Proof Of The Bible

If you are not searching for the hidden teaching you might as well be arguing about the weather..
Humans are great at finding things. If you search for the hidden teaching you will certainly find it. If you search for ET, Elvis, and Bigfoot you'll find them too.
I'm an observer, not a spokesperson. In my 25 years of church attendance I have witnessed hundreds of prayers on behalf of those with illnesses as well as the doctors who attend them. It was the policy of my church to recommend, and even insist on, those with serious illnesses to seek medical attention and not rely on prayer alone. So-called "faith healing" is rare, at least here.

However God can and does heal miraculously as many doctors will attest.
What doctors will attest to faith healing? Can you name a medical degree program in the US that includes a course in faith healing, Rattling Bones 101, laying of hands?
You know that in the rational world, snakes don’t talk, right?

Why did your gods feel a need to lie?
The talking 'serpent' in the garden was likened to a snake, it wasn't an actual snake.
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What doctors will attest to faith healing? Can you name a medical degree program in the US that includes a course in faith healing, Rattling Bones 101, laying of hands?
Not what I said. Doctors have witnessed 'miraculous' healings in unbelievers.
When was this? Was he Assyrian, Greek, Hyksos, Libyan, Persian, or Roman?
WTF and who the F are you talking about?
We are talking about the period when the Children of Israel left Egypt and you're jumping all over the timeline.
It's what the book says (if you study it carefully).

how is the intrusion of a serpent found in the garden of eden even possible, other than it was an early form of ... christianity, before the journey even began. no wonder it led to the great flood.
Can you post the exact citation?
The root word for serpent, in this case, is enchanter. Also (one who) learns by experience rather than revelation. If you call someone a "snake in the grass" because of some chicanery that doesn't make them an actual snake. Also, when Lucifer/Satan spoke to Eve it was upright. It didn't 'go on its belly' until God pronounced the curse on it later.

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