Progressive proudly proclaims: "I kill my kids"

Does this prove the Liberalism is a mental illness?

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This is the same failed fucking idiocy you tried to pull with the "Hail Satan" bullshit. Cum hoc fallacy, cherrypicking, blanket strawmen, hail hail the fallacy gang's all here.

Fuck you, fuck your phalanx of fallacies, and fuck Alex Jones. Crawl out of the basement.

You just said the word fallacy three times and cited two alleged fallacies within the space of two lines. And this is the norm for you anymore. Give it a fucking rest already, Fago Fallacy. People have seriously started to tune that sh*t out.

Go fuck yourself. You don't speak for "people". You don't like fallacies pointed out, go troll somewhere else.
The woman in this video is quite insane.

The woma
To be 'fair', this is a bottom rung liberal. This is like judging conservatives based on rednecks holding misspelled signs.

Based on my USMB experiences, this is the common liberal. How many times has hazlnut said he wanted "driv-thru abortion clinics" ??? and other libbies thanked his post that requested it.
Ok so you feel better now nice attempt at detracting,how about the context of the video?

He can't address the content of the video, because it's straight from MSNBC/MediaMatters/All-USMB-leftie talking points.

They got to fight that white middle class agenda!
No response is required because the premise of your thread fails as both a hasty generalization and straw man fallacy, it is in fact a ridiculous lie.

What's the lie? Shouldn't you have to define your accusation?
The woman in this video is quite insane.

The woma
To be 'fair', this is a bottom rung liberal. This is like judging conservatives based on rednecks holding misspelled signs.

Based on my USMB experiences, this is the common liberal. How many times has hazlnut said he wanted "driv-thru abortion clinics" ??? and other libbies thanked his post that requested it.

It's a common liberal. I wouldn't call it the average liberal. This chick is crazy even by liberal standards. And you agreeing with Pete for pathetically trying to call me out for for not sipping the kool aid is a bit below you, imo.
Listen to 1:05 in the video, this is typical of all modern leftists today, this is how she is fighting the "white middle class agenda:

You are truly an insane person.

First your title refers to "Progressives" -- whatever that is.
Then your poll refers to "Liberals".
Then your OP refers to "leftists".

You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. And you're actually getting worse.

Lost in space....

Nah, he;'s not insane because of his politics. ...He's insane for masturbating to Guns and Ammo. :)
Listen to 1:05 in the video, this is typical of all modern leftists today, this is how she is fighting the "white middle class agenda:

You are truly an insane person.

First your title refers to "Progressives" -- whatever that is.
Then your poll refers to "Liberals".
Then your OP refers to "leftists".

You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. And you're actually getting worse.

Lost in space....

Nah, he;'s not insane because of his politics. ...He's insane for masturbating to Guns and Ammo. :)

And Alex Jones. That bit at 1:41 where AJ starts spinning like a gyroscope, spraying spittle onto the sidewalk --- that's his equivalent of the money shot. We can be thankful he at least wore clothes this time.

Gullible's Travels....
Yeah ban all abortions because someone has 'too many', as we need more kids in poverty:

They should go live in the houses of politicians, who want to ban abortion, but refuse give a damn about the ones that are in the world already.

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