Prominent Latino Conservative withdraws support for Comrade Trump

Actually, he wants to, collaborate with other nations to insure safe zones for these "immigrants" in their own countries. Hitlery wants to give them Michigan.
Actually, he wants to, collaborate with other nations to insure safe zones for these "immigrants" in their own countries. Hitlery wants to give them Michigan.

He is dreaming. Even chubby cheeks Limbaugh has said he does not take him seriously.
And Alfonso Aguilar isn’t alone:

“Half the members of Donald Trump’s Hispanic advisory board are readying their resignations Thursday, following the Republican nominee’s hardline speech on immigration policy in Phoenix, Arizona the previous night.”

Half of Trump's Hispanic advisory board reportedly ready to resign

The one chance he had to broaden his base and he listened to Bannon and blew it. This is it Cult members. His support has topped out.

Why is Hillary tanking in the polls? Trump is actually leading her now in a couple of polls. All that money Hillary spent too.
Jim, seriously now. You might want to get in contact with Rdean, Jake Starkey, Guno, and Big Yank about getting on with them at Church's Fried Chicken after your gig as USMB poster for the Clinton smear campaign is over. I hear they have already found a job at Church's Fried Chicken for Loretta Lynch. You need to plan ahead.
Well, Hillary raised another $143 Million from rich donors to spend to try to keep even with Trump in the polling. She's already spent close to $200 Million. Payback for all this money in political favors would be hell if she has a chance to win.
Whatever helps you sleep at night...just stock up on some strong booze for November.
We need a special prosecutor to be appointed to get to the bottom of this!!

So amusing to see an obvious American Socialist Party goombahette calling Mr. Trump "Comrade". Did you ladies award him an honorary membership when nobody was looking?
So amusing to see an obvious American Socialist Party goombahette calling Mr. Trump "Comrade". Did you ladies award him an honorary membership when nobody was looking?

The first Presidential candidate in US History to invite a foreign adversary to conduct espionage on his opponent. Yes, it will ALWAYS be Comrade Trump, Pooootin's butt buddy and choice for US President.
Alfonso Aguilar withdraws support from Donald Trump -


Yup, Bannon is dragging Comrade Trump so far to the right that he is losing the little non-white support that he had. I guess Bannon as CEO is a good thing! The Alt Right has taken over Trump's campaign.
Wow. I actually listened to the whole damned immigration speech and it seemed to me that he was very carefully using language that focused on illegal immigrants that were CRIMINALS. His last sentence before he went on to other things was to the effect, "After we've done all this, we'll look at what to do with everyone else."

Yes, and that is why Latino coservatives are leaving him. Makes sence, huh?
Think for a moment. His propsal is to drag anyone here illegally out of the US and return them to their native country, which may be Syria, Brazil, Mexico, or other countries who may be waiting to eliminate these people. They will be seperated from family members here legally, probably forever.

This all to satisfy the Alt Right part of Comrade Trump's, very scattered, brain.
It's sad, but besides the fact that he pretty carefully focused on illegal immigrants here committing crimes, those people who came or stayed illegally knew exactly what they were doing and they knew the risk.
Actually, he wants to, collaborate with other nations to insure safe zones for these "immigrants" in their own countries. Hitlery wants to give them Michigan.

He is dreaming. Even chubby cheeks Limbaugh has said he does not take him seriously.
Why can't the UN organize safe zones, not just us paying for it? They've been talking about it for years, while the refugee crisis has grown to enormous proportions in Europe. So what is so impossible about establishing them or wrong with them? No one ever answers when I ask that.
The point is, Comrade Trump has decided that he can win the WH without the black or Hispanic vote.

Actually, he wants to, collaborate with other nations to insure safe zones for these "immigrants" in their own countries. Hitlery wants to give them Michigan.

He is dreaming. Even chubby cheeks Limbaugh has said he does not take him seriously.

Did you take Obama seriously when he told you he was going to flood America with radical Muslims? You should have, at the rate of 100 a day. To not take the Clintons at their word is to ignore the UN directive on quotas. While it is in progress. Are there any other countries that now have no go zones that cops won't even enter? Are the German's dreaming? Does America have magic to change the effect that Muslims are having in the other countries?

and Jim, Comrade Hitlery is selling our uranium mines to her friend and mentor Putin. Beat that with a Trump/Putin connection.........
syntax-----some people are defining every undocumented person as IPSO FACTO----criminal

That's because they are criminals. They are not here legally, and if they're employed they are violating several more laws, and so are their employers. Get over it. the correct and accurate term for them is 'criminal illegal aliens', not 'undocumented immigrants'.
Did you take Obama seriously when he told you he was going to flood America with radical Muslims? You should have, at the rate of 100 a day. To not take the Clintons at their word is to ignore the UN directive on quotas. While it is in progress. ..

yes, he loves the UN directives, which claims Christians aren't refugees and don't qualify to come to the the U.S., while he and Hillary are earnestly trying to get some 300,000 unvettable Islamo-vemin in before his term finally ends. He essentially has supported the UN's death sentences against Christians in every Islamo-vermin shithole around the world, and in 'globalism's bestest friend ever, Red China, as well.
So amusing to see an obvious American Socialist Party goombahette calling Mr. Trump "Comrade". Did you ladies award him an honorary membership when nobody was looking?

The first Presidential candidate in US History to invite a foreign adversary to conduct espionage on his opponent. Yes, it will ALWAYS be Comrade Trump, Pooootin's butt buddy and choice for US President.

Lol it's hilarious how you muppets have less than zero for Hillary to actually run on, and have nothing but openly lying about Trump as a 'campaign'; even Hillary's big ad campaign can't come up with anything but that sort of drivel.

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