Progs Now Turn To Ruining Our Food

Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

and exactly what ARE American interests and goals ? Apparently someone thinks that we aren't already pursuing them properly ?

In the food area, the proposed policy is what has been delineated several times in this thread.

And what is the ultimate purpose of having ONE food policy ?

So that the food industry makes every move to work toward goals that Americans want.
Ironic post of the day.
No, there are no ill effects from eating at McDonalds. Sure, do that every day you'll have a problem. Eat a cheeseburger at home every day and you'll also have problem. Eat 5 lbs of cheese every day and you'll have problems. But McDonald's made its reputation on offering food that was safe to eat and predictable anywhere you went.
Yeah, your health is your own responsibility. So why do you want the gov't stepping in?

Firstly, you might want to check the meaning of the word 'ironic'.

Secondly, I am not campaigning to ban MacDonalds - I'm just saying that accurate information should be available to consumers.
Remind me who is being denied accurate information about anything.

Funny that anyone actually believes that.

Yes - Google it FOR YOURSELF.
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

and exactly what ARE American interests and goals ? Apparently someone thinks that we aren't already pursuing them properly ?

In the food area, the proposed policy is what has been delineated several times in this thread.

And what is the ultimate purpose of having ONE food policy ?

So that the food industry makes every move to work toward goals that Americans want.

and who has determined what Americans want ?
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

We don't need a "national food policy". We have ample government agencies already in place.

Let's focus on real problems and not look for the gvmt to invent some so they can swoop in with more laws/regulations/tax increases to fund another scam.
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

We don't need a "national food policy". We have ample government agencies already in place.

Let's focus on real problems and not look for the gvmt to invent some so they can swoop in with more laws/regulations/tax increases to fund another scam.

Yes, let's keep our government clunky and inefficient with piecemeal laws and regulations, and not streamline the process with some kind of coherent policy.

Come on people, Obama is good friends with Beyonce and Jay Z and Al Gore invented the Internet. So how can they be wrong about anything? Think people. Think.

Are non sequitors a specialty of yours?

I already gave you Nanny/Police State wingnuts the solutions to your problems. Just stay in your homes 24/7 and stop eating & drinking. It solves this problem, and your Global Warming Boogeyman problem. I'm here to help. You're welcome.

Your inability to debate is noted.

He's one of the most reactionary and brainless RWS on the board. He has said that "they" have run out of things to ban. When I asked him to name what "they" banned, he couldn't come up with even one example.

Frootier than a nutcake, incredibly gullible, tee potty fool and he's proud of it.

Hey, i'm a problem-solver. I just gave you Nanny/Police State wingnuts the solutions to your problems. You're welcome.
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

You are assuming that Americans don't like the way things are now.
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

and exactly what ARE American interests and goals ? Apparently someone thinks that we aren't already pursuing them properly ?

In the food area, the proposed policy is what has been delineated several times in this thread.

hahhahaahaha..around and around she goes.

Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

We don't need a "national food policy". We have ample government agencies already in place.

Let's focus on real problems and not look for the gvmt to invent some so they can swoop in with more laws/regulations/tax increases to fund another scam.

Yes, let's keep our government clunky and inefficient with piecemeal laws and regulations, and not streamline the process with some kind of coherent policy.


LIke Obamacare ? :laugh:
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

You are assuming that Americans don't like the way things are now.

Actually, I'm assuming that most Americans haven't even thought about it.

If Americans are happy with how things are, that, by definition, could turn into the food policy.
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

You are assuming that Americans don't like the way things are now.

Actually, I'm assuming that most Americans haven't even thought about it.

If Americans are happy with how things are, that, by definition, could turn into the food policy.

It already IS our policy-----now if the liberals could jsut leave people alone to live their lives we might be OK.
Rotagilla and dillo,

Do you or do you not believe that Americans have common interests and common goals, and that there should be policies that reflect those interests and goals?
sweetie, you're not leading me down the garden path to draw me off topic...we're discussing another intrusive scam by the government...not me or dillo.
Why are you trying to change the subject?

It's not a change of subject.

A national food policy would reflect American interests and goals in regards to food and food production in America. I, foolishly perhaps, wanted to know your opinion on that.

We don't need a "national food policy". We have ample government agencies already in place.

Let's focus on real problems and not look for the gvmt to invent some so they can swoop in with more laws/regulations/tax increases to fund another scam.

Yes, let's keep our government clunky and inefficient with piecemeal laws and regulations, and not streamline the process with some kind of coherent policy.


you made all of that up.
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

who determined that we "needed" this "policy"? What was the criteria they used and I'd like to see the data...
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

You are assuming that Americans don't like the way things are now.

Actually, I'm assuming that most Americans haven't even thought about it.

If Americans are happy with how things are, that, by definition, could turn into the food policy.

It already IS our policy-----now if the liberals could jsut leave people alone to live their lives we might be OK.

Nanny/Police Staters can't do that. They will always try to force their agendas on others. They're totalitarian jerkoffs. It's their nature.
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

You are assuming that Americans don't like the way things are now.

Actually, I'm assuming that most Americans haven't even thought about it.

If Americans are happy with how things are, that, by definition, could turn into the food policy.

It already IS our policy-----now if the liberals could jsut leave people alone to live their lives we might be OK.

The food policy, according to you, is the individual laws and regulations that have popped up as we needed them. Regardless of when they were enacted, regardless of how well they're enforced.

You've clearly demonstrated that you are happy with that "policy."

Try finding out if all informed Americans are.
and who has determined what Americans want ?

Well, instead of putting the covers over your head and crying in fear whenever someone mentions the word "government," you might want to make your voice heard. Then we would be able to set up a national food policy that most Americans approve of.

who determined that we "needed" this "policy"? What was the criteria they used and I'd like to see the data...

I don't know who thinks we need it. But since it's being talked about, written about, and debated, the American people (those who are reasonably informed) will either decide it's needed, or reject the idea.

You know this whole discussion revolves around a proposal to discuss a policy. Nothing is being enacted. Stop crying. There, there.

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