Proof Of The Bible

OK. Apparently you haven't thought about this very deeply. The talking serpent did lie. Their eyes were opened but only to to their nakedness and they did not become like God and they did die.

The death, a curse, the promise for not complying with the will of God was never about biological death. They were expelled from Eden in the very day that they ate of the forbidden fruit (which was not an apple silly) , and died the death of sanity, and for the rest of their lives living among the wild beasts of the field the sweat of their brow, thinking, only produced thorns and thistles...
How convenient. You hope to re-write the Bibles because you’re uncomfortable with the tales and fables.
How many Jews left Egypt? I've heard huge numbers, numbers that would have made an impact on Egypt and an even greater impact on Palestine. The archeology of Palestine during that period shows no such influx. Where did they go?
The 600,000 number is based on translating "elef" as 1,000. Elef is also a military unit term that could mean as little as 10.
When were you tasked with being the spokes-religioner for most so-called Christians?
I'm an observer, not a spokesperson. In my 25 years of church attendance I have witnessed hundreds of prayers on behalf of those with illnesses as well as the doctors who attend them. It was the policy of my church to recommend, and even insist on, those with serious illnesses to seek medical attention and not rely on prayer alone. So-called "faith healing" is rare, at least here.

However God can and does heal miraculously as many doctors will attest.
How convenient. You hope to re-write the Bibles because you’re uncomfortable with the tales and fables.

Convenient? Not at all. Nothing could be more inconvenient for believers and unbelievers alike.

Everything that I have made known to you is drawn from the written account without adding, subtracting, or changing a single word. I have challenged you all to either accept or reject the obvious truth of it knowingly and deliberately with inescapable consequences for good or evil.

Even the creation of Heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, those under a blessing and those under a curse, divided by light, the law, (after it was spoken into existence) was never about the creation of the solar system, the earth or sky, the first plants, animals, or human beings.

So you are right to dispute with those who take Genesis literally but are you so blinded by hatred that you can't see what the stories are irrefutably and actually about even when clearly shown?

Choose life and live.. Everyone, believer and unbeliever alike, is already intimately acquainted with the alternative, a curse, the death. It's a matter of thousands of years of verifiable historical fact...
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The 600,000 number is based on translating "elef" as 1,000. Elef is also a military unit term that could mean as little as 10.
I believe the number is only for the adult men so you'd have to multiply it by 5 or so to include the women and children. If I had to guess, I'd say the entire exodus was by 1,000 or or less counting everyone.
I believe the number is only for the adult men so you'd have to multiply it by 5 or so to include the women and children. If I had to guess, I'd say the entire exodus was by 1,000 or or less counting everyone.
How many people do you suppose followed Akhenaten into exile and being erased from egyption history only to perpetuate their firmly held beliefs in Canaan under a new name?
How many people do you suppose followed Akhenaten into exile and being erased from egyption history only to perpetuate their firmly held beliefs in Canaan under a new name?
He was exiled with all his followers. To Amarna. Any connection to the Jews is solely in your head, not in history. Sorry.
He was exiled with all his followers. To Amarna. Any connection to the Jews is solely in your head, not in history. Sorry.

So you don't think that history records or erases a person's relevance according to the scribes working under the ruling elite? You believe egyptian records and not biblical? WTF?

He supposedly died there. The people marginalized, the priests, governing officials, divinors, magicians, sorcerers, people broken by trained personnel, merchants selling amulets, graven images of many gods, etc., would never have written that he survived and went on to another life...

Do you believe that columbus discovered america, honest Abe, manifest destiny, and all that shit?

Did the fact that Rome never mentioned Jesus mean that he didn't exist? If it wasn't for his friends no one ever would have heard about Jesus. He never would have escaped the obscurity of dying a shameful death and buried as a low level street criminal and drunken rabble rouser of no account.

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So you don't think that history records or erases a person's relevance according to the scribes working under the ruling elite? You believe egyptian records and not biblical? WTF?

He supposedly died there. The people marginalized, the priests, governing officials, divinors, magicians, sorcerers, people broken by trained personnel, merchants selling amulets, graven images of many gods, etc., would never have written that he survived and went on to another life...

Do you believe that columbus discovered america, honest Abe, manifest destiny, and all that shit?

Did the fact that Rome never mentioned Jesus mean that he didn't exist? If it wasn't for his friends no one ever would have heard about Jesus. He never would have escaped the obscurity of dying a shameful death and buried as a low level street criminal and drunken rabble rouser of no account.

I don't believe or disbelieve the entire Bible. Some parts are factual, some are not. Same with Egyptian history.
OK. Apparently you haven't thought about this very deeply. The talking serpent did lie. Their eyes were opened but only to to their nakedness and they did not become like God and they did die.

The death, a curse, the promise for not complying with the will of God, was never about biological death. They were expelled from Eden in the very day that they ate of the forbidden fruit (which was not an apple silly) , and died the death of sanity, and for the rest of their lives living among 'the wild beasts of the field' the 'the sweat of their brow', thinking, only produced thorns and thistles...

Some people who take the bible literally are definitely nuts, but would you say that the story of the three pigs was a lie because the scientifically verifiable truth is that pigs can't talk or build houses?

The story is a warning to children about losing your sanity for life to the deceptions of talking serpents, those who practice divination, the magical arts, sorcery, what is now know as brainwashing or mind control, and becoming an expendable possession of the deceiver...

What do you get for pretending the danger is not real????

Some people who take the bible literally are definitely nuts ...

how would it be - only some ...

a&e they were given a choice to acquire their self determination free from blind worship through the fruit they choose that would begin an indeterminate journey to be endured with hopes for remission to paradise by their success and final judgement by the heavens.

their counsel were many who themselves followed in choosing the fruit - all being week minded were there for the great flood, the heavens were not happy - - the survivors being those who remain to this day.
I don't believe or disbelieve the entire Bible. Some parts are factual, some are not. Same with Egyptian history.
So what are you arguing about and why?

Does it matter if Moses led a thousand loyal people or ten who believed in him and 9,990 who plotting against him waiting to turn things backwards and usurp authority as soon as he died?

If you are not searching for the hidden teaching you might as well be arguing about the weather..

It's partly sunny. NO. LIAR! Its mostly cloudy!
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I believe the number is only for the adult men so you'd have to multiply it by 5 or so to include the women and children. If I had to guess, I'd say the entire exodus was by 1,000 or or less counting everyone.
I'd say closer to 20,000. The 600 number is specific.
Convenient? Not at all. Nothing could be more inconvenient for believers and unbelievers alike.

Everything that I have made known to you is drawn from the written account without adding, subtracting, or changing a single word. I have challenged you all to either accept or reject the obvious truth of it knowingly and deliberately with inescapable consequences for good or evil.

Even the creation of Heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, those under a blessing and those under a curse, divided by light, the law, (after it was spoken into existence) was never about the creation of the solar system, the earth or sky, the first plants, animals, or human beings.

So you are right to dispute with those who take Genesis literally but are you so blinded by hatred that you can't see what the stories are irrefutably and actually about even when clearly shown?

Choose life and live.. Everyone, believer and unbeliever alike, is already intimately acquainted with the alternative, a curse, the death. It's a matter of thousands of years of verifiable historical fact...
Who is blinded by hatred? You may hate the truth but a literalist view of ancient tales and fables carries with it a great deal of willingly ignoring the truth.

If the stories are irrefutably about something, what are those irrefutable somethings? We find Christians frequently disagreeing among themselves as to what those irrefutable tales and fables mean. Are we to agree that you and you alone hold the true and accurate rendering of biblical tales and fables?

As to, “thousands of years of verifiable historical fact”, I’m not clear how so many biblical tales and fables being beyond the limits of rationality meet your definition.
I believe the number is only for the adult men so you'd have to multiply it by 5 or so to include the women and children. If I had to guess, I'd say the entire exodus was by 1,000 or or less counting everyone.
Pharoah allowed his empire to be destroyed for 1,000 men?
I don’t think so.

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