Progressivism will save America

But-but, everything you dems do is FOR the Eurocentric plague and you support the corporate dominance! Every big corporation (Amazon, Walmart, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, et al) are all progs!

What has the American Way lost that wasn't due to YOUR progressivism?

Don't you see that the very nature of progressivism is to move on from and REPLACE the American Way so how can you be proposing to save it???

The OP has to be satire.
no one is that stupid.
Sorry, but it never was. America has always been a mix of Capitalism and Socialism.
Сapitalism and socialism are not much different, these are all varieties of corporatism. America offered a third way - anarchism. The First International adhered to the American way of progressivism and anarchism. Therefore, Marx destroyed it by fraudulent implementation, just like Trump destroyed the GOP
:cuckoo: PSYCHO :cuckoo:

The Marсh of Freedom - From Mexican America to British colonies:
Do you still think America will be returned to Mexico?
America has no other choice, otherwise it will die, the population will be purged and the land will be colonized by the Germans. It's already happening.
Moreover, the Freedom must win. The revolution has begun in America. The Old Order and the Old European elites must be destroyed. Freedom will die along with America if America lose.
This speaks in favor of progressivism. The state of social coercion must be destroyed as a Eurocentric relic

No, it does not. People can save their own money in various ways, for their own retirement. You want the money taken by force from those who earned it and given to those who did not earn it.
There are bits of socialism in an overall capitalistic society.

On the flip side of that coin, the same can be said about a Democratic Social government. The US has been sliding on a scale one towards another and back. Socialism keep the masses happy but capitalism has to pay for it. Once you reach a certain size, you can't have one without the other otherwise it ends up belonging to the next strongman that comes around.
No, it does not. People can save their own money in various ways, for their own retirement. You want the money taken by force from those who earned it and given to those who did not earn it.
That is what the left is doing. Anyone can set aside money for his own old age and invest it in those assets that he sees fit, and insure as he sees fit. The state cannot dictate.
Public parks, the fire dept, public schools etc are all socialistic in nature.
Schools are not needed, this is a zombie that inspires Americans that they supposedly come from European slaves, and that they supposedly should love the feds and corporations.

There are common things that cannot be separated, such as air. But what cannot be distributed individually, must be distributed to the general management, and to exclude monopolistic collusions, such as a controlling stake, which deprives minority shareholders of their rights.
On the flip side of that coin, the same can be said about a Democratic Social government. The US has been sliding on a scale one towards another and back. Socialism keep the masses happy but capitalism has to pay for it. Once you reach a certain size, you can't have one without the other otherwise it ends up belonging to the next strongman that comes around.
Socialism is completely monopolized capitalism (large corporations).

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