Progs Now Turn To Ruining Our Food

Here is a blanket reply to the Progs:

You are completely blind to Civil Society. All of your rationales for your Totalitarian objectives are based on the false strawman of Anarchy vs. Government Control. "If we don't have a food policy, evil businessmen will poison us on purpose!!!!!"

In the real world, the vast majority of people are part of Civil Society, in which individuals voluntarily interact with one another with neither the need nor desire for government interference. A healthy society has a broad, inclusive Civil Society. All of your Prog Policies are aimed at increasing the Role of Government by crowding out Civil Society. One effect of this is to actually broaden Anarchy as a counter balance Resistance Force.

We'd all be Better Off if you just Minded Your Own Bloody Business and LEFT US ALONE.
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

who determined that we "needed" this "policy"? What was the criteria they used and I'd like to see the data...

I don't know who thinks we need it.
but you approve...

But since it's being talked about, written about, and debated, the American people (those who are reasonably informed) will either decide it's needed, or reject the idea.

it is a scam contrived to allow more gvmt intrusion.
Think we'll get to vote on it like we did for obama care?..wait...we didn't was shoved down our throats, wasn't it?

No..we do not need any government run, taxpayer financed "National Food Policy"...

You know this whole discussion revolves around a proposal to discuss a policy.
The whole discussion was ginned up by a leftist statist who wants more gvmt control
Nothing is being enacted. Stop crying. There, there.
no one is crying, exaggerate and fantasize.
The US is the most obese country in the world. The US consumes the most processed food. Obesity costs all Americans more in healthcare spending than smoking.
In other words, the food that is offered to Americans is a driving force in the outrageous cost of healthcare in America.
If a person's diet is mainly processed food, they have no right to complain about the cost of healthcare.
Here's an interesting article that many posters should read:
Obesity Now Costs Americans More In HealthCare Spending Than Smoking
"The high cost of being significantly overweight manifests in a variety of ways, ranging from the increased insurance premiums we all pay to subsidize the added medical charges incurred by the obese to the surprisingly dramatic impact our collective pounds has on energy costs."
Obesity Now Costs Americans More In HealthCare Spending Than Smoking - Forbes

So, all you folks who are complaining and probably have a diet that is high in processed food are certainly costing us folks who eat healthy money because we get stuck with your bad habits. The high cost of healthcare not only hurts the citizens of America but also hurts US businesses from being competitve on the world stage.

For the life of me, I can't understand why RWs are so against a safe and accurately labelled food supply. Instead, they yammer on about their right to make their kids fat and sick - just like they are.
Here is a blanket reply to the Progs:

You are completely blind to Civil Society. All of your rationales for your Totalitarian objectives are based on the false strawman of Anarchy vs. Government Control. "If we don't have a food policy, evil businessmen will poison us on purpose!!!!!"

In the real world, the vast majority of people are part of Civil Society, in which individuals voluntarily interact with one another with neither the need nor desire for government interference. A healthy society has a broad, inclusive Civil Society. All of your Prog Policies are aimed at increasing the Role of Government by crowding out Civil Society. One effect of this is to actually broaden Anarchy as a counter balance Resistance Force.

We'd all be Better Off if you just Minded Your Own Bloody Business and LEFT US ALONE.

Spot On. Nanny/Police Staters are drama queens. Most Americans have had it with them.
Here is a blanket reply to the Progs:

You are completely blind to Civil Society. All of your rationales for your Totalitarian objectives are based on the false strawman of Anarchy vs. Government Control. "If we don't have a food policy, evil businessmen will poison us on purpose!!!!!"

In the real world, the vast majority of people are part of Civil Society, in which individuals voluntarily interact with one another with neither the need nor desire for government interference. A healthy society has a broad, inclusive Civil Society. All of your Prog Policies are aimed at increasing the Role of Government by crowding out Civil Society. One effect of this is to actually broaden Anarchy as a counter balance Resistance Force.

We'd all be Better Off if you just Minded Your Own Bloody Business and LEFT US ALONE.

Bumper sticker those
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Progs are bedwetters who still eat PASTE.
Here is a blanket reply to the Progs:

You are completely blind to Civil Society. All of your rationales for your Totalitarian objectives are based on the false strawman of Anarchy vs. Government Control. "If we don't have a food policy, evil businessmen will poison us on purpose!!!!!"

In the real world, the vast majority of people are part of Civil Society, in which individuals voluntarily interact with one another with neither the need nor desire for government interference. A healthy society has a broad, inclusive Civil Society. All of your Prog Policies are aimed at increasing the Role of Government by crowding out Civil Society. One effect of this is to actually broaden Anarchy as a counter balance Resistance Force.

We'd all be Better Off if you just Minded Your Own Bloody Business and LEFT US ALONE.


If you RWs really believed that, you would not be fighting for sharia law to control women's reproductive rights. Nor would you want employers to have control of what insurance companies pay for or working to outlaw marriage equality.

You most certainly do not believe that

"We'd all be Better Off if you just Minded Your Own Bloody Business and LEFT US ALONE."
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

who determined that we "needed" this "policy"? What was the criteria they used and I'd like to see the data...

I don't know who thinks we need it.
but you approve...

But since it's being talked about, written about, and debated, the American people (those who are reasonably informed) will either decide it's needed, or reject the idea.

it is a scam contrived to allow more gvmt intrusion.
Think we'll get to vote on it like we did for obama care?..wait...we didn't was shoved down our throats, wasn't it?

No..we do not need any government run, taxpayer financed "National Food Policy"...

You know this whole discussion revolves around a proposal to discuss a policy.
The whole discussion was ginned up by a leftist statist who wants more gvmt control
Nothing is being enacted. Stop crying. There, there.
no one is crying, exaggerate and fantasize.

Yeah, I approve. If the rest of America didn't, then no harm.

You keep repeating the word "scam" without anything to back it up. A reflection of your own paranoia.
Here is a blanket reply to the Progs:

You are completely blind to Civil Society. All of your rationales for your Totalitarian objectives are based on the false strawman of Anarchy vs. Government Control. "If we don't have a food policy, evil businessmen will poison us on purpose!!!!!"

In the real world, the vast majority of people are part of Civil Society, in which individuals voluntarily interact with one another with neither the need nor desire for government interference. A healthy society has a broad, inclusive Civil Society. All of your Prog Policies are aimed at increasing the Role of Government by crowding out Civil Society. One effect of this is to actually broaden Anarchy as a counter balance Resistance Force.

We'd all be Better Off if you just Minded Your Own Bloody Business and LEFT US ALONE.


If you RWs really believed that, you would not be fighting for sharia law to control women's reproductive rights. Nor would you want employers to have control of what insurance companies pay for or working to outlaw marriage equality.

You most certainly do not believe that

"We'd all be Better Off if you just Minded Your Own Bloody Business and LEFT US ALONE."

Oh Blah Blah Blah. Enough with the FAKE Moral Relativism. Not wanting to subsidize other people's SEX LIVES is not at all equivalent to clitorectomies and "honor" killings.

I sure hope you don't HARASS any WIMMYNS by saying Hello to them...better not even look at them!
I really wish for the days when RW would actually quote someone and address what they said rather than every response being the same old shit.

Without their talking points they are lost. Go ahead and just ask them what "leave me alone" means and you'll be treated to the most tortured logic you've ever witnessed
Hey, if we just hide in our homes 24/7 and allow the Nanny/Police State wingnuts to ban everything, we'll be happy and safe. We'll be protected from all potentially dangerous scenarios. So i'm All-In. YAY TOTALITARIANISM!!! I feel safer already.
Here is a blanket reply to the Progs:

You are completely blind to Civil Society. All of your rationales for your Totalitarian objectives are based on the false strawman of Anarchy vs. Government Control. "If we don't have a food policy, evil businessmen will poison us on purpose!!!!!"

In the real world, the vast majority of people are part of Civil Society, in which individuals voluntarily interact with one another with neither the need nor desire for government interference. A healthy society has a broad, inclusive Civil Society. All of your Prog Policies are aimed at increasing the Role of Government by crowding out Civil Society. One effect of this is to actually broaden Anarchy as a counter balance Resistance Force.

We'd all be Better Off if you just Minded Your Own Bloody Business and LEFT US ALONE.


If you RWs really believed that, you would not be fighting for sharia law to control women's reproductive rights. Nor would you want employers to have control of what insurance companies pay for or working to outlaw marriage equality.

You most certainly do not believe that

"We'd all be Better Off if you just Minded Your Own Bloody Business and LEFT US ALONE."

Oh Blah Blah Blah. Enough with the FAKE Moral Relativism. Not wanting to subsidize other people's SEX LIVES is not at all equivalent to clitorectomies and "honor" killings.

I sure hope you don't HARASS any WIMMYNS by saying Hello to them...better not even look at them!

How about you address what I wrote instead of your usual cowardly ad homs?
Hey, if we just hide in our homes 24/7 and allow the Nanny/Police State wingnuts to ban everything, we'll be happy and safe. We'll be protected from all potentially dangerous scenarios. So i'm All-In. YAY TOTALITARIANISM!!! I feel safer already.

Here we go again with your "banning" nonsense.

You said to me that "they" have run out of things to ban. I'll ask you again - EXACTLY what have "they" banned?
I really wish for the days when RW would actually quote someone and address what they said rather than every response being the same old shit.

Without their talking points they are lost. Go ahead and just ask them what "leave me alone" means and you'll be treated to the most tortured logic you've ever witnessed

the RW's are never lost. If they run out of talking points they make up a few new ones, defend them, then make up a few more.
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

who determined that we "needed" this "policy"? What was the criteria they used and I'd like to see the data...

I don't know who thinks we need it.
but you approve...

But since it's being talked about, written about, and debated, the American people (those who are reasonably informed) will either decide it's needed, or reject the idea.

it is a scam contrived to allow more gvmt intrusion.
Think we'll get to vote on it like we did for obama care?..wait...we didn't was shoved down our throats, wasn't it?

No..we do not need any government run, taxpayer financed "National Food Policy"...

You know this whole discussion revolves around a proposal to discuss a policy.
The whole discussion was ginned up by a leftist statist who wants more gvmt control
Nothing is being enacted. Stop crying. There, there.
no one is crying, exaggerate and fantasize.

Yeah, I approve. If the rest of America didn't, then no harm.

You keep repeating the word "scam" without anything to back it up. A reflection of your own paranoia.

no...a reflection of reality.

Why do you INSIST on continuously derailing the thread so you can talk about me, assess my mental state, or worry about what I'm doing?
Hey, if we just hide in our homes 24/7 and allow the Nanny/Police State wingnuts to ban everything, we'll be happy and safe. We'll be protected from all potentially dangerous scenarios. So i'm All-In. YAY TOTALITARIANISM!!! I feel safer already.

Here we go again with your "banning" nonsense.

You said to me that "they" have run out of things to ban. I'll ask you again - EXACTLY what have "they" banned?

Good luck on getting an answer.
no...a reflection of reality.

Why do you INSIST on continuously derailing the thread so you can talk about me, assess my mental state, or worry about what I'm doing?

OK, back to the topic.

What do you have to back up your assertion that this proposed discussion of a future food policy is a scam?

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