Proof Of The Bible

how is the intrusion of a serpent found in the garden of eden even possible, other than it was an early form of ... christianity, before the journey even began. no wonder it led to the great flood.
All part of God's plan of "the restoration of all things".
Humans are great at finding things. If you search for the hidden teaching you will certainly find it. If you search for ET, Elvis, and Bigfoot you'll find them too.

Nonsense. The stories from the beginning are presented as instruction not history. A talking serpent should have been a dead giveaway that you should humble yourself like a child given a fairy tale to read and learn from.. The teaching is there buried and hidden as I have clearly shown.

With my own eyes I have even seen you slip something of great value into your pocket when you thought that no one was looking. Who do you think you are playing?

BTW, I never searched for elvises, bigfoot, or ET for that matter. ET found me and explained it all.

They have been cultivating the species for the past 750,000 years, the planet for even longer.
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The root word for serpent, in this case, is enchanter. Also (one who) learns by experience rather than revelation. If you call someone a "snake in the grass" because of some chicanery that doesn't make them an actual snake. Also, when Lucifer/Satan spoke to Eve it was upright. It didn't 'go on its belly' until God pronounced the curse on it later.
enchanter is not a term used in the Bible.

How do you know the snake was upright when it spoke to Eve? Nothing in the Bible provides that detail.

Why did the gods lie about A&E dying as a punishment for fruit theft?
Nonsense. The stories from the beginning are presented as instruction not history. A talking serpent should have been a dead giveaway that you should humble yourself like a child given a fairy tale to read and learn from.. The teaching is there buried and hidden as I have clearly shown.
You may have shown others but not me.

With my own eyes I have even seen you slip something of great value into your pocket when you thought that no one was looking. Who do you think you are playing?
A player?

BTW, I never searched for elvises, bigfoot, or ET for that matter. ET found me and explained it all.

They have been cultivating the species for at least 750,000 years.
They're doing a terrible job then. They being paid by the hour?
You may have shown others but not me.

A player?

They're doing a terrible job then. They being paid by the hour?

Alrighty then. Don't forget! You are supposed to be passing yourself off as being a rational thinker.

you are doing a lousy job. Obviously you are only here for shits and giggles. a real joker. ha ha. You blew your cover man! Very sloppy, very unprofessional, very interesting, but stupid.

So don't be surprised if you wake up some tomorrow in a daze with vague and disturbing memories of being restrained and probed by aliens. But don't worry. There is no such thing, right?
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enchanter is not a term used in the Bible.

How do you know the snake was upright when it spoke to Eve? Nothing in the Bible provides that detail.

Why did the gods lie about A&E dying as a punishment for fruit theft?

Don't even bother pretending to try and understand. You won't. As is written, "When naughty boys and girls stay on Pleasure Island for too long those donkey ears are there to stay for life."
(Pinocchio 3:14)

Can I get hee haw?
Alrighty then. Don't forget!! You are supposed to be passing yourself off as being rational...

you are doing a lousy job. Obviously you are only here for shits and giggles. a real joker. ha ha. You blew your cover man! Very sloppy, very unprofessional, very interesting, but stupid.

So don't be surprised if you wake up some tomorrow in a daze with vague and disturbing memories of being restrained and probed by aliens. But don't worry. There is no such thing, right?
We don't need aliens to be scared of, there are enough crazy humans to go around.
You're the one making up history here. Pharoah's empire was unaffected by any exodus.
The Egyptian empire vanished overnight and the people currently in Egypt came from Canaan.
You think Pharoah had his defeat enshrined in the history books?
The Egyptian empire vanished overnight and the people currently in Egypt came from Canaan.
You think Pharoah had his defeat enshrined in the history books?
What nonsense are you babbling about? Do you have a shred of evidence for any of that? Does anyone else on the planet agree with you?
It’s obvious you haven’t studied the Bible as you claimed and it’s obvious you’re pulling talking points out of your tuchos.
Where in the Bible does it say the Egyptian empire vanished overnight and the people currently in Egypt came from Canaan?
What nonsense are you babbling about? Do you have a shred of evidence for any of that? Does anyone else on the planet agree with you?
Several million people including archeologists in the Middle East and the Smithsonian.
You have a bad habit of jumping all over the place and using pronouns rather than names.
It’s annoying.
My dog and I thank you for proving my point.

The only thing that was proven here is that what was expected to be understood by the children of nomadic Hebrew shepherds thousands of years ago remains above your grasp professor.

This will convince many about the reality of divine condemnation. You are making many believers.

Well done!
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Don't even bother pretending to try and understand. You won't. As is written, "When naughty boys and girls stay on Pleasure Island for too long those donkey ears are there to stay for life."
(Pinocchio 3:14)

Can I get hee haw?
That's really what I expected. There's always a great deal of inventing terms, making up definitions and re-writing the bibles when the religioner feels his sacred cows are about to be slaughtered.
That's really what I expected. There's always a great deal of inventing terms, making up definitions and re-writing the bibles when the religioner feels his sacred cows are about to be slaughtered.
The Kings James Version is a horrible translation which is why Jews know it’s bullshit.
The talking 'serpent' in the garden was likened to a snake, it wasn't an actual snake.
eve mushroom.png

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