Bingo! National socialist. Fascism is left-wing. It’s totalitarian and you cannot have small, limited government totalitarianism.
Yeah, Hitler was so leftwing.

They had gay pride marches and actually taught CRT in their classrooms about American slavery and him crow laws….
Yeah, Hitler was so leftwing.
Let’s see…
  1. Big totalitarian government controlling everything and everyone? ✅
  2. Nationalized industry? ✅
  3. Used violence to achieve political views? ✅
  4. Copied the Democrat Party’s use of propaganda? ✅
  5. Admired racist Democrats Jim Crow laws and used them for Jews? ✅
Yep, he checks all of the boxes. Hitler really was “so left-wing”. 100%.

(Feel free to click the links above to educate yourself for once)
They had gay pride marches….
Yeeaahh…ummm…Woodrow Wilson (Democrat), FDR (Democrat), and the rest all hated homosexuals and were disgusted by them.

In fact, Barack Obama (Democrats) campaigned against gay marriage. Bill and Hillary Clinton (Democrat) were openly disgusted by homosexuals. Bill implemented “Don’t Ask / Don’t Tell” - a rule that would have you dishonorably discharged from the United States military if you don’t anyone you were gay.

See, as recent as 15 years ago, everyone was disgusted by homosexuality and against gay marriage. All Democrats. Only recently did that change - and just illustrates how you leftists just keep becoming more extremist by the day.
Yeah, Hitler was so leftwing. They had gay pride marches and actually taught CRT in their classrooms about American slavery and jim crow laws….
You’re so uneducated, in your ignorance you actually accidentally spoke some truth! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Yeah, Hitler was so leftwing. They had gay pride marches and actually taught CRT in their classrooms about American slavery and jim crow laws….
You’re so uneducated, in your ignorance you actually accidentally spoke some truth! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Let’s see…
  1. Big totalitarian government controlling everything and everyone? ✅
  2. Nationalized industry? ✅
  3. Used violence to achieve political views? ✅
  4. Copied the Democrat Party’s use of propaganda? ✅
  5. Admired racist Democrats Jim Crow laws and used them for Jews? ✅
Yep, he checks all of the boxes. Hitler really was “so left-wing”. 100%.

(Feel free to click the links above to educate yourself for once)
—> Envisioned a master race of blond haired blue eyed white people and kept records ✅

Just like the republic party and its basturd spawn of ayran national socialists.
Just a quick reminder that the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell was 100% true (Hunter himself has since admitted that was his personal laptop) as reported by Breitbart, The Blaze, Fox News, Dan Bongino, etc.

And who lied about all of it? Who claimed it was “Russian disinformation”? The so-called “Mainstream Media” (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc.). They lie all the time because that’s just what liberals do. Lie and lie and lie.
Just a quick reminder that the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell was 100% true (Hunter himself has since admitted that was his personal laptop) as reported by Breitbart, The Blaze, Fox News, Dan Bongino, etc.

And who lied about all of it? Who claimed it was “Russian disinformation”? The so-called “Mainstream Media” (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc.). They lie all the time because that’s just what liberals do. Lie and lie and lie.
Nobody is questioning whether it is real. Of course it exists. There is no reason to believe all the claims that have been made about what is on it.
Nobody is questioning whether it is real. Of course it exists. There is no reason to believe all the claims that have been made about what is on it.
Bullshit stop trying to deny democrats media the DOJ and FBI all try to claim it was Russian disinformation. Or at first it never existed
Bullshit stop trying to deny democrats media the DOJ and FBI all try to claim it was Russian disinformation. Or at first it never existed
You MAGAs keep shouting it's real. That is technically true, but your remarks imply that all the crazy claims made about what is on it are true. That part is definately not real.
All those "crazy" pictures don't lie!!
Which pictures do you think show fraud ininvolving the president? Normal people have sex, and some even make private videos of it that were never intended to be made public. Whether you know it or not, some of your closest and most trusted friends and associates probably do the same thing. While you might disapprove of that, it's not illegal. Of course the laptop exists. Of course there are sexual pictures on it. Everybody acknowledges that.
What does any of that have to do with the president?
Which pictures do you think show fraud ininvolving the president? Normal people have sex, and some even make private videos of it that were never intended to be made public. Whether you know it or not, some of your closest and most trusted friends and associates probably do the same thing. While you might disapprove of that, it's not illegal. Of course the laptop exists. Of course there are sexual pictures on it. Everybody acknowledges that.
What does any of that have to do with the president?

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