Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

Because they don’t want an influx of foreigners any more than you do
They're not 'foreigners' moron. Gaza was part of Egypt before they lost the '67 War to Israel. Israel tried to give it back and Egypt said, 'No thanks'.

Besides, I'm not sure there's gonna be a whole lot of Gaza types left after Israel gets done killing the FUCK out of them.
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We really should look at the worlds leaders, politicians and the controlling maximum ultra wealthy.
War makes money,
regular citizens life's are lost.
Sad part for my self, no clear answers. Just some fear where this is heading.
We really should look at the worlds leaders, politicians and the controlling maximum ultra wealthy.
War makes money,
regular citizens life's are lost.
Sad part for my self, no clear answers. Just some fear where this is heading.
Who is 'we'?
They're killing them in the West Bank too.

121 West Bank Palestinians killed since Hamas attack
Increasing West Bank settler violence worries Israel allies
Father and son killed at funeral for three shot by settlers

can you think of a reason that a jew in Israel would want to kill a "palestinian" ---POST OCT 7, 2023. specifically? she claimed to be Christian.

I never believed it

Not a chance.

Remember, those who support "Free Palestine", support Hamas and all that goes with that:

  • homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • female genital mutilation
  • women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police")
  • Child marriage she claimed to be Christian.

I never believed it
so did Saint Magda Goebbels----SAINT OF THE CYANIDE.
Adolf used her as his official hostess-----she attended
church regularly wearing a white lace mantilla type veil--
she looked like an angel. Like a good Nazi women she
had many children-----and stayed with Adolf and her kids
in the Berlin Bunker. At the end she shoved cyanide down
the throats of something like six of her toddlers

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