Progressives: Despicable Liars

What the fuck?!? Here is your exact quote (word-for-word) that I was responding to:

Please show us all the part where you illustrated "outrage" over black people dying at the hands of other black people.
Dumbass, why do I need to be posting how I'm OUTRAGED about murders?

Do I need to post how I'm outraged against any other crime? Wtf are you talking about?

Certainly plenty of problems in the back communities, but this conversation is specifically about a post that claimed that black crime proves they are the racial haters, which is of course bs given that far and away most victims are black.

You idiots keep running your mouth but cant refute even a single word of that.
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  1. Wait - so now you’re moving the goalposts after I proved you lied?
  2. Because you assholes fake “outrage” when a white officer kills a black thug. But you don’t say a damn thing when a black thug kills an innocent black person. Very telling.
Dumbass, our justice system deals with murderers just fine...except when those murderers happen to be cops.

People don't need to to take to the streets for some black guy to get put away for murder. The outrage is over cops being extra trigger happy when it comes to blacks AND OFTEN GETTING AWAY WITH IT.

The fact that you don't understand the difference points to a confused, conflated mess that is between your ears.
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Dumbass, our justice system deals with murderers just fine...except when those murderers happen to be cops.
And now you moved the goalposts again. :laugh:

Hint: it’s because the “cops” didn’t “murder” anyone. In the rare cases that they actually do (ie Derek Chauvin), they pay the price like everyone else.

You got exposed, jack-ass. Stop trying to backpedal out of your mistakes.
And now you moved the goalposts again. :laugh:

Hint: it’s because the “cops” didn’t “murder” anyone. In the rare cases that they actually do (ie Derek Chauvin), they pay the price like everyone else.

You got exposed, jack-ass. Stop trying to backpedal out of your mistakes.

You are completely clueless. There was a clear attempt to cover up by Chauvin's department:

Moments after former officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder in George Floyd’s death, copies of the original Minneapolis police statement began recirculating on social media. It attributed Floyd’s death to “medical distress” and made no mention that the Black man had been pinned to the ground at the neck by Chauvin, or that he’d cried out that he couldn’t breathe.

Almost certain that without video footage and huge public pressure Chauvin would be working the streets today .
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You are completely clueless. There was a clear attempt to cover up by Chavin's department:

Moments after former officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder in George Floyd’s death, copies of the original Minneapolis police statement began recirculating on social media. It attributed Floyd’s death to “medical distress” and made no mention that the Black man had been pinned to the ground at the neck by Chauvin, or that he’d cried out that he couldn’t breathe.

Almost certain that without video footage and huge public pressure Chauvin would be working the streets today .
Oh, the poor babies. Everyone is against them. Waaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaah!
There was a clear attempt to cover up by Chauvin's department:
Was Derek Chauvin convicted of murder - Yes or No?

He was fucking convicted you fucking clown. When an officer murders someone, they go to prison just like everyone else.
Almost certain that without video footage and huge public pressure Chauvin would be working the streets today .
You mean without evidence, a man couldn't be convicted of a crime? Gasp!! The horrors!! Anton is upset that - as a devout fascist - he can't just randomly imprison people. He's so upset that our justice system requires evidence!

Seriously man, please stop talking now. The more you talk, the more you are just embarrassing yourself and destroying any credibility you had left. You sound like an absolute lunatic.
Was Derek Chauvin convicted of murder - Yes or No?

He was fucking convicted you fucking clown. When an officer murders someone, they go to prison just like everyone else.

You mean without evidence, a man couldn't be convicted of a crime? Gasp!! The horrors!! Anton is upset that - as a devout fascist - he can't just randomly imprison people. He's so upset that our justice system requires evidence!

Seriously man, please stop talking now. The more you talk, the more you are just embarrassing yourself and destroying any credibility you had left. You sound like an absolute lunatic.

Ok, clearly I'm dealing with a total idiot, thanks for the reminder.
Ok, clearly I'm dealing with a total idiot, thanks for the reminder.
I’m not the racist, fascist asshole who cries that people can’t be sent to prison without evidence. That would be you
Almost certain that without video footage and huge public pressure Chauvin would be working the streets today.
You’ve embarrassed yourself in this entire thread and you don’t have the damn sense to just stop talking.
Democrats manipulate their mindless minions 24x7 with lies. It is SO easy to dupe the low-IQ left.
The mindless minion rubes on the left are so easily duped…

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