Proof now the public was scammed-NBC CONDUCTS INTERNAL INVESTIGATION into zimmerman

One of the top stories.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I gave all benefit of the doubt,and now proof from the truth of the matter is coming out.
NBC is currently internally investigating a misrepresentation of 911 transcript between zimmerman and dispatch.

TODAY show reported initially that zimmerman told the dispatcher that "hes suspicious,hes black"

The TRUTH of the matter is that he said to dispatch,after real transcripts were obtained,he said,"i dunno who he is.dont know if hes on drugs or what,hes walking strangely."

Then,according to REAL TRANSCRIPTS,the dispatcher asked,"was he white,hispanic,or black?"

Only,upon responding to the dispatchers request did he mention the word"black".
what a fucking scam....
a sinking leftist political ship egregiously paying off and using the media for its own will.

The left is a flailing carcass...if we cannot stick a fork in it,put it out of its.misery,then we are a stupid nation.
now im starting to smell a real conjob,and those responsible should be held accountable and prosecuted.
it is a criminal investigation.
this guy MAY,AND I SAY,MAY have defended himself.

Why are you claiming the public is being scammed? Most people don't watch the Today show,
but now that there's an investigation, more people will be made aware of the actual transcript.

Quite a few posters on this board used NBC's edited transcript as evidence against Zimmerman.
Quoting the Washington Post I see? That is part of the alleged corporate, "liberal" media..................

Being fair and balanced and impartial as usual I see? Formed your lynch mob yet?

That is ridiculous and unfair... if you check Peach's posts, you'll find that she has been very balanced and neutral on the topic.

I have advocated only an independent investigation, thus far. It could be the Sanford police did not have the resources, AND Wolfinger was in the middle OF investigating.
One of the top stories.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I gave all benefit of the doubt,and now proof from the truth of the matter is coming out.
NBC is currently internally investigating a misrepresentation of 911 transcript between zimmerman and dispatch.

TODAY show reported initially that zimmerman told the dispatcher that "hes suspicious,hes black"

The TRUTH of the matter is that he said to dispatch,after real transcripts were obtained,he said,"i dunno who he is.dont know if hes on drugs or what,hes walking strangely."

Then,according to REAL TRANSCRIPTS,the dispatcher asked,"was he white,hispanic,or black?"

Only,upon responding to the dispatchers request did he mention the word"black".
what a fucking scam....
a sinking leftist political ship egregiously paying off and using the media for its own will.

The left is a flailing carcass...if we cannot stick a fork in it,put it out of its.misery,then we are a stupid nation.
now im starting to smell a real conjob,and those responsible should be held accountable and prosecuted.
it is a criminal investigation.
this guy MAY,AND I SAY,MAY have defended himself.

Why are you claiming the public is being scammed? Most people don't watch the Today show,
but now that there's an investigation, more people will be made aware of the actual transcript.

Quite a few posters on this board used NBC's edited transcript as evidence against Zimmerman.

One of the top stories.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I gave all benefit of the doubt,and now proof from the truth of the matter is coming out.
NBC is currently internally investigating a misrepresentation of 911 transcript between zimmerman and dispatch.

TODAY show reported initially that zimmerman told the dispatcher that "hes suspicious,hes black"

The TRUTH of the matter is that he said to dispatch,after real transcripts were obtained,he said,"i dunno who he is.dont know if hes on drugs or what,hes walking strangely."

Then,according to REAL TRANSCRIPTS,the dispatcher asked,"was he white,hispanic,or black?"

Only,upon responding to the dispatchers request did he mention the word"black".
what a fucking scam....
a sinking leftist political ship egregiously paying off and using the media for its own will.

The left is a flailing carcass...if we cannot stick a fork in it,put it out of its.misery,then we are a stupid nation.
now im starting to smell a real conjob,and those responsible should be held accountable and prosecuted.
it is a criminal investigation.
this guy MAY,AND I SAY,MAY have defended himself.

Why are you claiming the public is being scammed? Most people don't watch the Today show,
but now that there's an investigation, more people will be made aware of the actual transcript.

They have plenty of viewers. If they didn't they wouldn't be on the air. Those viewers have been misled. But since its Obamas puppet station you must deflect.
Doesn't anyone remember when MSNBC was screeching about the "racist teabaggers" and showed a man in a blue shit with a rifle across his back? remember that? what they did not show you was that the gentleman was a black man. and now you trust anything they report to ewe? why is that exactly?

Doesn't anyone remember when MSNBC was screeching about the "racist teabaggers" and showed a man in a blue shit with a rifle across his back? remember that? what they did not show you was that the gentleman was a black man. and now you trust anything they report to ewe? why is that exactly?


I totally remember!
Doesn't anyone remember when MSNBC was screeching about the "racist teabaggers" and showed a man in a blue shit with a rifle across his back? remember that? what they did not show you was that the gentleman was a black man. and now you trust anything they report to ewe? why is that exactly?


Yep. Once can be put down to bad journalism... two... and we start to see a pattern of inflamatory, biased, deliberate manipulation.
What does the Washington Post reporting the story have to do with the editorializing of facts by NBC? Is it bad to have to with their, NBC's, apparent malfeasance reported upon?

Seriously, please answer to that?

I've read repeated references as to all large media outlets being part of the "liberal MSM". I see competing corporations myself.

Again, what does that have to do with what NBC allegedly did? They are accused of editorializing the facts- it must have been due to create a false impression- why else?

The Post is pretty neutral as papers go-

The idea that the majority of Main Stream Media, such as NBC lean liberal is not a new idea or one not easily proven.

Thank you, I like the Post, don't care much for NBC; I prefer CNN.
GE/NBC is a disgrace. Nothing would surprise me with them. They're hoping & praying for those riots to begin. Them and CNN absolutely live for 24/7 Race-Baiting. This is their Rodney King Redux. And they're gonna milk it for all it's worth. It is what it is.
Please,i beg,peach,be objective...its a SCAM!!!!AND AS WE GAIN MORE FACTS,the scam is uncovered.
GE/NBC is a disgrace. Nothing would surprise me with them. They're hoping & praying for those riots to begin. Them and CNN absolutely live for 24/7 Race-Baiting. This is their Rodney King Redux. And they're gonna milk it for all it's worth. It is what it is.

O'Reilly, whom I have my 'pinheaded differences' with...calls them out...

O'Reilly: NBC, Media Inciting Racial Violence

“Oprah is usually responsible and fair in her assessment and while you may not agree with her politics, her intentions are mostly good. But not on this one. The Florida special prosecutor is investigating this case and knows far more about it than Oprah or any other TV analyst who are demanding so-called justice.”

O’Reilly said Florida authorities will determine what happened, and take the appropriate legal action. “That could mean arrest and prosecution, or not. I don’t believe anybody’s corrupt here. When it comes to the pundits, I’m angry about the rush to judgment.”

But while he’s angry at the media, O’Reilly says Trayvon’s parents “should be cut some slack” and that they’re entitled to say what they believe.

Trayvon’s dad, Tracy Martin, pointed to racial profiling.

“I do know that my son was racially profiled,” Martin said, also in an interview recorded earlier. “I know that and the whole world knows that.”

O’Reilly said he respects Martin’s opinion and “the circumstantial evidence does point to racial profiling by Mr. Zimmerman, but that is not — not — a proven fact.

O'Reilly sounds reasonable.
Please,i beg,peach,be objective...its a SCAM!!!!AND AS WE GAIN MORE FACTS,the scam is uncovered.

I see the SCAM as media outlets tripping our one another for RATINGS. I am NOT calling for Zimmerman's head by the way.
Doesn't anyone remember when MSNBC was screeching about the "racist teabaggers" and showed a man in a blue shit with a rifle across his back? remember that? what they did not show you was that the gentleman was a black man. and now you trust anything they report to ewe? why is that exactly?

Oh yeah I remember that one what about a more recent one when Ed Schultz of the same MSNBC took a line from a Rick Perry speech about this dark cloud hanging over the country and tried to claim it was a racist swipe about Obama. Only problem was the dark cloud he was talking about was the debt which was reveled in the next sentence of the speech but somehow that got edited out.
One of the top stories.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I gave all benefit of the doubt,and now proof from the truth of the matter is coming out.
NBC is currently internally investigating a misrepresentation of 911 transcript between zimmerman and dispatch.

TODAY show reported initially that zimmerman told the dispatcher that "hes suspicious,hes black"

The TRUTH of the matter is that he said to dispatch,after real transcripts were obtained,he said,"i dunno who he is.dont know if hes on drugs or what,hes walking strangely."

Then,according to REAL TRANSCRIPTS,the dispatcher asked,"was he white,hispanic,or black?"

Only,upon responding to the dispatchers request did he mention the word"black".
what a fucking scam....
a sinking leftist political ship egregiously paying off and using the media for its own will.

The left is a flailing carcass...if we cannot stick a fork in it,put it out of its.misery,then we are a stupid nation.
now im starting to smell a real conjob,and those responsible should be held accountable and prosecuted.
it is a criminal investigation.
this guy MAY,AND I SAY,MAY have defended himself.

Why are you claiming the public is being scammed? Most people don't watch the Today show,
but now that there's an investigation, more people will be made aware of the actual transcript.

Quite a few posters on this board used NBC's edited transcript as evidence against Zimmerman.

So? Do you wish to engage in a contest of who can cite the most posts based on misinformation, or lack of information, in this case,

and see how many were in support of Trayvon, and how many were in support of Zimmerman?

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