Proof-of-citizenship voting bill push could threaten government shutdown

People can't commit murder BY LAW.

People can't make and use methamphetamine BY LAW.

People can't commit rape BY LAW.

Does that mean people don't do those things?
Sure, they do. Just like a few illegals try to vote. I don't see the house though adding amendments to the budget in order to reiterate murder, rape and drug production are illegal.
Given Democrats' violent opposition to election security, it's obvious they're planning to cheat.
Democrats aren't opposing election security. They're opposing the Republican mission to try to delegitimize the election results by casting doubt on its fairness. Like adding amendments to the budget for something that's already a crime in an attempt to support the claim that it happens at scale.
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Democrats aren't opposing election security.
Well, that's simply not true.
They're opposing the Republican mission to try to delegitimize the election results by casting doubt on its fairness. Like adding amendments to the budget for something that's already a crime in an attempt to support the claim that it happens at scale.
I don't give a shit if it happens only once. That one illegal vote disenfranchises a United State's citizen's vote.

You're okay with that? Why?
Don't you think it'd be a good idea to verify citizenship upon voter registration? Because that doesn't happen everywhere. So that would definitely help election security.
It will also defeat the Democratic party who specializes in selling the lowest common denominator at each opportunity.
Well, that's simply not true.

I don't give a shit if it happens only once. That one illegal vote disenfranchises a United State's citizen's vote.

You're okay with that? Why?
I'm impressed with your concern about the disenfranchisement of United States Citizens.

So, you don't support the position of Trump stating that the Vice-President can ignore the certified election results in favor of his opinion, right? That's disenfranchising the entire country. And I'm sure you think forging the electoral college votes from entire States is a crime worthy of serious punishment? That's disenfranchising entire States.

You ok with that? Or is your concern limited to single votes alone?

As for me being ok with illegal votes. No, I'm not. That's why I support punishing those who do. What I'm not OK with is demanding every vote is a legal vote, (something that's nearly impossible to do in the first place, no matter how many safety measures you take) at the expense of putting so many roadblocks up for voting that a considerable amount of people who are allowed to vote can't or won't want to go through all the trouble.

Voting needs to be secure, and as convenient as possible to ensure that all who want to can.
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I'm impressed with your concern about the disenfranchisement of United States Citizens.

So, you don't support the position of Trump stating that the Vice-President can ignore the certified election results in favor of his opinion, right? That's disenfranchising the entire country. And I'm sure you think forging the electoral college votes from entire States is a crime worthy of serious punishment? That's disenfranchising entire States.

You ok with that? Or is your concern limited to single votes alone?

As for me being ok with illegal votes. No, I'm not. That's why I support punishing those who do. What I'm not OK with is demanding every vote is a legal vote, (something that's nearly impossible to do in the first place, no matter how many safety measures you take) at the expense of putting so many roadblocks up for voting that a considerable amount of people who are allowed to vote can't or won't want to go through all the trouble.

Voting needs to be secure, and as convenient as possible to ensure that all who want to can.
Not at all impressed with leftist loons who are fine with something like 14 million primary votes for Ole' stumblebum being set aside so the Dems can anoint their preferred princess.
Not at all impressed with leftist loons who are fine with something like 14 million primary votes for Ole' stumblebum being set aside so the Dems can anoint their preferred princess.
Not at all impressed by people who think Democrats should simply not run anybody when "Ole' stumblebum" decides not to run for reelection.
Ole' Stumblebum didn't decide on his own not to run. He was pushed out.
He is the president of the United States. He can't be pushed out barring impeachment, or 25th amendment being invoked.

He decided not to run. He endorsed Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris was accepted as the Democratic nominee of the Democratic party by the party delegates of all states.

So, now explain how saying a VP can unilaterally reject the certified election results and forging electoral votes is OK.
I'm impressed with your concern about the disenfranchisement of United States Citizens.

So, you don't support the position of Trump stating that the Vice-President can ignore the certified election results in favor of his opinion, right? That's disenfranchising the entire country. And I'm sure you think forging the electoral college votes from entire States is a crime worthy of serious punishment? That's disenfranchising entire States.

You ok with that? Or is your concern limited to single votes alone?
Pence would have been correct to not certify until the allegations of cheating were investigated.

Democrats REALLY wouldn't have liked that. But only for one reason: It would have exposed them.
As for me being ok with illegal votes. No, I'm not. That's why I support punishing those who do. What I'm not OK with is demanding every vote is a legal vote, (something that's nearly impossible to do in the first place, no matter how many safety measures you take) at the expense of putting so many roadblocks up for voting that a considerable amount of people who are allowed to vote can't or won't want to go through all the trouble.

Voting needs to be secure, and as convenient as possible to ensure that all who want to can.

Voter ID Laws Are Patriotic. They Protect Black Americans | Opinion

Within 24 hours of Independence Day 2022, Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) announced its plan to sue Arizona for a state law that requires proof of American citizenship to vote in presidential elections.

You read that right: The DOJ is suing Arizona for making sure that people who aren't citizens of the United States don't vote in our elections.

Reasonable Americans may be surprised to learn that the cost of having noncitizens vote in our elections is controversial. Yet from New York City to parts of Maryland, California and elsewhere across America, liberals are attempting to let noncitizens steer our election results.

Hence the Arizona law. Yet adding insult to injury, Kristen Clarke, the assistant attorney general for the DOJ's civil rights division, called the Arizona law "a textbook violation" of the 1993 National Voter Registration Act.

The truth is the exact opposite: Not protecting our elections from non-citizens is what hurts the Black community. We have struggled for equal voting rights for as long as we have been American—only to have the Left invoke our fight in the name of extending what is rightfully ours to those who are not citizens.

Average Americans get this. Support for a voter ID requirement has increased from less than 70 percent of likely U.S. voters in 2018 to 90 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of Democrats in 2021. Americans across the board believe that an ID requirement maintains the integrity of our elections—and this includes Americans descended from slaves. In a survey by Monmouth University Polling Institute, well over 80 percent of non-white participants supported voter ID requirements; an ANES study found that this included 66 percent of Hispanic respondents, 56 percent of Black respondents, and 61 percent of those who did not self-identify as White, Hispanic, or Black.
A clear majority of ALL Americans support voter ID.

Democrats, as usual, don't give a shit about what Americans think.

And as for putting up road blocks for voting:

He is the president of the United States. He can't be pushed out barring impeachment, or 25th amendment being invoked.

He decided not to run. He endorsed Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris was accepted as the Democratic nominee of the Democratic party by the party delegates of all states.

So, now explain how saying a VP can unilaterally reject the certified election results and forging electoral votes is OK.
Hold on to your conspiracy that Biden decided on his own not to run. What a joke.

Harris never received a single primary vote. What a laughable joke.
nfbw 240910 Vpocvb00140

i. dvmn 240831 Staerp00265
ii. nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00761
iii. dvmn 240907 Staaerp00782
iv. nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00784
v. vvglvN 240824 Srvwgo12636
vi. nfbw 240824 Vrvwgo12638
vii. vvgkvN 240824 Srvwgo12639
viii. mvnkvyv 230824 MVPrvwgo12640
ix. nfbw 240908 Vrvwgo12641
x. dvmn 240909 Spocvb00138
xi. nfbw 240910 Vpocvb00140

i. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240831 {post•265 to 256} daveman Aug’24 Staerp: I am a Christian. dvmn 240831 Staerp00265

ii. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240907 {post•761}. NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp: No other person in the community can be harmed in any way when a woman terminates her fetus. nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00761

iii. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240907 {post•782 to 761}. daveman Sep’24 Staerp: Because two human beings go into an abortion clinic, and only one comes out. dvmn 240907 Staaerp00782

iv. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240907 {post•784 to 782}. NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp : Two questions for Saint_Daveman:
  1. When you Saint_Daveman see two “human beings” go into an abortion clinic do you see one “human being” going in or two?
  2. Is the one person you see going into an abortion clinic a Christian just like you?
nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00784

v. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240824 {post•12636}. eagle1462010 Aug’24 Srvwgo: When does a fetus become a living being? vvglvN 240824 Srvwgo12636

vi. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240824 {post•12638 to 12636}. NotfooledbyW Aug’24 Vrvwgo: Human life begins at conception which remains consistent with Judaism for six millennia having established doctrine wherein the sanctity of human life begins at birth. nfbw 240824 Vrvwgo12638

vii . Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240824 {post•12639 to 12638}. eagle 1462010 Aug’24 Srvwgo: Meaning you support late term abortion of healthy babies. vvgkvN 240824 Srvwgo12639

viii . Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240824 {post•12640 to 12639}. Monk-Eye Aug’24 MVPrvwgo: Why do the abortion anti-choice belittle and exemplify such little faith in the ethical principles of other individuals , whom are facing with cause abortion , to determine the meaning of healthy not only for the child but for the mother , while knowing full well that the behavioral motivation of individuals at such stages of development is to deliver a healthy child and not to option without cause abortion ? •¥• No doubt the abortion anti-choice will allude to a cult of degenerates claiming a want to make sacrifices of mortal suffering to satan , all while knowing that such events would be exceedingly unlikely and not available under law .•¥¥• The abortion anti-choice perception of healthy is a heart beat , irrespective of major congenital fetal abnormalities that comprise nearly 3% of all pregnancies . •¥¥¥•. The roe v wade decision stipulated that , at post natural viability , states could proscribe abortion in the 3rd trimester , but even that should include a consideration for developmental anomalies of health and wellness for quality of life . mvnkvyv 230824 MVPrvwgo12640

ix. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240824 {post•12641} NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vrvwgosaid: do (you) or do (you) not respect the ethical principles of other law abiding individuals nfbw 240908 Vrvwgo12641


x Proof-of-citizenship voting bill push could threaten government shutdown 240909 {post•138}. daveman Sep’24 Spocvbs: Pence would have been correct to not certify until the allegations of cheating were investigated. dvmn 240909 Spocvb00138

xi Proof-of-citizenship voting bill push could threaten government shutdown 240910 {post•140}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vpocvb: I would hope Saint_Daveman would explain the process and rules by which Mike Pence couid in fact not certify the 2020 election that he knew he had lost.

nfbw 240910 Vpocvb00140
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