Progs Now Turn To Ruining Our Food

Whats funny is the OP says that doing those things will "ruin our food" because chemicals are like seasoning

And let's not forget that regulation will somehow take away parenting rights.

"If I want my kid to eat Drano-laced meat, that's my God-given right!"

Oh that's why they hang on to Jesus so tightly, so they can claim god given rights. Non-existent rights from a non-existent entity
I'm against it no matter who the hell came up with it. It's classic nanny bullshit. They don't really care about having healthy people. They are worried about money. We have Obama care now anyway. That will cure whatever ails us.

You ask questions and go on for pages and then state your argument, which is that somehow government, a non-profit entity, is more concerned about money than corporations.

Could you explain that?

ya I read the thread-------Algore says we don't have a national policy for managing American agriculture or the food system as a whole. Well I have news for him----we already have laws up the wazoo that regulate it. If he still thinks we need a "policy" I want to know what will be the desired of such a policy.

Have you ever heard of a mission statement? A policy is similar to a mission statement.

Laws may be introduced piecemeal as issues come up, but a policy provides a big picture, a framework to use to determine how America wants to handle its legislation about food. It helps ensure a general direction, of what is supported and what is discouraged. Like a country's energy policy.

Your getting closer---so what the ultimate goal ? What will having this national policy in place do for us that isn't being done now. Will all local communities have to shelve their own methods and adopt the new policy ?

Its funny because the goal is set up NOT by Gore but by a Op Ed in the Washington Post.

But now since Gore said its a good idea I see why you are against it.

How a national food policy could save millions of American lives - The Washington Post

Again this did not come from Al Gore this was written by 4 guys on the WashPo Op Ed.

I'm against it no matter who the hell came up with it. It's classic nanny bullshit. They don't really care about having healthy people. They are worried about money. We have Obama care now anyway. That will cure whatever ails us.

Again if you say they only care about money then why trust companies whose stated goal is to make money over govt when they have not stated that is their goal you simply believe it to be true?

You can answer someone else because you guys are just silly
Whats funny is the OP says that doing those things will "ruin our food" because chemicals are like seasoning

And let's not forget that regulation will somehow take away parenting rights.

"If I want my kid to eat Drano-laced meat, that's my God-given right!"

Oh that's why they hang on to Jesus so tightly, so they can claim god given rights. Non-existent rights from a non-existent entity

People don't need rights to eat. They just do it. Do you have a problem with that. ?
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
Come on people, Obama is good friends with Beyonce and Jay Z and Al Gore invented the Internet. So how can they be wrong about anything? Think people. Think.

Are non sequitors a specialty of yours?

I already gave you Nanny/Police State wingnuts the solutions to your problems. Just stay in your homes 24/7 and stop eating & drinking. It solves this problem, and your Global Warming Boogeyman problem. I'm here to help. You're welcome.

Your inability to debate is noted.

He's one of the most reactionary and brainless RWS on the board. He has said that "they" have run out of things to ban. When I asked him to name what "they" banned, he couldn't come up with even one example.

Frootier than a nutcake, incredibly gullible, tee potty fool and he's proud of it.
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?
I'm against it no matter who the hell came up with it. It's classic nanny bullshit. They don't really care about having healthy people. They are worried about money. We have Obama care now anyway. That will cure whatever ails us.

You ask questions and go on for pages and then state your argument, which is that somehow government, a non-profit entity, is more concerned about money than corporations.

Could you explain that?

I never made any comparison about who cares more about money. I just question the purpose,need and wisdom of some vague "national policy". Is it to save money ? Sounds like it. What will Americans have to sacrifice in the way of food to balance the budget ?
Whats funny is the OP says that doing those things will "ruin our food" because chemicals are like seasoning

And let's not forget that regulation will somehow take away parenting rights.

"If I want my kid to eat Drano-laced meat, that's my God-given right!"

Oh that's why they hang on to Jesus so tightly, so they can claim god given rights. Non-existent rights from a non-existent entity

So I guess that means you are against life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which is the very bases of our form of government of freedom.
That is exactly what is wrong with the right, if something doesn't pertain directly to them, then it can't possibly be of any importance. No clue on how to be a member of the whole.
That's the problem with the left, if they don't like something, they want to outlaw it for everyone.
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.
I'm against it no matter who the hell came up with it. It's classic nanny bullshit. They don't really care about having healthy people. They are worried about money. We have Obama care now anyway. That will cure whatever ails us.

You ask questions and go on for pages and then state your argument, which is that somehow government, a non-profit entity, is more concerned about money than corporations.

Could you explain that?

I never made any comparison about who cares more about money. I just question the purpose,need and wisdom of some vague "national policy". Is it to save money ? Sounds like it. What will Americans have to sacrifice in the way of food to balance the budget ?

Especially when it is old laws in agriculture that needs updating rather than a huge nationalized food industry.
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

and exactly what ARE American interests and goals ? Apparently someone thinks that we aren't already pursuing them properly ?
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

and exactly what ARE American interests and goals ? Apparently someone thinks that we aren't already pursuing them properly ?

In the food area, the proposed policy is what has been delineated several times in this thread.
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

A national food policy would not do that.
All it would do is control more, cost more and the government would still not give us the information we want.
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

and exactly what ARE American interests and goals ? Apparently someone thinks that we aren't already pursuing them properly ?

In the food area, the proposed policy is what has been delineated several times in this thread.

And what is the ultimate purpose of having ONE food policy ?

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