Proof Jesus was black......

There is without a doubt, proof Jesus was a black man

Did he or did he not go into a jewish temple and tear it apart?

Didn't every single place he went, did or did they not follow him around everywhere he went...talking about white people? Yes?

Was he or was he not then accused of a crime, he did not commit? Had a trial without proper representation jailed and then executed?

In short, Jesus went through the same shit, negro men today go through, yes?

Jews weren't and aren't black. Sorry.
You don't know much about you Jews do you?
Jews can be of any so-called race. after the Diaspora Jews who settled in Europe became the Ashkenazi Jews and generally look as European as Kirk Douglasor Einstein. Sephardic Jews are said to have settled in Spain, North Africa, and the Mediterranean..
Then there are the Black Israelites of Ethiopia
Who call themselves Beta Israel. But they deny being Jews and say theirs was the tribe of Dan. But Black Jews did exist throughout North Africa and the middle east and have been a presence there since before the dawn of history. If biblical historical accounts are true...Ham is the progenitor of the Black race.
and all the eponymous nations named as his progeny would have been Black..nations...including Mizraim or Egypt and Caanan.
In that black milieu which was spread so wide, Black Judaens surely were present.
There are a very few black Jews such as Ethiopians etc. but the vast overwhelming majority have not and never been black. Including even all the Middle eastern Jews who are supposedly direct descendants of the ancient Jews that fled the destructions of the first and second Temples, which would be very close relatives of Jesus.

In the Jesus era, there were a lot of Gentile converts running around as well, don't have any idea how many, but they would likely have mostly been Greek and Persian, according to some historians; the 'Decapolis' cities were to the east and north of Jerusalem, iirc. But, according to the NT, his genealogy would have made him of the old blood lines, so it's a moot point.
The old blood lines can back go no further than that of His mother's. If God was His Father surely part of Jesus was God incarnate. But the human side would have
Invariably made him at least part black. After all, God would not have chosen a woman with recessive genes to mate with. Since the only true humans on earth are unmixed Blacks
...made in the image of God....Jesus must have been Black too.

lol what rubbish. Of course, being largely illiterate, you wouldn't be aware nobody is buying the old 'everybody came out of Africa' myth any more; too many finds in the last 30 years disprove that nonsense. Nobody who has a clue as to what real science is thinks evolution is a 'proven fact', either; they know it's just a hypothesis with no chain of evidence establishing it as fact. You're just ignorant.
Why is Jesus' Race important at all? What does spirituality and your religious beliefs have to do with skin color? I don't get it. Who cares and why?

It's all about ideology, not science or history; the racists hate white people, that's all, so they run around making up fake history to make themselves feel better. Whites are devils; the great historian and theologian 'Calypso Louie' Farakan says so.
jesus was not known for his dancing
Loius Farrakhan isn't known for his dancing either. So what's your point?

he had a job
So does Al what's your point?

he spoke clearly enough that people understood
So does Obama. So what's your point?

he didn't wear his robe all turned inside out
None of the thousands of Black Ministers dot ting the landscape wear their robes turned inside out...what makes you think they do?

he could swim
I recall reading that Jesus WALKED on water...He didn't swim.
Did he or did he not go into a jewish temple and tear it apart?

Is that something Black men do? I've never seen it.

It's on their list of things to do to conquer the world. :rolleyes:

You're bound to find all kinds of ethnic groups with Jewish DNA, due to some peculiarities of Jewish laws and religious customs involving the conversions of slaves and war captives during the ancient eras. Completely unlike brutal pagan cultures, Jews didn't just murder slaves when they were no longer useful, and slavery wasn't permanent for Jewish captives. By the time Jesus came along, Jewish DNA could be found nearly anywhere in reach of the ME trade routes and among many peoples. There is a reason for why many Jewish genealogies and status are traced along the female ancestors, from Sarah mainly. The older the tribes, the greater the genetic drift. Here is just example of how inconclusive genetics can be over a relatively recent 2,000 years, and how useless DNA is as dating evidence:

Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses | Genome Biology and Evolution | Oxford Academic

Multiply the confusion and complications many times over for ME genetic drift over a far longer timeline. Recent finds re penguin DNA also prove using DNA as useless for dating purposes.
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It is based on the people of the time and place where he lived. There is an extensive documentary on how the model was developed, produced by The History Channel. Do you not believe in knowledge and education?
I believe what my common sense and eyes tell me. Those two things have never let me down. "Experts" have.
Well, what is it that you want to belive about this issue?
There is without a doubt, proof Jesus was a black man

Did he or did he not go into a jewish temple and tear it apart?

Didn't every single place he went, did or did they not follow him around everywhere he went...talking about white people? Yes?

Was he or was he not then accused of a crime, he did not commit? Had a trial without proper representation jailed and then executed?

In short, Jesus went through the same shit, negro men today go through, yes?

Jews weren't and aren't black. Sorry.
You don't know much about you Jews do you?
Jews can be of any so-called race. after the Diaspora Jews who settled in Europe became the Ashkenazi Jews and generally look as European as Kirk Douglasor Einstein. Sephardic Jews are said to have settled in Spain, North Africa, and the Mediterranean..
Then there are the Black Israelites of Ethiopia
Who call themselves Beta Israel. But they deny being Jews and say theirs was the tribe of Dan. But Black Jews did exist throughout North Africa and the middle east and have been a presence there since before the dawn of history. If biblical historical accounts are true...Ham is the progenitor of the Black race.
and all the eponymous nations named as his progeny would have been Black..nations...including Mizraim or Egypt and Caanan.
In that black milieu which was spread so wide, Black Judaens surely were present.
There are a very few black Jews such as Ethiopians etc. but the vast overwhelming majority have not and never been black. Including even all the Middle eastern Jews who are supposedly direct descendants of the ancient Jews that fled the destructions of the first and second Temples, which would be very close relatives of Jesus.
Have you ever seen pictures of Colin Kaepernick? He is Black. It isn't a coincidence that your stereotypical Sephardic Jews and middle easterners look just like him. Blackness may be denied there but the physiognomy can NOT be denied.

OJ Simpson isn't black. He said so on Saturday Night Live a long time ago.
It is based on the people of the time and place where he lived. There is an extensive documentary on how the model was developed, produced by The History Channel. Do you not believe in knowledge and education?
I believe what my common sense and eyes tell me. Those two things have never let me down. "Experts" have.

But some show on the History Channel has to be true, right? lol

Didn't they also run those shows with Leonard Nimoy all about ghosts and psychic phenomena being 'fact', also? Yes, it's definitely the last word on science and history ...
It is based on the people of the time and place where he lived. There is an extensive documentary on how the model was developed, produced by The History Channel. Do you not believe in knowledge and education?
I believe what my common sense and eyes tell me. Those two things have never let me down. "Experts" have.

But some show on the History Channel has to be true, right? lol
It's the forensic anthropoligist who is probably right.
It is based on the people of the time and place where he lived. There is an extensive documentary on how the model was developed, produced by The History Channel. Do you not believe in knowledge and education?
I believe what my common sense and eyes tell me. Those two things have never let me down. "Experts" have.

But some show on the History Channel has to be true, right? lol
It's the forensic anthropoligist who is probably right.

Actually they're constantly being proven wrong all the time, nor do they all ever agree on anything. You just like to cherry pick the ones who suit your ideological needs.

Nazis had anthropologists too.
Did he or did he not go into a jewish temple and tear it apart?

Is that something Black men do? I've never seen it.

It's on their list of things to do to conquer the world. :rolleyes:

You're bound to find all kinds of ethnic groups with Jewish DNA, due to some peculiarities of Jewish laws and religious customs involving the conversions of slaves and war captives during the ancient eras. Completely unlike brutal pagan cultures, Jews didn't just murder slaves when they were no longer useful, and slavery wasn't permanent for Jewish captives.
The Lemba's oral traditions do not include references to slavery. Their recollections center on origins in what is now Yemen.
There is without a doubt, proof Jesus was a black man

Did he or did he not go into a jewish temple and tear it apart?

Didn't every single place he went, did or did they not follow him around everywhere he went...talking about white people? Yes?

Was he or was he not then accused of a crime, he did not commit? Had a trial without proper representation jailed and then executed?

In short, Jesus went through the same shit, negro men today go through, yes?

Jews weren't and aren't black. Sorry.
You don't know much about you Jews do you?
Jews can be of any so-called race. after the Diaspora Jews who settled in Europe became the Ashkenazi Jews and generally look as European as Kirk Douglasor Einstein. Sephardic Jews are said to have settled in Spain, North Africa, and the Mediterranean..
Then there are the Black Israelites of Ethiopia
Who call themselves Beta Israel. But they deny being Jews and say theirs was the tribe of Dan. But Black Jews did exist throughout North Africa and the middle east and have been a presence there since before the dawn of history. If biblical historical accounts are true...Ham is the progenitor of the Black race.
and all the eponymous nations named as his progeny would have been Black..nations...including Mizraim or Egypt and Caanan.
In that black milieu which was spread so wide, Black Judaens surely were present.
There are a very few black Jews such as Ethiopians etc. but the vast overwhelming majority have not and never been black. Including even all the Middle eastern Jews who are supposedly direct descendants of the ancient Jews that fled the destructions of the first and second Temples, which would be very close relatives of Jesus.
Have you ever seen pictures of Colin Kaepernick? He is Black. It isn't a coincidence that your stereotypical Sephardic Jews and middle easterners look just like him. Blackness may be denied there but the physiognomy can NOT be denied.

OJ Simpson isn't black. He said so on Saturday Night Live a long time ago.
There is no black or white race...both are social constructs...
Did he or did he not go into a jewish temple and tear it apart?

Is that something Black men do? I've never seen it.

It's on their list of things to do to conquer the world. :rolleyes:

You're bound to find all kinds of ethnic groups with Jewish DNA, due to some peculiarities of Jewish laws and religious customs involving the conversions of slaves and war captives during the ancient eras. Completely unlike brutal pagan cultures, Jews didn't just murder slaves when they were no longer useful, and slavery wasn't permanent for Jewish captives.
The Lemba's oral traditions do not include references to slavery. Their recollections center on origins in what is now Yemen.

So what?
Jews weren't and aren't black. Sorry.
You don't know much about you Jews do you?
Jews can be of any so-called race. after the Diaspora Jews who settled in Europe became the Ashkenazi Jews and generally look as European as Kirk Douglasor Einstein. Sephardic Jews are said to have settled in Spain, North Africa, and the Mediterranean..
Then there are the Black Israelites of Ethiopia
Who call themselves Beta Israel. But they deny being Jews and say theirs was the tribe of Dan. But Black Jews did exist throughout North Africa and the middle east and have been a presence there since before the dawn of history. If biblical historical accounts are true...Ham is the progenitor of the Black race.
and all the eponymous nations named as his progeny would have been Black..nations...including Mizraim or Egypt and Caanan.
In that black milieu which was spread so wide, Black Judaens surely were present.
There are a very few black Jews such as Ethiopians etc. but the vast overwhelming majority have not and never been black. Including even all the Middle eastern Jews who are supposedly direct descendants of the ancient Jews that fled the destructions of the first and second Temples, which would be very close relatives of Jesus.
Have you ever seen pictures of Colin Kaepernick? He is Black. It isn't a coincidence that your stereotypical Sephardic Jews and middle easterners look just like him. Blackness may be denied there but the physiognomy can NOT be denied.

OJ Simpson isn't black. He said so on Saturday Night Live a long time ago.
There is no black or white race...both are social constructs...

Then no need to whine about Jesus being white then. I already know that; tell it to your racist friends.
It is based on the people of the time and place where he lived. There is an extensive documentary on how the model was developed, produced by The History Channel. Do you not believe in knowledge and education?
I believe what my common sense and eyes tell me. Those two things have never let me down. "Experts" have.
Well, what is it that you want to belive about this issue?
For years i was convinced that God, Jesus and everone in the bible was Caucasian or pink skinned. I believed what I read and was told... Pictures of a Caucasian Jesus peered down upon dark congregations in every church i visited.. The subliminal impact engendered the notion that God is a European
and thus Europeans were somehow connected to that Divinity while darker races were not. It wasn't until I went abroad and discovered the true history of the Jews that my lifelong views of God and the heavenly pantheon changed.. I discovered statues of Black Madonnas and child all over Europe.
The explanations given usually included weathering and patina but that excuse fell apart when some of those figurines were enclosed in glass cases or were located inside. Research on these objects led me to
Discover Black Jews. With that discovery...i started to read the bible with a new perspective.. slowly the religious inculcations that drove the illusion of divine whiteness dissipated... and I was reborn in the light of the sublime revelation that Black history was hidden and preserved in the bible; and, that
despite all effotrs by pink historians to distort it and usurp it..they could not.
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Did he or did he not go into a jewish temple and tear it apart?

Is that something Black men do? I've never seen it.

It's on their list of things to do to conquer the world. :rolleyes:

You're bound to find all kinds of ethnic groups with Jewish DNA, due to some peculiarities of Jewish laws and religious customs involving the conversions of slaves and war captives during the ancient eras. Completely unlike brutal pagan cultures, Jews didn't just murder slaves when they were no longer useful, and slavery wasn't permanent for Jewish captives.
The Lemba's oral traditions do not include references to slavery. Their recollections center on origins in what is now Yemen.

So what?
You have to figure "so what" out for your self
My goal was to establish that Blacks spread out of continental Africa thousands of years ago and have never been confined to the interior.
It is based on the people of the time and place where he lived. There is an extensive documentary on how the model was developed, produced by The History Channel. Do you not believe in knowledge and education?
I believe what my common sense and eyes tell me. Those two things have never let me down. "Experts" have.

But some show on the History Channel has to be true, right? lol
It's the forensic anthropoligist who is probably right.
But the model created could be Kaepernick's father or older brother.
Jews weren't and aren't black. Sorry.
You don't know much about you Jews do you?
Jews can be of any so-called race. after the Diaspora Jews who settled in Europe became the Ashkenazi Jews and generally look as European as Kirk Douglasor Einstein. Sephardic Jews are said to have settled in Spain, North Africa, and the Mediterranean..
Then there are the Black Israelites of Ethiopia
Who call themselves Beta Israel. But they deny being Jews and say theirs was the tribe of Dan. But Black Jews did exist throughout North Africa and the middle east and have been a presence there since before the dawn of history. If biblical historical accounts are true...Ham is the progenitor of the Black race.
and all the eponymous nations named as his progeny would have been Black..nations...including Mizraim or Egypt and Caanan.
In that black milieu which was spread so wide, Black Judaens surely were present.
There are a very few black Jews such as Ethiopians etc. but the vast overwhelming majority have not and never been black. Including even all the Middle eastern Jews who are supposedly direct descendants of the ancient Jews that fled the destructions of the first and second Temples, which would be very close relatives of Jesus.

In the Jesus era, there were a lot of Gentile converts running around as well, don't have any idea how many, but they would likely have mostly been Greek and Persian, according to some historians; the 'Decapolis' cities were to the east and north of Jerusalem, iirc. But, according to the NT, his genealogy would have made him of the old blood lines, so it's a moot point.
The old blood lines can back go no further than that of His mother's. If God was His Father surely part of Jesus was God incarnate. But the human side would have
Invariably made him at least part black. After all, God would not have chosen a woman with recessive genes to mate with. Since the only true humans on earth are unmixed Blacks
...made in the image of God....Jesus must have been Black too.

lol what rubbish. Of course, being largely illiterate, you wouldn't be aware nobody is buying the old 'everybody came out of Africa' myth any more; too many finds in the last 30 years disprove that nonsense. Nobody who has a clue as to what real science is thinks evolution is a 'proven fact', either; they know it's just a hypothesis with no chain of evidence establishing it as fact. You're just ignorant.
You haven't proven my "ignorance." Just saying so isn't proof of anything except your
Butthurt frustration with my hard hitting facts.

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