Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

They really believe they are accomplishing something I guess..

What a pathetic bunch, mostly college kids...I hope they look back someday when they have a job on Wall street and see how stupid they were.:lol::lol:

Yeah, just like those misguided kids at Kent State. Oh wait - they're dead.

Wow, trying to score political points at the expense of the dead. You are a scumbag.

They would be honored.
Because the cops knew you were crazy and packing weapons...?

You dont have to be crazy to enjoy your second amendment rights under the constitution. And you would be wrong to think that is why, it was because there was NO violence at the rallies like there is at leftwing rallies. Nice try though opie.

Really? Google "tea party violence" and see what ya get...

yet here you promote a man who is threatening us people.
useful idiot.:eusa_whistle:
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They really believe they are accomplishing something I guess..

What a pathetic bunch, mostly college kids...I hope they look back someday when they have a job on Wall street and see how stupid they were.:lol::lol:

Yeah, just like those misguided kids at Kent State. Oh wait - they're dead.

You my dear are the biggest useful idiot TOOL for the Progressive party of all. How does it feel?

You dont have to be crazy to enjoy your second amendment rights under the constitution. And you would be wrong to think that is why, it was because there was NO violence at the rallies like there is at leftwing rallies. Nice try though opie.

Really? Google "tea party violence" and see what ya get...

yet here you promote a man who is threatening us people come this October.
useful idiot.:eusa_whistle:

How exactly is Van Jones "threatening" anyone...?

Former White House adviser Van Jones says that progressives are going to launch an "October offensive" to rival the Tea Party, in the spirit of the Arab Spring protests across the Middle East.

"Everybody should hold onto their seats. October is going to be the turning point when it comes to the progressive fight back. You can see it coming," Jones said this week on MSNBC's "The Last Word" with Lawrence O'Donnell.

"You are going to see an American Fall, an American Autumn, just like we saw the Arab Spring," Jones continued. "You can see it right now with these young people on Wall Street. Hold onto your hats, we're going to have an October offensive to take back the American dream and to rescue America's middle class."

More: Van Jones Praises Occupy Wall Street, Says Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

Good Luck, I love the Idea of More Points of View being out there.

Good Luck rivaling the Popularity of the Basic Tea Party Ideas though. Twice as many Americans consider themselves Conservative then Liberal. Already, Despite the Smear Campaign about 3% more Americans say they agree with the Tea Party, as the Number of Americans that Self Identify as Liberal.

You can Marginalize us/them all you want, but Fiscal Conservatives, and Limited Government types like myself are not going anywhere. The More you Liberals build the Debt, and Ignore our Problems with Entitlement, and Expand Government, the More Popular our Message becomes.
This topic is boring the shit out of me already. Knucklenuts cannot debate with facts, he only throws out hearsay and has no clue even then what he is talking about. I am now off to another thread.
"Moyer-Sims, of Portland, Ore., said the group has grown much more organized. "We have a protocol for most things," she said, including getting legal help for people who are arrested."

The levels of ineptitude on display with the protestors is astounding. What can be surmised from this objective is showing up for some type of confrontation with authority. Other than that, they're clueless.
Yeah, just like those misguided kids at Kent State. Oh wait - they're dead.

Wow, trying to score political points at the expense of the dead. You are a scumbag.

They would be honored.
You know... if the Tea Party and the loony left armed up and went at each other, my money's on the tea party. It's much more likely they're better shots.

Of course, the loony left would be better at bombing innocent civilians and symbolic targets like they did in the 1960's as well as committing arson. Yes sir. My money's on them for that.
ABC News’ Olivia Katrandjian reports:

The Occupy Wall Street movement, growing to more than 1,500 people in its second week, called for a march in lower Manhattan today at 3 p.m. to “show that it is time that the 99% are heard.”

“We are unions, students, teachers, veterans, first responders, families, the unemployed and underemployed. We are all races, sexes and creeds. We are the majority. We are the 99 percent. And we will no longer be silent,” read a post on the Occupy Wall Street website.

More: ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protests Spread Across the Country - ABC News

Would someone like to explain to me how these idiots think they represent 99% of Americans? I guess if you're going to exaggerate you might as well make it the "Mother of All Exaggerations"...right?

The following is probably what's going on in jails all over New York lately.

Hulu - Saturday Night Live: Tommy in Jail
I bet none of the Occupy Wall Street protesters ever bombed an abortion clinic. They are not violent people.
Someone has to take back America from the looney right before she's completely destroyed.

If the laws in place 100 years ago didn't destroy the country then, how would they destroy the country now?
I bet none of the Occupy Wall Street protesters ever bombed an abortion clinic. They are not violent people.

No, they just spike trees and vandalized private property or tried to blow up the Pentagon.

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