Proof Jesus was black......

You don't see Europeans here claiming he looked like them, you see whining black racists and whitey bashers sniveling and trying to assume some moral authority based on nonsense.
You see paintings and depictions of him all over the world, and they are almost exclusively of a blue eyed blond, long haired, straight haired, narrow nosed man. It is a lie.

Nope. You see those depictions because they're far more representative of what Christians look like in Europe, where Christianity was dominant and actually practiced by enough people to make a huge difference. Since there were no eyewitness descriptions of him, they were free to think what they wanted to. And, it's a lie he was exclusively portrayed as a 'blue eyed blonde Aryan ideal' as well; that's just your own neuroses at work. that ideal wasn't even remotely what most Europeans looked like, either, so you can't even claim they were making him look like themselves in your fantasy narrative. I've never seen a picture of him with blonde hair and blue eyes in my entire life, so obviously you're just imagining that based on your own racist biases.
I have been through all of the major art museums in Western Europe and he is depicted, for the very most part, as a blue eyed blond with long hair and a thin nose. I have also traveled in the Middle East, Africa and Asia and he mostly depicted there also as a blue eyed blond. Your ideas are based on not knowing the reality.

My 'ideas' are based on seeing thousands of pictures of him, and none have him as some blue-eyed blonde. You're just delusional and probably schizophrenic.

Yep, none, not even one. You just read that nonsense somewhere and thought it sounded good, is all.
You see paintings and depictions of him all over the world, and they are almost exclusively of a blue eyed blond, long haired, straight haired, narrow nosed man. It is a lie.

Nope. You see those depictions because they're far more representative of what Christians look like in Europe, where Christianity was dominant and actually practiced by enough people to make a huge difference. Since there were no eyewitness descriptions of him, they were free to think what they wanted to. And, it's a lie he was exclusively portrayed as a 'blue eyed blonde Aryan ideal' as well; that's just your own neuroses at work. that ideal wasn't even remotely what most Europeans looked like, either, so you can't even claim they were making him look like themselves in your fantasy narrative. I've never seen a picture of him with blonde hair and blue eyes in my entire life, so obviously you're just imagining that based on your own racist biases.
I have been through all of the major art museums in Western Europe and he is depicted, for the very most part, as a blue eyed blond with long hair and a thin nose. I have also traveled in the Middle East, Africa and Asia and he mostly depicted there also as a blue eyed blond. Your ideas are based on not knowing the reality.

My 'ideas' are based on seeing thousands of pictures of him, and none have him as some blue-eyed blonde. You're just delusional and probably schizophrenic.

Yep, none, not even one. You just read that nonsense somewhere and thought it sounded good, is all.
Like I said, I have traveled to over 40 countries. One of my priorties in traveling is going to art museums. Jesus is depicted in tons of Christian art. He is almost always blond (as opposed to black or dark brown hair, though not necessarily Pamela Anderson blond), white skinned, blue eyed, straight haired, long haired and with a narrow nose. That is the fact. I don't need to imagine anything: I've seen it first hand. I've also been to many of the major cathedrals across Western Europe. If there are depictions of him, it is as a white skinned, blue eyed blond.
No one who is a 'real Christian' should care what color he was, but it is wrong to deny historical fact. As well, the image of a blond, blue eyed, narrow nosed Jesus suggests some kind of superiority for the Europeans. The fact is he was neither black nor white. Facts, truth are important to everyone, or should be.

If you read the article I posted, you will note it also talks about how he would have dressed and worn his hair. Historical fact: some people like to have knowledge rather than be ignorant.

that's exactly my point. if someone is hung up on ethnicity or color (those who WANT Jesus to look European) I have to question their motives... unless, like you say, they just are ignorant to the fact of what people looked like there and then....

You don't see Europeans here claiming he looked like them, you see whining black racists and whitey bashers sniveling and trying to assume some moral authority based on nonsense.
You see paintings and depictions of him all over the world, and they are almost exclusively of a blue eyed blond, long haired, straight haired, narrow nosed man. It is a lie.

Nope. You see those depictions because they're far more representative of what Christians look like in Europe, where Christianity was dominant and actually practiced by enough people to make a huge difference. Since there were no eyewitness descriptions of him, they were free to think what they wanted to. And, it's a lie he was exclusively portrayed as a 'blue eyed blonde Aryan ideal' as well; that's just your own neuroses at work. that ideal wasn't even remotely what most Europeans looked like, either, so you can't even claim they were making him look like themselves in your fantasy narrative. I've never seen a picture of him with blonde hair and blue eyes in my entire life, so obviously you're just imagining that based on your own racist biases.
I have been through all of the major art museums in Western Europe and he is depicted, for the very most part, as a blue eyed blond with long hair and a thin nose. I have also traveled in the Middle East, Africa and Asia and he mostly depicted there also as a blue eyed blond. Your ideas are based on not knowing the reality.

In order to sell Christianity to Europeans, Jesus had to be presented as European.
You weren't going to get Pagans to convert to Christianity to worship a dark skinned Jesus

Later, when trying to sell Christianity to Africa and South America, a whites skinned Jesus that looked like the people who were subjugating you was an effective tool. God looks just like us
Nobody questions that Jesus was black
Maybe he was a white Mexican

Looks Mexican to me
Let’s build a wall and keep him out
Trump is working on it. Better than those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?


Trump lost interest in the stupid wall the moment he was elected
Nope they are working on it, while you spew your hatred of our great president. He is making America great again, by erasing Obama's legacy.
Why would any Christian care what color Jesus' skin was?
No one who is a 'real Christian' should care what color he was, but it is wrong to deny historical fact. As well, the image of a blond, blue eyed, narrow nosed Jesus suggests some kind of superiority for the Europeans. The fact is he was neither black nor white. Facts, truth are important to everyone, or should be.

If you read the article I posted, you will note it also talks about how he would have dressed and worn his hair. Historical fact: some people like to have knowledge rather than be ignorant.

that's exactly my point. if someone is hung up on ethnicity or color (those who WANT Jesus to look European) I have to question their motives... unless, like you say, they just are ignorant to the fact of what people looked like there and then....
I think for the most part they are ignorant.
Nope. You see those depictions because they're far more representative of what Christians look like in Europe, where Christianity was dominant and actually practiced by enough people to make a huge difference. Since there were no eyewitness descriptions of him, they were free to think what they wanted to. And, it's a lie he was exclusively portrayed as a 'blue eyed blonde Aryan ideal' as well; that's just your own neuroses at work. that ideal wasn't even remotely what most Europeans looked like, either, so you can't even claim they were making him look like themselves in your fantasy narrative. I've never seen a picture of him with blonde hair and blue eyes in my entire life, so obviously you're just imagining that based on your own racist biases.
I have been through all of the major art museums in Western Europe and he is depicted, for the very most part, as a blue eyed blond with long hair and a thin nose. I have also traveled in the Middle East, Africa and Asia and he mostly depicted there also as a blue eyed blond. Your ideas are based on not knowing the reality.

My 'ideas' are based on seeing thousands of pictures of him, and none have him as some blue-eyed blonde. You're just delusional and probably schizophrenic.

Yep, none, not even one. You just read that nonsense somewhere and thought it sounded good, is all.
Like I said, I have traveled to over 40 countries. One of my priorties in traveling is going to art museums. Jesus is depicted in tons of Christian art. He is almost always blond (as opposed to black or dark brown hair, though not necessarily Pamela Anderson blond), white skinned, blue eyed, straight haired, long haired and with a narrow nose. That is the fact. I don't need to imagine anything: I've seen it first hand. I've also been to many of the major cathedrals across Western Europe. If there are depictions of him, it is as a white skinned, blue eyed blond.

lol you just see what you want to see, period. You haven't seen squat, and flipping through pages of National Geographic at the asylum doesn't constitute 'travel'.
Nobody questions that Jesus was black
Maybe he was a white Mexican

Looks Mexican to me
Let’s build a wall and keep him out
Trump is working on it. Better than those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?


Trump lost interest in the stupid wall the moment he was elected
Nope they are working on it, while you spew your hatred of our great president. He is making America great again, by erasing Obama's legacy.
Well, it was great already, and what he is doing is analogous to dropping an atomic bomb on the country.
that's exactly my point. if someone is hung up on ethnicity or color (those who WANT Jesus to look European) I have to question their motives... unless, like you say, they just are ignorant to the fact of what people looked like there and then....

You don't see Europeans here claiming he looked like them, you see whining black racists and whitey bashers sniveling and trying to assume some moral authority based on nonsense.
You see paintings and depictions of him all over the world, and they are almost exclusively of a blue eyed blond, long haired, straight haired, narrow nosed man. It is a lie.

Nope. You see those depictions because they're far more representative of what Christians look like in Europe, where Christianity was dominant and actually practiced by enough people to make a huge difference. Since there were no eyewitness descriptions of him, they were free to think what they wanted to. And, it's a lie he was exclusively portrayed as a 'blue eyed blonde Aryan ideal' as well; that's just your own neuroses at work. that ideal wasn't even remotely what most Europeans looked like, either, so you can't even claim they were making him look like themselves in your fantasy narrative. I've never seen a picture of him with blonde hair and blue eyes in my entire life, so obviously you're just imagining that based on your own racist biases.
I have been through all of the major art museums in Western Europe and he is depicted, for the very most part, as a blue eyed blond with long hair and a thin nose. I have also traveled in the Middle East, Africa and Asia and he mostly depicted there also as a blue eyed blond. Your ideas are based on not knowing the reality.

In order to sell Christianity to Europeans, Jesus had to be presented as European.
You weren't going to get Pagans to convert to Christianity to worship a dark skinned Jesus

Later, when trying to sell Christianity to Africa and South America, a whites skinned Jesus that looked like the people who were subjugating you was an effective tool. God looks just like us

lol yeah, dose Evul Xians, far worse than Islamo-Nazi slave traders and assorted bongo beating bug worshippers and the like, for sure, especially that Shaka Zulu guy, hero fo Africa, and his fun pastime of shoving sharpened tree trunks up African anuses and standing them up along the roads to die slow agonizing deaths. Definitely the Antifa's kind of 'Resistance Fighter'.
Maybe he was a white Mexican

Looks Mexican to me
Let’s build a wall and keep him out
Trump is working on it. Better than those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?


Trump lost interest in the stupid wall the moment he was elected
Nope they are working on it, while you spew your hatred of our great president. He is making America great again, by erasing Obama's legacy.
Well, it was great already, and what he is doing is analogous to dropping an atomic bomb on the country.
Trump is a great president, something we haven't had in a while.
If you're concerned whether Jesus was white or black then his message is lost on you.

/end thread
Fang, dear I was trying to be this polarized Trump me at the end of the day, I could care less what color my lord and savior is, as long as I get to meet the guy and not his down stairs next door neighbor, Trump the devil!!
Looks Mexican to me
Let’s build a wall and keep him out
Trump is working on it. Better than those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?


Trump lost interest in the stupid wall the moment he was elected
Nope they are working on it, while you spew your hatred of our great president. He is making America great again, by erasing Obama's legacy.
Well, it was great already, and what he is doing is analogous to dropping an atomic bomb on the country.
Trump is a great president, something we haven't had in a while.
Trump is a grape president....the little purple p***s beater!!
Nobody questions that Jesus was black
Maybe he was a white Mexican

Looks Mexican to me
Let’s build a wall and keep him out
Trump is working on it. Better than those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?


Trump lost interest in the stupid wall the moment he was elected
Nope they are working on it, while you spew your hatred of our great president. He is making America great again, by erasing Obama's legacy.

Where is my freak'n wall?

Working on it?
Hasn't even been funded. We know Mexico isn't paying for it
You don't see Europeans here claiming he looked like them, you see whining black racists and whitey bashers sniveling and trying to assume some moral authority based on nonsense.
You see paintings and depictions of him all over the world, and they are almost exclusively of a blue eyed blond, long haired, straight haired, narrow nosed man. It is a lie.

Nope. You see those depictions because they're far more representative of what Christians look like in Europe, where Christianity was dominant and actually practiced by enough people to make a huge difference. Since there were no eyewitness descriptions of him, they were free to think what they wanted to. And, it's a lie he was exclusively portrayed as a 'blue eyed blonde Aryan ideal' as well; that's just your own neuroses at work. that ideal wasn't even remotely what most Europeans looked like, either, so you can't even claim they were making him look like themselves in your fantasy narrative. I've never seen a picture of him with blonde hair and blue eyes in my entire life, so obviously you're just imagining that based on your own racist biases.
I have been through all of the major art museums in Western Europe and he is depicted, for the very most part, as a blue eyed blond with long hair and a thin nose. I have also traveled in the Middle East, Africa and Asia and he mostly depicted there also as a blue eyed blond. Your ideas are based on not knowing the reality.

In order to sell Christianity to Europeans, Jesus had to be presented as European.
You weren't going to get Pagans to convert to Christianity to worship a dark skinned Jesus

Later, when trying to sell Christianity to Africa and South America, a whites skinned Jesus that looked like the people who were subjugating you was an effective tool. God looks just like us

lol yeah, dose Evul Xians, far worse than Islamo-Nazi slave traders and assorted bongo beating bug worshippers and the like, for sure, especially that Shaka Zulu guy, hero fo Africa, and his fun pastime of shoving sharpened tree trunks up African anuses and standing them up along the roads to die slow agonizing deaths. Definitely the Antifa's kind of 'Resistance Fighter'.

Not my problem if you worship a dark skinned Jesus
Trump is working on it. Better than those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?


Trump lost interest in the stupid wall the moment he was elected
Nope they are working on it, while you spew your hatred of our great president. He is making America great again, by erasing Obama's legacy.
Well, it was great already, and what he is doing is analogous to dropping an atomic bomb on the country.
Trump is a great president, something we haven't had in a while.
Trump is a grape president....the little purple p***s beater!!
He kept Hillary out of the white house great man!
Maybe he was a white Mexican

Looks Mexican to me
Let’s build a wall and keep him out
Trump is working on it. Better than those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?


Trump lost interest in the stupid wall the moment he was elected
Nope they are working on it, while you spew your hatred of our great president. He is making America great again, by erasing Obama's legacy.

Where is my freak'n wall?

Working on it?
Hasn't even been funded. We know Mexico isn't paying for it
Read other than talking points. They are deciding on which wall to build. There are several prototypes.
There is without a doubt, proof Jesus was a black man

Did he or did he not go into a jewish temple and tear it apart?

Didn't every single place he went, did or did they not follow him around everywhere he went...talking about white people? Yes?

Was he or was he not then accused of a crime, he did not commit? Had a trial without proper representation jailed and then executed?

In short, Jesus went through the same shit, negro men today go through, yes?

Jews weren't and aren't black. Sorry.
You don't know much about you Jews do you?
Jews can be of any so-called race. after the Diaspora Jews who settled in Europe became the Ashkenazi Jews and generally look as European as Kirk Douglasor Einstein. Sephardic Jews are said to have settled in Spain, North Africa, and the Mediterranean..
Then there are the Black Israelites of Ethiopia
Who call themselves Beta Israel. But they deny being Jews and say theirs was the tribe of Dan. But Black Jews did exist throughout North Africa and the middle east and have been a presence there since before the dawn of history. If biblical historical accounts are true...Ham is the progenitor of the Black race.
and all the eponymous nations named as his progeny would have been Black..nations...including Mizraim or Egypt and Caanan.
In that black milieu which was spread so wide, Black Judaens surely were present.
There are a very few black Jews such as Ethiopians etc. but the vast overwhelming majority have not and never been black. Including even all the Middle eastern Jews who are supposedly direct descendants of the ancient Jews that fled the destructions of the first and second Temples, which would be very close relatives of Jesus.
Looks Mexican to me
Let’s build a wall and keep him out
Trump is working on it. Better than those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?


Trump lost interest in the stupid wall the moment he was elected
Nope they are working on it, while you spew your hatred of our great president. He is making America great again, by erasing Obama's legacy.
Well, it was great already, and what he is doing is analogous to dropping an atomic bomb on the country.
Trump is a great president, something we haven't had in a while.

Definitely the first that is an American patriot in a long while, something that horrifies the deviants and racists no end.
Looks Mexican to me
Let’s build a wall and keep him out
Trump is working on it. Better than those shovel ready jobs Obama promised?


Trump lost interest in the stupid wall the moment he was elected
Nope they are working on it, while you spew your hatred of our great president. He is making America great again, by erasing Obama's legacy.

Where is my freak'n wall?

Working on it?
Hasn't even been funded. We know Mexico isn't paying for it
Read other than talking points. They are deciding on which wall to build. There are several prototypes.

We are talking the wall with MEXICO

Trump said it would start on DAY 1

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