Progressives: Despicable Liars

The mindless minion rubes on the left are so easily duped…
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Never have I ever seen a "race crime" that wasn't a hoax perpetrated by the left - particularly black leftists.
100% of every so-called "hate crime" that I've seen has turned out to be a hoax by the lying fucking left.
Maybe it's time to check your eye sight.

Georgia | February 22, 2022 | Race, Color

A jury found three Georgia men guilty of hate crimes and attempted kidnapping in the pursuit and killing of Ahmaud Arbery, a young Black man who was jogging on a public road.

Seeing Mr. Arbery jogging, two of the defendants armed themselves, got into a truck, and chased him through the neighborhood. They yelled at him, used their truck to cut off his route, and threatened him with guns. The third defendant joined the chase, and all three men tried to prevent Mr. Arbery from leaving after surrounding him. In the ensuing struggle, one of the men shot and killed Mr. Arbery as he attempted to escape.

An important part of the trial was proving that the defendants acted because of Mr. Arbery's race. Evidence showed that each defendant held racist beliefs that led them to assume, without reason, that Mr. Arbery was a criminal.

All three defendants face sentences of up to life in prison.
Maybe it's time to check your eye sight.

Georgia | February 22, 2022 | Race, Color

A jury found three Georgia men guilty of hate crimes and attempted kidnapping in the pursuit and killing of Ahmaud Arbery, a young Black man who was jogging on a public road.

Seeing Mr. Arbery jogging, two of the defendants armed themselves, got into a truck, and chased him through the neighborhood. They yelled at him, used their truck to cut off his route, and threatened him with guns. The third defendant joined the chase, and all three men tried to prevent Mr. Arbery from leaving after surrounding him. In the ensuing struggle, one of the men shot and killed Mr. Arbery as he attempted to escape.

An important part of the trial was proving that the defendants acted because of Mr. Arbery's race. Evidence showed that each defendant held racist beliefs that led them to assume, without reason, that Mr. Arbery was a criminal.

All three defendants face sentences of up to life in prison.

While the murder of Arbery was a crime that the perpetrators were rightly convicted of, it was not motivated by race. Had a white person acted the same, the father and son dorkuses would have murder the white person, and NONE of us would have ever heard about it.
Maybe it's time to check your eye sight.

Georgia | February 22, 2022 | Race, Color

A jury found three Georgia men guilty of hate crimes and attempted kidnapping in the pursuit and killing of Ahmaud Arbery, a young Black man who was jogging on a public road.

Seeing Mr. Arbery jogging, two of the defendants armed themselves, got into a truck, and chased him through the neighborhood. They yelled at him, used their truck to cut off his route, and threatened him with guns. The third defendant joined the chase, and all three men tried to prevent Mr. Arbery from leaving after surrounding him. In the ensuing struggle, one of the men shot and killed Mr. Arbery as he attempted to escape.

An important part of the trial was proving that the defendants acted because of Mr. Arbery's race. Evidence showed that each defendant held racist beliefs that led them to assume, without reason, that Mr. Arbery was a criminal.

All three defendants face sentences of up to life in prison.
Do you see how gross you fucking people are? After posting link after link after link after link of the left lying, you ignore all of them and go searching for something you think “disproves” the indisputable facts I’ve posted.

But here’s the thing, buttercup. This incident wasn’t reported by the left. The police were called during this altercation.

Oops! See how dumb you are? Can you find a single supposed “hate crime” reported by the left that turned out to be true?
Do you see how gross you fucking people are? After posting link after link after link after link of the left lying, you ignore all of them and go searching for something you think “disproves” the indisputable facts I’ve posted.

But here’s the thing, buttercup. This incident wasn’t reported by the left. The police were called during this altercation.

Oops! See how dumb you are? Can you find a single supposed “hate crime” reported by the left that turned out to be true?
Moron, how the hell do you know political orientation of people who called the cops?

You've said:

Never have I ever seen a "race crime" that wasn't a hoax perpetrated by the left - particularly black leftists.

Do you now agree that YES YOU HAVE seen it?
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Do you now agree that YES YOU HAVE seen it?
No, I don’t “agree” at all. Aside from what I’ve already pointed out to you, there is no evidence that this was even a “hate” crime.

Like all racist, mindless leftists, you automatically assume it is based on the skin color of the people involved.
No, I don’t “agree” at all. Aside from what I’ve already pointed out to you, there is no evidence that this was even a “hate” crime.

Like all racist, mindless leftists, you automatically assume it is based on the skin color of the people involved.

These people were convicted for hate crimes in a court of law by a jury of peers....and here is you, absolutely clueless about anything talking about how there is no such thing as hate crimes.

How damaged in the head do you have to be to come on here and post this nonsense.

You sir are a total fucking degenerate.
How damaged in the head do you have to be to come on here and post this nonsense.
Says the partisan hack and rube who is ignoring how his side of the aisle lies 24x7. Keep ignoring all of these news headlines - it’s doing wonders for you :laugh:
These people were convicted for hate crimes in a court of law by a jury of peers....
Tens of thousands of people have been “convicted in a court of law by a jury of their peers” for crimes they never committed.

How dumb do you look right now? There is 0 evidence this incident had anything at all to do with skin color, you fucking rube.
Tens of thousands of people have been “convicted in a court of law by a jury of their peers” for crimes they never committed.

How dumb do you look right now? There is 0 evidence this incident had anything at all to do with skin color, you fucking rube.
Yep, all the hate crime convictions are false, says our local village idiot....though he has never seen them or know anything specific about them.
"Progressives"? :lmao:

What are you, 140 years old?

Dafuck does this have to do with politics, Buttsoiler?
Maybe P@triot should have brought up other issues then. Like
1. The suppression and denial of reports on the criminal evidence found on Hunter Biden's laptop, incriminating not only himself but his father, dismissed as "Russian disinformation" to avoid affecting and costing Biden the election. But two years later, not only is this criminal evidence and investigation confirmed as true, but sworn testimonies are coming out from media personnel who got visited by FBI and or other govt agents with instructions to bury the story and falsely report it as "Russian disinformation."

2. The battle of doctors like Dr. JOSEPH VARRON, who saved more lives of more COVID patients in the ER and ICU with a 20% higher success rate than average, to finally prove to the FDA and CDC that certain alternative treatments were effective if applied in conjunction with other necessary supplements to reduce both recovery time and risks of worse escalation, hospitalization and death. Both HCQ and Ivermectin had been misreported as false and dangerous, by the govt, media and party rhetoric, "out of abundance of caution and fear that people would try to Medicare themselves using the wrong chemicals such as fish tank cleaner or horse paste".

This confusion in the media caused more people to spread the wrong information, and prevented other doctors and patients from earlier treatments that could have saved more lives by reducing inflammation and recovery time. Varron later convinced the govt to CHANGE their warning to allowing such treatment "with doctor discretion."

But the damage was already done. Doctors who had been saving lives had their reputations ruined by being targeted for what turned out to be effective treatment if applied in conjunction with other supplements.

And to this day, I still have more "progressive friends" blaming "Trump and conservatives" for denying help and "killing more people," instead of looking at Cuomo and the denial of early treatment and the misstep of pushing infected patients into elderly homes that ended up killing more people.

Maybe P@triot should have complained about that disinformation and "gaslighting" in the media and govt narrative that my "progressive" friends still believe to this day, blaming Trump.

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Hahahaha!!! The left caught in yet another lie!!! Liberals adamantly swore that CRT was "never" taught in public schools. They said it was only taught in universities.

Conservatives warned everyone that it was being taught, while the left tried to lie about it and cover up what they were actually teaching children. bripat9643 | Uncensored2008
It is said that Satan is the father of lies. What does it say about the Democrats that they have mastered lying?
still remaining is the fact that maternal death rates are 62 percent higher in states that restrict abortion access.

but my own suspicion is that healthcare in general is worse in those same states.
still remaining is the fact that maternal death rates are 62 percent higher in states that restrict abortion access.
Not a "fact" at all. Just mere left-wing propaganda. Correlation does not equal causation.

But that being said...the baby death rate for aborted babies in states that don't restrict abortion access is 100%.

100% > 62% so we still win when it comes to lives preserved
but my own suspicion is that healthcare in general is worse in those same states. least you're trying to think beyond the propaganda. That's a start!
still remaining is the fact that maternal death rates are 62 percent higher in states that restrict abortion access.

but my own suspicion is that healthcare in general is worse in those same states.
My source drew on public data sources such as the CDC WONDER birth and death files, Area Health Resources Files, and the March of Dimes maternity care deserts report. Then they stratified states based on Guttmacher Institute ratings of the restrictiveness of state abortion policies.

what is your source showing maternal death rates vs abortion access?
My source drew on public data sources such as the CDC WONDER birth and death files, Area Health Resources Files, and the March of Dimes maternity care deserts report. Then they stratified states based on Guttmacher Institute ratings of the restrictiveness of state abortion policies.
I understand that. But as stated, correlation does not equal causation. There is zero proof that restricting abortion is causing the higher maternal death rates. Zero.

It's a completely unrelated phenomenon. Just like as ice cream consumption increases, the murder rate drastically increase. A statistical fact, but completely unrelated (the link is that the murder rate increases in the summer, and more ice cream is consumed in the summer).
I understand that. But as stated, correlation does not equal causation. There is zero proof that restricting abortion is causing the higher maternal death rates. Zero.

It's a completely unrelated phenomenon. Just like as ice cream consumption increases, the murder rate drastically increase. A statistical fact, but completely unrelated (the link is that the murder rate increases in the summer, and more ice cream is consumed in the summer).
the top 4 causes of maternal mortality: infections (usually after childbirth); high blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia); complications from delivery; and. unsafe abortion.

Top most relavent being unsafe abortion. The others go away when youre not pregnant.

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