Progs say top five Democrat prospects for POTUS are white male

Just me or do progs constantly steer out of context because their butts can't handle what's in context?

So far we have "they're white cuz everyone other than progs are racist.", and "the EC is outdated, let NY and Ca. decide for us.", and "the only purpose for the EC was slavery, because Democrats needed say in order to maintain some sense of slavery".

Out of context, let's dump the EC and decide based on the number of districts or the size of land mass. Seems fair.
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Are they suggesting white males are more competent and/or progs just like them better?

Ranking the Top Democratic Presidential Candidates for 2020
Beating Trump in 2020 is more important than anything else. The yokel trash in the rust belt and, sadly, independents will find it easier to vote for a white male than anybody else.

I agree.

which professional politician are you running against him?

Do you seriously think they would have a chance?
Definitely, though we’ll need to get 5 or 6 million more votes than him to be safe this time, since the EC is so broken and obsolete.

Broken and obsolete huh? So in your opinion, we Americans should be pulled along by the likes of NY and Ca., who's idea for leadership is Waters and Cortez.

You know damn well that if Trump won the popular vote they would reflexively condemn it also as broken and obsolete.

Are they suggesting white males are more competent and/or progs just like them better?

Ranking the Top Democratic Presidential Candidates for 2020
Beating Trump in 2020 is more important than anything else. The yokel trash in the rust belt and, sadly, independents will find it easier to vote for a white male than anybody else.

I agree.

which professional politician are you running against him?

Do you seriously think they would have a chance?
Definitely, though we’ll need to get 5 or 6 million more votes than him to be safe this time, since the EC is so broken and obsolete.

Broken and obsolete huh? So in your opinion, we Americans should be pulled along by the likes of NY and Ca., who's idea for leadership is Waters and Cortez.
The entire country votes, not just NY and CA. You should have learned that in elementary school.
You should have learned in elementary school that this nation is a democratic republic and not a democracy.

A direct democracy is mob rule and our FF's were well aware how that could lead to know,
where two wolves and a sheep vote on, "what's for dinner?"
Are they suggesting white males are more competent and/or progs just like them better?

Ranking the Top Democratic Presidential Candidates for 2020
Beating Trump in 2020 is more important than anything else. The yokel trash in the rust belt and, sadly, independents will find it easier to vote for a white male than anybody else.

I agree.

which professional politician are you running against him?

Do you seriously think they would have a chance?
Definitely, though we’ll need to get 5 or 6 million more votes than him to be safe this time, since the EC is so broken and obsolete.

Broken and obsolete huh? So in your opinion, we Americans should be pulled along by the likes of NY and Ca., who's idea for leadership is Waters and Cortez.

You know damn well that if Trump won the popular vote they would reflexively condemn it also as broken and obsolete.


But but you guys would have!

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