needed.
You didn’t even deny being a Chinese disinformation account. You fucked up, son. You fucked up big.
Tell everyone again how me making a typo proves I'm a Chinese spy.

My theory? Guzzling all that Putin-piss has pickled your tiny cult brain.

Or you're just a bitter senile old loser, drunk at home again and raging about being such a loser, and only able to get off by hating moral people.

You tell us which theory is correct.
I’m sure tears are what you understand best, Mammaries. Being a fragile ‘lil snowflake and all 🤷‍♂️

But at the end of the day, you can’t have small, limited government totalitarianism. And fascism is total government power/control (that thing you sick leftists desire most).

Also, 100% of the violence in this country comes from the left. How gross that you stand with people like this 👇
A fragile little snowflakes seek to ban rainbows…
My theory? Guzzling all that Putin-piss has pickled your tiny cult brain.
You talk about “guzzling piss” in 9 out of 10 posts you made. Clearly a very disturbing fetish of yours 🤢
Or you're just a bitter senile old loser, drunk at home again and raging about being such a loser, and only able to get off by hating moral people.
You also string together adjectives like an uneducated lunatic who isn’t a native speaker of the language. All of your outrageous lies and bullshit makes sense now.
A fragile little snowflakes seek to ban rainbows…
Literally nobody on either side of the aisle has talked about “banning” rainbows :lmao:

You people lie so much, you can’t even take the time to try to make even quasi-believable lies
Literally nobody on either side of the aisle has talked about “banning” rainbows :lmao:

You people lie so much, you can’t even take the time to try to make even quasi-believable lies
WAUKESHA, Wis. — The School District of Waukesha says Miley Cyrus' song "Rainbowland" was banned from Heyer Elementary School's upcoming first-grade music concert.

A classroom teacher suggested the song to the music teacher, but it was ultimately found controversial.

According to the school district, the music teacher checked with the principal to determine if the song would be acceptable to use in a first-grade music concert. The principal then checked with a central office administrator. The two reviewed the song alongside the district's "Board Policy 2240 - Controversial Issues in the Classroom." In accordance with the policy, they determined the song "could be deemed controversial."
WAUKESHA, Wis. — The School District of Waukesha says Miley Cyrus' song "Rainbowland" was banned from Heyer Elementary School's upcoming first-grade music concert.
Bwahahahahaha!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  1. So a song was "banned" - not a rainbow :laugh:
  2. Not even a song was "banned". Every American can listen to that song any time they want. Pulling something from a public elementary school because the content isn't fit for children isn't "banning" something, you uneducated clown. Pornography isn't banned in the United States, but it's not permitted in elementary schools. 🤦‍♂️
So now that you've experienced your most epic fail of all time - would you like to try again? Please show a single example of either a single Republican or a single Democrat proposing that rainbows be "banned"
Bwahahahahaha!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  1. So a song was "banned" - not a rainbow :laugh:
  2. Not even a song was "banned". Every American can listen to that song any time they want. Pulling something from a public elementary school because the content isn't fit for children isn't "banning" something, you uneducated clown. Pornography isn't banned in the United States, but it's not permitted in elementary schools. 🤦‍♂️
So now that you've experienced your most epic fail of all time - would you like to try again? Please show a single example of either a single Republican or a single Democrat proposing that rainbows be "banned"

How's that rainbow ban against Bud Lite going maga fuckup?

How many rainbow books banned this week?
Right? It is hilarious that you claimed a rainbow was "banned" (it wasn't) then provided a song as "proof" (a song is not a rainbow :laugh: ) and even that wasn't "banned" - just removed from an elementary school because the content wasn't appropriate for small children.
How's that rainbow ban against Bud Lite going maga fuckup?
Bwahahaha! Last I heard - Bud Light had lost $6 billion in valuation - so I'd say pretty well!! :lmao:

Also, my uneducated little friend, it's Bud Light - not Bud Lite 🤦‍♂️
How many rainbow books banned this week?
Literally 0, fascist little snowflake. Not a single "ban" of anything by Republicans. Full-grown adults can consume as much of your gross LGBT content as you can produce.

Now that I showed everyone your lies/propaganda, what next?
Right? It is hilarious that you claimed a rainbow was "banned" (it wasn't) then provided a song as "proof" (a song is not a rainbow :laugh: ) and even that wasn't "banned" - just removed from an elementary school because the content wasn't appropriate for small children.

Bwahahaha! Last I heard - Bud Light had lost $6 billion in valuation - so I'd say pretty well!! :lmao:

Also, my uneducated little friend, it's Bud Light - not Bud Lite 🤦‍♂️

Literally 0, fascist little snowflake. Not a single "ban" of anything by Republicans. Full-grown adults can consume as much of your gross LGBT content as you can produce.

Now that I showed everyone your lies/propaganda, what next?
The rainbow banning of an Anne Frank book in florida, the banning of Ruby Bridges books in several fuckup states...

Scared little red snowflakes...
The rainbow banning of an Anne Frank book in florida,
Except that it’s not banned (at all). The fact that you have to resort to lying 24x7 says a lot.
the banning of Ruby Bridges books in several fuckup states...
Except that they aren’t banned (at all). The fact that you have to resort to lying 24x7 says a lot.
Scared little red snowflakes...
Propaganda pushing little fascist…

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