Progressives seek to establish pedophilia as a sexual orientation.

Now that the bigots have lost the same sex marriage debate on this forum, they apparently have decided to invent some imaginary debate that they think they can win.

Congratulations. You win. The government has a compelling interest in using the law against those whose sexual orientation involves minors.
This is a legitimate topic. And it is political. And this effort has been going on since the '70's.

But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality.

Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia "is a sexual orientation" and therefore "unlikely to change".

And here's more. BTW the whole article is worth the read. I'll put up the link.

A Dutch study published in 1987 found that a sample of boys in paedophilic relationships felt positively about them.

And a major if still controversial 1998-2000 meta-study suggests – as J Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, Chicago, says – that such relationships, entered into voluntarily, are "nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes".

Most people find that idea impossible. But writing last year in the peer-reviewed Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Bailey said that while he also found the notion "disturbing", he was forced to recognise that "persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of paedophilic relationships does not yet exist".

Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light | Society | The Guardian
Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

What a load of unadulterated bullshit.
Now that the bigots have lost the same sex marriage debate on this forum, they apparently have decided to invent some imaginary debate that they think they can win.

Congratulations. You win. The government has a compelling interest in using the law against those whose sexual orientation involves minors.

*cough * read my post #23.

It's not imaginary. It's not a debate. It's true.
This is a legitimate topic. And it is political. And this effort has been going on since the '70's.

But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality.

Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia "is a sexual orientation" and therefore "unlikely to change".

And here's more. BTW the whole article is worth the read. I'll put up the link.

A Dutch study published in 1987 found that a sample of boys in paedophilic relationships felt positively about them.

And a major if still controversial 1998-2000 meta-study suggests – as J Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, Chicago, says – that such relationships, entered into voluntarily, are "nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes".

Most people find that idea impossible. But writing last year in the peer-reviewed Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Bailey said that while he also found the notion "disturbing", he was forced to recognise that "persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of paedophilic relationships does not yet exist".

Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light | Society | The Guardian

What part of "consenting adults" do the people bringing up pedophilia not get?
This is a legitimate topic. And it is political. And this effort has been going on since the '70's.

But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality.

Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia "is a sexual orientation" and therefore "unlikely to change".

And here's more. BTW the whole article is worth the read. I'll put up the link.

A Dutch study published in 1987 found that a sample of boys in paedophilic relationships felt positively about them.

And a major if still controversial 1998-2000 meta-study suggests – as J Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, Chicago, says – that such relationships, entered into voluntarily, are "nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes".

Most people find that idea impossible. But writing last year in the peer-reviewed Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Bailey said that while he also found the notion "disturbing", he was forced to recognise that "persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of paedophilic relationships does not yet exist".

Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light | Society | The Guardian

What part of "consenting adults" do the people bringing up pedophilia not get?

They are thinking that once pedophilia is made legal there will not be a need for consenting adults.
I will ask again...historically has the age of consent gone up or down in state after state?
This is a legitimate topic. And it is political. And this effort has been going on since the '70's.

But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality.

Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia "is a sexual orientation" and therefore "unlikely to change".

And here's more. BTW the whole article is worth the read. I'll put up the link.

A Dutch study published in 1987 found that a sample of boys in paedophilic relationships felt positively about them.

And a major if still controversial 1998-2000 meta-study suggests – as J Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, Chicago, says – that such relationships, entered into voluntarily, are "nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes".

Most people find that idea impossible. But writing last year in the peer-reviewed Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Bailey said that while he also found the notion "disturbing", he was forced to recognise that "persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of paedophilic relationships does not yet exist".

Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light | Society | The Guardian

What part of "consenting adults" do the people bringing up pedophilia not get?

I'm just quoting the story and linking to experts. I was going to put this in a separate post but I might as well put it up in my reply to you.

Bod, I'm not the one making these claims. The experts are. So don't shoot me; I'm only the piano player here.

This the link to the testimony given.


Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights

Monday, February 14, 2011

House of Commons Committees - JUST (40-3) - Evidence - Number 048
That's right. Once it become firmly established in law and in the schools that children are SEXUAL and are not HARMED by sex, then it opens the door to them being exploited sexually.

We're well on our way.

As we speak, people are arguing that legalizing child pornography actually reduces child sexual abuse, that pedophilia is a hard wired sexual orientation...and therefore *natural* and to progressives, *natural* (when it comes to depravity) is *good*.

They maintain that religion is child abuse...but abortion is between a minor child and her abortionist ONLY.....

The crazy train just doesn't stop, ever. And it won't. You have to understand their motivation is to reduce the population, to eliminate the weak, vulnerable, and those that they don't like or approve of (disabled and poor children).
I will ask again...historically has the age of consent gone up or down in state after state?

If you have a point, why don't you make it?

I find people who ask other people to make their points for them by asking them questions that they (supposedly) know the answer to, tiresome and juvenile. If you're too lazy to simply state your point and then support it, too bad.The point will have to go unmade.
Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -
Since CON$ always say just how stupid Progressives are, why wouldn't these "experts" be Reagan CON$ervatives???
I will ask again...historically has the age of consent gone up or down in state after state?

If you have a point, why don't you make it?

I find people who ask other people to make their points for them by asking them questions that they (supposedly) know the answer to, tiresome and juvenile. If you're too lazy to simply state your point and then support it, too bad.The point will have to go unmade.

Oh, I think my point is quite're nuts.
No, you were making some point about the age of consent.

But you're too stupid and lazy to actually make it. Carry on.
Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -
Since CON$ always say just how stupid Progressives are, why wouldn't these "experts" be Reagan CON$ervatives???

How's a medical article from Harvard? Would that be good enough?

Is that expert enough? My Canadian professionals testifying before Parliament wasn't good enough?


From this article entitled:

Pessimism about pedophilia

JUL 2010

Please note:

Key points

Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and unlikely to change. Treatment aims to enable someone to resist acting on his sexual urges.

No intervention is likely to work on its own; outcomes may be better when the patient is motivated and treatment combines psychotherapy and medication.

Parents should be aware that in most sexual abuse cases involving children, the perpetrator is someone the child knows.

And here are the references so you understand who the professionals involved are:

Blanchard R. "The DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Pedophilia," Archives of Sexual Behavior (April 2010): Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 304–16.

Hall RC. "A Profile of Pedophilia: Definition, Characteristics of Offenders, Recidivism, Treatment Outcomes, and Forensic Issues," Mayo Clinic Proceedings (April 2007): Vol. 82, No. 4, pp. 457–71.

Seto MC. "Pedophilia," Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (2009): Vol. 5, pp. 391–407.

For more references, please see Harvard Mental Health Letter - Harvard Health Publications.
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Let me get this straight, a post about pedophilia is off topic in a thread about pedophilia. What am I missing?

The only reason why this thread remains in the Politics Forum is because she threw the word Progressive in the OP.

Otherwise this thread would have been removed to the Dumbest Threads Ever Started Forum.

For her to insist Progressives advocate the promotion of pedophilia indicates koshergrl is one twisted soul.

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